Just weeks after Crikey revealed that Paleo bros and non-Paleo bros (otherwise known as normal people) were locking horns over whether it was appropriate to cook steaks on the communal sandwich press in Fairfax’s Melbourne Media House headquarters, The Age home page served up this morsel, syndicated from the Huffington Post.
Yes, that’s a steak on a sandwich press. Apparently there’s no limits to what a sandwich press can do — cooking thinly cut steaks, grilling fish and halloumi — the Paleo bros will have so much inspiration.
Perhaps in a rare moment of self-awareness though, the article includes this warning:
“A word of caution, however — your fellow workmates will probably NOT want you to cook a fillet of smelly salmon or steak on the communal toastie maker.”
Last month The Australian‘s Media Diary reported that Age journo Bhakthi Puvanenthiran had demanded a vegan sandwich press be supplied in the media outlet’s kitchen because she was a vegan. But Puvanenthiran isn’t a vegan — a request had been made for people to stop cooking raw meat on the communal sandwich press.
Now the Paleo bros (who we hear actually work for NBN Co, which leases a floor in Media House and share a kitchen with the newspaper) have been given more ideas on how to use the sandwich press, by people within The Age HQ.
NBN don’t share a kitchen, they have their own kitchen on their own floor that FFX staff don’t have access to.