Government MP Andrew Laming went on a Facebook trolling binge on the weekend, spending all of his Saturday replying to members of the public in the comments thread on a Facebook page called “The Simpsons against the Liberals“. The page is devoted to making memes that mock the Liberal Party and its members, using scenes from TV show The Simpsons. The page has almost 80,000 likes and on the weekend targeted Laming for comments he made about education policy, tagging his official page.

Laming himself went on to argue with many commenters on the page, in a series of screenshots captured by Junkee. The news website also linked to a social media guide by Laming from 2011, which recommended avoiding public arguments. A Crikey tipster tells us he actually attended a workshop by Laming in 2012 when our tipster was a public servant in Queensland. Laming told those in attendance he used the electoral roll to find new voters to connect with on Facebook to increase his reach. We’re not sure how this benefits public servants, but it’s enlightening to see where his expertise comes from — and where it is going.