We wish you an undisrupted Christmas” doesn’t have the same ring to it as a “merry Christmas” but that didn’t stop the Productivity Commission. The commission’s Christmas message this year covers what happens when even the most magical of industries faces disruption — “Santa and Mrs Claus are being disrupted this Christmas,” it reads.

“Rudolf and the reindeers are now a ride sharing service. Delivery drones and 3D printing are fast and reliable. Elves must be more agile to fast track orders.”

But have no fear, the message continues “in the face of wishlist datasets, decent data can save Christmas”.

Only certain people would wish for good data for Christmas, and we’re sure most of them work at the Productivity Commission. We wonder how Peter Dutton feels about wishing people an undisrupted Christmas? At least its mentions the C word. No mention of how Jesus disrupted anything, though.
