While Liberal National Party MP and limacine mouth-breather George Christensen is best known for his loathing of Muslims, yesterday he revealed hitherto-untapped depths of foreign policy expertise. Inspired by Donald Trump’s lauding of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, Christensen was moved to tweet in support of the Kremlin’s annexation of the Crimea on the basis that some Russians lived there.

As one of his interlocutors pointed out, that’s exactly the logic Hitler used. Or, it might also have been noted, that Slobodan Milosevic used to justify ethnic cleansing and mass extermination in the former Yugoslavia. Christensen then tweeted articles suggesting the United States was supporting terrorist groups and helping Islamic State. This morning, Christensen’s intellectual mentor Pauline Hanson was similarly supporting the Putin regime. Remember the good old days when, if nothing else, you could rely on right-wingers to be resolutely anti-Russian?