“There were no balloons!” were the cries of Liberal Senator James Paterson and Attorney-General George Brandis after Labor questioned why taxpayers had forked out $5000 for birthday parties for Coalition politicians at the Lodge shortly after the election. Ms Tips previously reported about the special event, which included “little meat pies” and “petite birthday cakes”.

According to The Daily Telegraph, the cakes were a little more than petite, and they were prepared for Julie Bishop, Josh Frydenberg and David Bushby. The official word is that the event was a welcome event for all Coalition MPs and senators after the election, and when it was realised that there were a few birthdays lining up, some cakes were ordered. Not all Coalitions members and senators were there, however. As we reported last year, Deplorables leader Tony Abbott instead opted to spend time with his mum. As a result of this line of questioning in estimates yesterday, the department has been asked to go back and figure out the cost of parties for political parties at the Lodge back to the Hawke days. Ms Tips is glad that they stopped there. Any information on events hosted by Harold Holt are likely to be considered on-water matters.