The Institute of Public Affairs is all about setting speech free, and the climate change denial/18C outlet has found a new way to free its own speech through a podcast. The Young IPA podcast released its first episode on Tuesday, hosted by digital communications manager James Bolt and research fellow Peter Gregor. It covered free speech (what else?), penalty rates and The Simpsons. The “here’s two mates who think their in-jokes are genius” podcast genre is already crowded, but that never stops anyone from joining the field. If Bolt’s name sounds familiar, that’s because he’s son of News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt, and the apple hasn’t fallen far from the ideological tree. Bolt and Gregor dismiss Sunday penalty rates because hungover waiters who spent all night at Revs (that’s infamous Melbourne nightclub Revolver, for those unfamiliar with the venue) wouldn’t be going to church if they weren’t working anyway, and make clear their disappointment with the government over the lack of changes to section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. Listen if you want to be overwhelmed by smugness.
Guess whose son just got his own podcast …
The Young IPA podcast released its first episode on Tuesday, hosted by digital communications manager James Bolt and research fellow Peter Gregor.
It’s fun to stay at the
Y.I.P.A. …
I once went to a YIPA meeting. I was the only non-white person in the room. Oh, and 2 of the waitresses.