Does beer ever get a mention in the Bible? Ms Tips’ memories from religious education are mostly about water turned into wine, but Bible Society Australia has found a way to combine both beer and Christianity in its new partnership with Coopers Brewery. In the first of a series of videos called “Keeping It Light”, Liberal MPs Tim Wilson and Andrew Hastie debate marriage equality over a stubby of Cooper’s Premium Light Beer. According to the website:

“As part of this partnership Bible Society Australia has accepted a Bicentenary tribute from Coopers Brewery to produce a Bicentenary limited edition Premium Light beer and we’ve also hosted some light discussions on the heaviest topics.”

Apparently cartons of the beer bearing the Bible Society’s logo can be bought around Australia. The video conversation between Wilson and Hastie is mostly as you would expect it — host Matt Andrews makes fairly provocative comments to both MPs, who emphasise how well they get on despite their different views.

Will Coopers find a new market in young Christians? We’ll wait and see.