It was only a few weeks ago that Ms Tips learnt that Paleo pear-and-banana bread existed, thanks to the Department of Finance’s “gamechangers” graduate recruitment video. In the opening scene, a graduate called “Claire” asks her colleagues if they want to join her for a Paleo pear-and-banana bread, although they decline with the polite excuse that “it’s too fancy for me” (when really it is probably because there was no cow’s milk butter in Paleolithic times). In questioning over the video at Senate estimates, Finance deputy secretary David Fredericks said the line about the Paleo pear-and-banana bread had been added by the graduate in the video, and that senior people in the department thought they were best to defer to the young people involved. Since then, Fredericks has written to the committee to correct the record:

“In my testimony I stated that that line was the result of a change in the script made at the request of the graduate. I have since been advised that a member of the production crew suggested this change to the script.”

Glad her reputation is no longer besmirched.