Day three of the project listing politicians who have received payments from Rupert Murdoch’s companies (read the lists from days one and two). Today, we’ve got some big names to add:

Jeffrey Archer: the former Conservative MP in England and best-selling author is still listed as a Harper Collins author.

John Black: former Labor senator from Queensland who has written occasional columns for The Australian over several years.

Scott Brown: the former Republican senator has disclosed more than $150,000 in contributor payments from Fox News.

Newt Gingrich: the former Republican House speaker and presidential nominee received a US$4.5 million book advance from News Corp’s Harper Collins division in the mid-1990s. Has also appeared regularly on Fox News over the years.

Michael Gove: the former UK education minister, now a backbencher, was rejected by his party for the leadership after the Brexit vote. He is a columnist for The Times, where he interviewed Donald Trump in late January with Rupert Murdoch sitting in. 

Cheryl Kernot: the former leader of the now defunct Australian Democrats published her memoir through Harper Collins in 2002, but it became embroiled in controversy courtesy of journalist Laurie Oakes revealing leaked emails confirming an affair with Labor’s former foreign minister Gareth Evans, which was omitted from Speaking For Myself Again.

Louise Mensch: a former Conservative MP in the UK who sat on the committee that interrogated Rupert Murdoch over phone-hacking but wasn’t overly critical. Later became a News Corp blogger in New York for Heat Street, but in 2017 moved on to other digital projects for the company.

Margaret Thatcher: the former British prime minister who supported Rupert through the Wapping industrial dispute and various takeover battles received US$5.4 million from News Corp as an advance on her memoir.

Gough Whitlam: the former Australian prime minister sued The Australian for incorrectly reporting the Labor Party had received a political donation from Iraq in the 1970s. Media reports at the time suggested a six-figure settlement.

Andrew Wilson: the former Scottish National Party MP in the Scottish Parliament founded the lobbyist outfit Charlotte Street Partners in 2013 and it was retained by News Corp’s Scottish titles in 2017.