When the High Court delivers a judgment, most parties take time to consider it carefully. Not Immigration Minister Peter Dutton. Within an hour of the court handing down a decision today overturning Dutton’s use of secret information to cancel the visa of Tasmanian based former New Zealander AJ Graham, Dutton cancelled Graham’s visa again. No doubt Graham’s lawyers will head back to court to stop Dutton’s latest blow from landing on their client.
AJ Graham emigrated from New Zealand in 1976. He has a criminal record in Tasmania, including serving a stretch of jail time for a serious assault a decade ago. He was said to have connections with the Rebels motorcycle gang. In 2015, six years after he was last in jail, Graham was swept off the streets of Hobart and placed in the supermax facility of New South Wales’ Goulburn prison overnight — away from his family and particularly his partner, for whom he was full-time carer. Last year the Federal Court overturned Dutton’s decision to revoke Graham’s visa and force him to return to New Zealand. But within hours of that win Dutton found a new basis on which to cancel the visa, meaning Graham continued to languish behind bars. That decision was the subject of this High Court challenge.
[Dutton takes a casual 43 minutes to destroy two men’s lives]
The High Court decision today dealt with Dutton’s use of a provision in the Migration Act section 503A (2) (c) — introduced by the Howard government in 1998 — which allows a minister to revoke a person’s visa using secret information that is not disclosed to the person affected or the courts. Dutton used such a secret dossier of information on Graham as a primary reason for revoking Graham’s visa.
The High Court, with one judge, James Edelman, dissenting, found that the secret information provision was invalid to the extent that it prevented the courts from obtaining access to that information when it was relevant to the minister for immigration’s decision. As the summary of the judgment published by the court notes, Dutton has misunderstood his power in thinking that he was prevented “from in any circumstances being required to divulge or communicate certain information including to a court engaged in judicial review of the impugned decisions”.
In summary, the High Court’s decision places at least some check on the use of secret information to revoke a person’s visa and force them to leave Australia.
[How Dutton is slowly undermining the rule of law in Australia]
But Dutton and his department were not going to take the time to consider the High Court’s lengthy and complex judgment. Within an hour of the decision the minister had revoked Graham’s visa yet again. The swiftness of his actions is eerily reminiscent of the recent case decided in July in which Dutton reacted to a court decision on the afternoon of December 14 last year to overturn his revocation of visas of two men by, later that evening, taking less than an hour to revoke again, despite the fact that there was more than 600 pages of material in each man’s file.
I am not aware of any minister or government in Australia’s history moving so swiftly to react to an adverse decision of the High Court. This is Australia’s highest court. Its judgments need to be read carefully and the implications of its decisions thought through carefully before responding. Dutton’s actions today — like his actions last December — have the feel and look of an authoritarian who has contempt for the independence of the court system and who is obsessed with getting his own way.
*Disclosure: Greg Barns has acted for A J Graham in the past in Tasmania but was not acting in this matter
‘I am not aware of any minister or government in Australia’s history moving so swiftly to react to an adverse decision of the High Court’
I am not aware of any minister less deserving of the rank and responsibility. How did we get to this?
Is Dutton at risk of being found in contempt?
Yep – but how that differs from his former life (as a pre-Fitzgerald Queensland cop) is up for debate.
For sure. The mind boggles on how such an openly depraved Dutton as Minister for Border Protection under public scrutiny, would have behaved as a Qld copper away from public scrutiny.
He is beneath contempt methinks. He is most definitely what I would term a ‘bad’ cop and a despicable politician that should never have been given so much power to abuse. Can we please cancel his visa to Parliament? I can’t believe how quickly our country is lurching to the Loony Right.
I hope so
Good on ya Dutton…good work,stan catts
So you think Dutton breaking the law is fine do you, he’s supposed to uphold the law, not break it to appease idiots
If the high court decides the action was unlawful, surely there’s some provision to arrest this narcissistic buffoon. Dutton really needs to be in gaol simply to stop him causing more damage to society.
It’s interesting in terms of his current position, as a politician averse to courts interfering in his day job, and his former position as a Qld cop, averse to courts interfering with his right to impound citizens on any basis.
Given that the High Court will be making judgement about the ssm poll, I hope they are only human and take a very dim view of the government and rope that one in. Yes, I know they are above reproach and able to separate these matters, but humans are humans, and they may be subliminally inclined from this to send a message to government to pull their heads in. Hope so, I bet on the ssm poll being vetoed by the high court.
The Sex Offenders Squad… so… was he for or against?
What Dutton does Turnbull does – Turnbull appointed him to appease the opus dei wing of his party. There must surely be a mechanism for imprisoning perpetrators of contempt of court