President Donald Trump, having issued his “warmest condolences” to the victims and identified the cause as “pure evil”, thinks there’s nothing more to say about the shooting of 586 people in Las Vegas by a retired country music fan and owner of 41 guns.
As the headline which The Onion has now published five times after mass shootings goes, “‘No way to prevent this,’ says only nation where this regularly happens”. So we know that there’s a cognitive dissonance of unprecedented scale at play here.
The obvious solution — effective gun control — is a non-starter. The NRA’s concession that “bump stocks”, which convert semi-automatics into machine guns, might be unnecessary for legitimate shooting purposes, should be seen for what it is: a temporary PR expedient. I don’t doubt that Congress, after a respectful pause, will soon enough go back to debating theHearing Protection Act, a law to make it easier for gun owners to acquire silencers to protect their ears when they shoot.
The weirdness level is high, but it has to come from somewhere. This is my attempt to explain why Americans and guns are so obscenely in love.
The usual Bill of Rights argument
When discussing America and guns, attention focuses on the second amendment to the US constitution which forms part of the Bill of Rights. It says this:
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Aha, goes the usual analysis, obviously it was put in for one reason only: back in 1788, the very existence of the United States depended on its ability to quickly raise a militia from among the people to fend off external threats (such as that presented by the British when they re-invaded in 1812), and that was in a time when most men did own a musket or two. It’s all a historical anachronism now, and anyway there is no way the founding fathers were contemplating the future existence of AR-15s or RPGs, so it’s a nonsense to convert the second amendment into some fundamental human right of gun ownership.
I’ve always found that logic pretty attractive, but it is actually wrong for two big reasons. First, the US Supreme Court, after a long history of grappling with the second amendment, declared conclusively (by five-four majority) in the 2008 case of District of Columbia v Heller that it affirms the existence of a personal legal right to own and carry weapons, including guns; “arms” means all weapons, not just those in existence in 1788; and the right is not limited by the “prefatory” words referring to a well regulated militia. The majority said that those words do no more than illustrate one example of why the right exists, but do not constrain its exercise.
[What will happen with gun control under a Trump presidency?]
In the Heller case, a Washington DC law, which generally prohibited the possession of handguns, was held to be unconstitutional, because the second amendment protects the right of all Americans to own and use guns for lawful purposes such as self-defence in one’s home.
Importantly, the Supreme Court has never said that the second amendment provides an absolute guarantee of gun possession. It is comfortable with the notion that there are limits to the right to bear arms, which can be imposed by reasonably proportionate laws. So, for example, Nevada’s particularly lax gun laws are way less restrictive than the second amendment would allow them to be.
That’s the law in the US as it now stands, and it flatly denies the existence of a limited historical context to the right to bear arms. There’s a more fundamental problem, however, with the suggestion that the second amendment is an anachronism.
The Supreme Court majority, predictably Republican-conservative as it was, didn’t just make up the law to suit the National Rifle Association’s preference (although that was the result). It relied on a historical record, which regrettably supports the concept of gun ownership as a personal right and which explains why Americans are, in this respect, unique.
It is true that, when the second amendment was being negotiated, there was considerable concern about the pragmatic necessity of being able to quickly call out a functioning civilian militia to meet external threats, self-armed because the fledgling nation wasn’t in a position to provide sufficient weapons. Some states-to-be also feared that their right to maintain their own militias would be threatened by the creation of a national standing army.
So, there was a very specific historical context with no real relevance to modern conditions. However, something much deeper was also present in the consciousness of the people who were then in the process of creating America.
American exceptionalism is buried deep
Powerful clues to this can be found in various statements and writings of the men who actually wrote the constitution and Bill of Rights. One of the more compelling comes from James Madison, future fourth president of the USA, writing in The Federalist #46 in 1788.
Madison was arguing that there was nothing to fear from any attempted overreach of power by the new federal government, as states-rights advocates were predicting was inevitable. His reasoning was that the American people themselves were the ultimate sovereign power, and that they would automatically rise up to defeat any tyranny regardless of its source or military capacity.
[Solving gun crime is bigger than amnesties and crackdowns: violence prevention expert]
How so? Madison explained that, even if the federal government was able to raise a standing army of maximum size, the best it could do would be to conscript one twenty-fifth of the men able to bear arms, producing an army of 30,000 men at most. “To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties.”
He went on: “Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate [state] governments, to which the people are attached … forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.”
Madison reckoned that even a European people under tyrannical royal domination and denied personal arms, would, if pushed far enough, be able always to overthrow its rulers. “Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors.”
These words express the roots of American exceptionalism: the unshakeable conviction that this new democratic people possessed characteristics quite different from anything that had previously existed in a national form. An intrinsic element of that was the revolutionary experience, the attaining of sovereign independence by civilians forming militias and bearing their own arms against a colonial oppressor.
It was taken, clearly, as a given by the constitution’s framers, that every man owning a gun was an essential and permanent precondition to the compact between the federal government, the states and the people, which was forming the USA. In essence, the guns provided a final guarantor of the individual liberties which were the purpose of the whole enterprise.
Stupid as this is to modern ears, I’m sure, in the 18th century, it made perfectly unassailable sense. The problem isn’t that Madison, Jefferson and co. were too myopically focused on a temporary military problem and inadvertently created a lazily worded right to bear arms, which an NRA-loyal Supreme Court later converted into the right to defend yourself with a machine gun collection.
The problem is that the foundation story of their country had convinced them that the ability of the populace to grab their guns and defend not just their country but their freedom, against every conceivable source of oppression including their own government, was necessary to America’s survival.
This belief is embedded in America’s subconscious. Don’t expect it to be discarded, nor its manifestation, the unnatural love which Americans have for their guns.
There’s something rotten in the American psyche alright, but I don’t think gun ownership is the problem. As Michael Moore pointed out in a documentary some years ago, other countries, notably Canada and Switzerland, have similar rates of gun ownership, yet have some of the lowest gun crime on earth. For years now, the US has averaged in excess of one mass shooting a day! (A mass shooting is officially defined as 4 or more persons shot during one event). With these statistics, what can you say about the stupidity of the lack gun regulations there. How is it possible that a person can legally amass over 40 firearms, without a registration system knowing about it. On the other hand there is obviously more going on here than gun ownership, yet by always concentrating on gun laws and regulation, these issues are seldom discussed.
Do Canada and Switzerland have similar rates of gun ownership to the US?
I understand that Switzerland’s is relatively high, but isn’t that also in exchange for national service?
Sorry, I meant per capita.
I have lived in Canada & there is no way the per capita gun ownership is anywhere near the U S. There are far more restrictions on who can own a gun & the type of gun.
I have no personal knowledge of this, and Michael Moore’s documentary Bowling for Columbine is was made 15 years ago, so I guess things might be different these days.
Yes and they must have the gun and account for every single round.
I think the US beats any other country by a wide margin, with gun ownership being around 111 guns per 100 people. The next closest is Switzerland at around 45 firearms per 100 population.
I think the elephant in the room is the power of the entertainment media. Although advertisers might claim that advertising doesn’t really work, they are still paid huge sums which suggests that advertising does work. In so many American movies and TV shows, the gun solves the problem…you know the good guy with the gun Like Dirty Harry ‘make my day’. Most often when the soldiers or others get ready for action, on the screen we watch the preparation of the weapon with much affection, lots of clicking and sliding sounds. I’m currently watching the French TV series ‘Bureau’ in which problems are solved by negotiation or trickery, not by use of guns. Brit TV series rarely have a lot of gunplay unless perhaps aimed at an American audience. Another aspect of so many American movies from the days of Chato’s Land revenge movie, still a popular theme….the good guy, wronged uses a gun to extract revenge or a satisfactory outcome. If you are playing to an audience that cannot cope with sentences of more than 4 words, then simplistic solutions is the answer for the movie maker. And that apparently is the way they want it, both the entertainment industry and dumbed down audience.
Spot on. The US has been described as a frontier society – an uber-individualist society where it’s every man for himself, and where individuals solve their problems by the gun/violence. They’ve never really matured as a society from the mythical ideal of the lawless Wild West. Unfortunately, their foreign policy follows the same pathological pattern – and then fawning Australian politicians are stupid enough to follow them into one disastrous foreign intervention after another.
Hit it on the nail Peter.
The US gun obsession is backed to the hilt by the arms industry. The NRA is funded by the gun manufacturers, those shining lights of moral rectitude who supply the Mexican drug cartels and the well know pacifists of Saudi Arabia with their weapons of choice. Notice how the gun runners share price rose? Clearly the constitution does not prevent reform as they finally said no to machine guns. But my own great grandad came to the gold rush from Maine along with companions who had bought a cask of revolvers and he carried a six gun himself. He was circumspect though. The only impediment to at least sensible and well ordered regulation are gutless politicians, scumbag media eg Bannon and Murdoch and the wealth of the arms dealers. Perhaps they will kill a president in their time honoured fashion of assassination.
That’s it. The arms industry in the US is colossal and bloated with government support. Combine that with a consumer based culture that says you have some kind of divine right to own anything you can pay for, even if it’s a total death machine and there you have it, the perfect consumer base for total death machines. Bit of a pity every now and then someone goes off the rails and kills loads of people but that’s the price they pay for freedom of private enterprise.
As always, a most enlightening read, Michael. In a way you’re saying that there’s a perfectly rational reason why so many Americans feel so strongly about gun ownership. It’s not just a right they exercise because they can (perhaps individually rational, but definitely collectively insane), but it’s something they do because it connects deeply with their personal sense of patriotism – of belonging, of collective ownership of the nation, and which has valid historical roots. Perhaps that’s a way forward for gun control: appealing convincingly somehow(!) to patriotism as the reason to support a Howard-style outlawing and buyback of all weaponry except single-shot pistols and rifles appropriate to hunting, sports or (limited) self-defence.
In America, …happiness is a warm gun, bang, bang, shoot, shoot.