The Manus Island ‘detainees’ are in
limbo, which is what the immigration
authorities of Australia sanction
since the courts declared their boundless prison
illegal. Now, without hope, the tension
of being unwanted where they’re marooned,
refugees in heat with dehydration,
cut off from food and water unless fed
to a fate they reject — humans to be retuned.
Please call Peter Dutton’s office at Parliament House:
(02) 6277 7860
to register strong (but polite) feedback on the humanitarian crisis on Manus.
If Dutton’s dept is inundated answering calls something may be done to relieve the situation for the suffering refugees. But only once it becomes a nuisance to Dutton’s staff.
Not great poetry, and is it true that if they accept the alternative accommodation they’ll be returned?
‘Retuned’, not returned.