It’s heartening that in the political oblivion to which the voters of Bennelong consigned him exactly a decade ago, John Howard has adopted a somewhat warmer view of Australia’s Muslim communities.
Speaking to his old friend Dennis Shanahan (readers may recall that, in the Howard years, there was quite a diversity of views at The Australian: Shanahan backed Howard, Glenn Milne backed Costello), Howard said, “the argument that religious freedoms will lead to the imposition of sharia law is just plain wrong and is a disgraceful appeal to community fears.”
Howard, of course, is unhappy with the jujitsu that Liberal Yes advocates have performed on marriage equality deadenders looking to delay Dean Smith’s bill by warning that any protection of “religious freedom” would open the way for religious freedom of the kind deadenders have long warned about, sharia law. Clearly, in Howard’s view, such an argument, is an anti-Muslim scare campaign.
Coming from the bloke responsible for “children overboard”, who exploited citizenship as a wedge tactic, complained that Muslims didn’t embrace Australian values and weren’t critical enough of terrorism, locked up and cancelled the visa of an innocent Indian Muslim doctor on trumped-up terror charges and insisted racism played no role in the Cronulla riots, it’s comforting to know that in retirement, he now worries about “disgraceful appeals to community fears” regarding Muslims.
Maybe it’s something to do with the fact that some Muslim communities in Sydney’s west, along with other ethnic and religious groups and Howard himself, voted No?
“No, no, no. Is not rat. Is filigree Siberian hamster.’
Its a bit scary (and weird) that from Pauline to Jacqui and probably a smattering of other independents and back benchers still believe we’re in danger of having sharia law in this country. To be scaremongering that a religion followed by around 2% of our population, could influence our parliament enough to change our laws is just stupid. Add to that that many moderate muslims also don’t want those backward medieval customs brought into our modern society, makes it even more ridiculous. While I don’t hold out any hope for the likes of Pauline, I do hope that Jacqui can grow just a little more and stop the scaremongering.
Not stupid for them though, now that they’ve secured their generous Senate pensions, not stupid at all
I’m not sure she gets a senate pension, not having served a full term.
On the other hand, we do have a religion followed by a shrinking percentage of the population (Christian: 88% in 1966, 52% in 2016), which does influence our laws in ways that are becoming more and more out of synch with the population.
Frazer grew in understanding after retirement. Just a pity that it was 30 years too late.
The Rodent, like the Bourbons, has learned nothing and forgotten nothing, including how to wedge.
Agree AR. The Rodent has left some of his interference in pre-selections for us to live with and put up with even now. His damage is still with us not to mention his dog whistle expertise that drove so much of the speculation about the Muslim community picked by the ratbags like Hanson. Sail off into the sunset “Honest”John and bother us no more.
can someone, in fact any one, explain why anything howard says is relevent, a failed P.M who lost his seat and his government because of his ideals and policies, is now elevated to some sort of political expert, thats like asking the captain of the titanic to give navigation lessons, are the liberals so bereft of idol;s that they have to resort to failed ones, the contrast between lib/lab is vast, labor has curtain, chifley, whitlam, hawk and keating, none lost their seats at elections, some changed australia dramatically for the better, apart from menzies who can the conservatives claim as great, the answer, none, some past lib P.M`s` had an a rebirth post politics and became caring and decent humans once free of the poison of conservative ideology, `eg fraser and hewson, while the howards and costello`s kept up the selfish greedy and self serving traits that are the sign of the true so called christian conservatives.
Why not just call it as it is? Howard, like his fellow ‘conservatives’, is prepared to spin any nefarious argument that helps protect white, right wing conservative, anglo-saxon privilege. Howard, like his love child Abbott, is now irrelevant in this debate: you played a game with the truth, and with people’s fundamental rights, and you lost – badly. Now, if you refuse to learn anything, have the good grace to suck it up and go away. It’s called Democracy: the majority just owned you and your rubbish, son!