From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …
Doyle’s disappearing act. Staff at the City of Melbourne are watching with interest the outcome of the month long investigation into alleged sexual misconduct by Lord Mayor Robert Doyle. Two women have made claims against the mayor who we are told was not visible at the council-wide Christmas do last week. Was his low profile a response to the breaking story by The Age? Ms Tips has also learned the corridors and groupchats at Collins Street are alive with discussion of the news. It’s set to be a tense summer.
How to win friends and influence people on LinkedIn. We’re sure there’s nothing Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull would like more than to be considered influential within his party, let alone the rest of the country. But there’s one place Turnbull might have some sway. The Prime Minister’s LinkedIn page has been popping up as a potential “influencer” other users might want to follow over the past week or so. We’re not sure that his thoughts on marriage equality or a video of the PM with the Australian women’s cricket team are likely to inspire much change on the recruitment site. But at least someone thinks the PM is influential.
Chloe’s super powers . The government’s key line of attack against industry funds has long been that they have too many connections to unions and Labor. Hell, when the government did finally cave to long term pressure for a royal commission into banks — after the banks gave them permission, of course — the terms of reference announced the focus would actually be on “financial services”, meaning the door was open to investigate Labor’s connections. In a move that may raise a few eyebrows, Chloe Shorten — corporate affairs specialist and wife of opposition leader Bill — has been appointed to the Board of Industry Fund Services Limited, the peak industry super funds board. While obviously Shorten has her own career, is this a good look for a potential resident of The Lodge?
Big Little Liebig. The Council of Warrnambool, located on the south west coast of Victoria, knows it’s the season of good will. So when the local bluestone company donated a large stone sculpture — of the name of the street on which the council offices are located– a few Councillors took to Facebook to show their appreciation, in a photo opportunity that Ms Tips is certain will never backfire or ever be used as tabloid fodder if accusations of dishonesty are ever thrown their way. See below, the Councillors crouched behind a giant, stone, all caps LIEBIG:
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In the ‘bool, it’s pronounced lee-big. It’s a German name, and we take pronunciation seriously in the Victorian South-West.