Covering Melbourne. The breaking story yesterday afternoon of the car attack in Melbourne’s city centre, apart from some ill-placed advertising and some bad takes from columnists, was, for the most part, as good as can be expected. As soon as police confirmed it was not terror- or extremist- related, that’s what the major outlets were reporting. The attack has dominated most of today’s front pages.
The most-read newspaper. We always like to see how the different newspapers report the latest audience measurement data. Yesterday, the industry’s own Emma measurements were released for the month, showing the audience figures for the newspapers. If you were keeping an eye on The Sydney Morning Herald‘s website, you would’ve seen that the Fairfax title has the largest audience of any newspaper (even with a drop-off of 60,000 print readers year-on-year, the most people saw its product either in print or online).
But, cast your eye over to News Corp’s The Australian and you’d see that, in fact, News Corp is on top.
Of course, it’s all down to how you spin the figures. The Oz has taken a look at all of News Corps papers — including itself and the capital city tabloids — to declare it is the “nation’s largest publisher”. While the Herald focuses on being the most-read newspaper, it doesn’t mention that News Corp website has a greater audience than it does. Meanwhile, when the Oz mentions Fairfax publications, it’s only in the context of their audience declines.
Telcos to be pulled into line over NBN. Telcos will face new rules, and fines if they break them, over how they move consumers onto the NBN. The regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), has announced new rules based on analysis of industry data, that showed telcos weren’t giving customers the right information and weren’t resolving migration issues quickly and effectively. The new rules will give telcos a minimum amount of information they need to provide before signing customers up, have minimum standards for complaints-handling, require line-testing of new services and allow customers to be reconnected to legacy network services until the new network service is connected. ACMA will be consulting on the new rules in the new year, and says they will be implemented from July 1, 2018.
Tributes for Jesse Cox. Radio producer Jesse Cox died suddenly this week from a rare cancer. He’d recently moved across to Audible Australia, but had worked at the ABC, including on the Walkley Award-winning podcast Trace. He’d been involved in many, many projects, and this tribute from ABC podcast This Is About, which he co-founded, is worth a listen.
Gender pay gap. A presenter for E! Entertainment News has written an account of why she left, attributing it to a “massive pay gap”. Catt Sadler said on her website she’d been living her dream for 12 years at the network until she started hosting an additional show and found out from an executive just how much less she was earning than her co-host.
Know your worth. I have two decades experience in broadcasting and started at the network the very same year as my close friend and colleague that I adore. I so lovingly refer to him as my “tv husband” and I mean it. But how can I operate with integrity and stay on at E if they’re not willing to pay me the same as him? Or at least come close? How can I accept an offer that shows they do not value my contributions and paralleled dedication all these years? How can I not echo the actions of my heroes and stand for what is right no matter what the cost? How can I remain silent when my rights under the law have been violated?
Murdoch paper kills anti-Trump editorial. The Wall Street Journal spiked an editorial that delved into President Donald Trump’s mob ties, according to an Esquire piece about dwindling conservative support for the US president. The report covers some of the exodus of five staffers from the Journal‘s editorial pages, as the paper’s editorial line shifted further to a pro-Trump stance:
Several sources pointed to the editorials by one writer, James Freeman. ‘All-in for Ted Cruz’ during the primaries, Freeman wrote a strong attack on Trump’s Mob dealings, and had a second ready to go. But as Trump got closer to clinching the nomination, Paul Gigot kept delaying publication, saying ‘it needed work.’ Once Trump became the likely Republican nominee, Freeman executed a neat volte-face. ‘The facts suggest that Mrs Clinton is more likely to abuse liberties than Mr Trump,’ he wrote. ‘America managed to survive Mr Clinton’s two terms, so it can stand the far less vulgar Mr. Trump’.
“..Sadler said on her website ” (Do all airheads have websites..?)
” How can I not .. no matter what the cost? How can I remain silent .. been violated?”
In other words, this champion of social justice has a definite price..
Of course E! is such an integrity filled program too. Gossip, innuendo and Hollywood intrigue make it represent the pinnacle of all things integrity related.