With our political class, and much of the media, obsessed with scandals and personalities in Canberra, what’s happening with the issues that affect real Australians outside the Canberra bubble, which aren’t receiving substantial coverage because scandals are dominating the media cycle? We’ve gone through the biggest policy issues facing Australia to check what the government’s doing and how much coverage it’s received.
Employment: The big success story of the Turnbull government: massive jobs growth well ahead of anything seen in recent years, enough to drive unemployment down to 5.5% while participation remains in the healthy mid-65% range. Much of the growth is coming from state government health and education spending, which also means stronger jobs growth for women. The government has struggled to get its message across on this (as on everything else) but represents its best achievement.
Wages growth: The key economic failure of the government as it has wrestled with the same problem besetting other Western economies: low unemployment and low wages growth. No policy solutions are on offer beyond corporate tax cuts and continuing funding for health and education, where the biggest wage rises are happening. Plenty of media coverage though…
Closing the gap: The Prime Minister’s recent report showed we are at best marking time on reducing the difference between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians on health, education and economic opportunity, and going backwards on at least one indicator. Turnbull last year commenced a process to “refresh” the CTR strategy. The issue received virtually no coverage due to Barnaby Joyce.
Indigenous recognition: What was once a bipartisan process with real momentum from all sides has run into the sand courtesy of the Prime Minister’s rejection of the Uluru Statement, and his misrepresentation of the proposal for an indigenous voice to parliament as urging a “third chamber” of parliament. This is a major setback and has received limited attention, but Labor has adopted the proposal (and kudos to The Australian for maintaining focus on the issue).
Energy: What counts as progress here is now a summer without blackouts, but the Commonwealth-State brawling continues and may well sink the government’s badly compromised and detail-lite National Energy Guarantee proposal, the product more of the Liberal Party’s internal wars between climate denialists and people with a functioning brain than of sound policy development.
Climate change: Resolute inaction from the man who once said he wouldn’t lead a party that wasn’t as committed to climate action as he was. Australia’s carbon emissions, which began falling in 2010, have now resumed growing, with the government reduced to referring to emissions per capita, as if the laws of physics give you a pass for population growth. The issue has also fallen off the media radar, despite 2016, 2015 and 2014 being each the world’s hottest recorded years to date and 2017 was the second-hottest after 2016 and the hottest without an El Nino.
Housing affordability: Little policy effort from the federal government, especially around curbing taxpayer subsidies for housing investors. Primarily an issue in Sydney and Melbourne, but with enormous economic dislocation as ordinary workers find themselves priced out of suburbs even vaguely close to where they work, forcing them into long commutes on groaning infrastructure. The media never stops talking about property, of course, but mainly through the eyes of NIMBY home owners and we’ll-all-be-rooned professional doomsayers.
Infrastructure: Despite a tail-off in Commonwealth infrastructure spending (except on rorts like the inland rail farce), the states and territories to their credit have picked up the slack and reversed a long period of underinvestment in infrastructure, helped by industry super funds. Again, plenty of media coverage, but often of the “angry residents fight new tunnel” kind of NIMBY nonsense from Fairfax.
Financial sector: In net terms, the government has actually performed reasonably well on financial sector regulation, despite having to be dragged kicking and screaming to do it. Funding cut from ASIC has been restored; the big banks have to front parliament regularly; there’s a royal commission underway; APRA has effectively curbed riskier lending to housing investors, there’s what amounts to a banking super-profits tax. The problem for the government is, it could have owned all this and made it a political positive, but because it fought every step of the way to protect the big banks, it gets none of the credit.
Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Australia’s most important, and certainly most expensive, environmental strategy — once bipartisan — has run off the rails courtesy of greedy irrigators, malicious indifference from the Queensland and NSW governments, possible corruption within bureaucracies and an agriculture portfolio that implemented the hostility to the plan of its then-minister, Barnaby Joyce. The result is possible hundreds of millions of dollars gone to waste, and primarily into the pockets of vested upstream interests. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the ABC, this scandal has attracted more attention than previously, but still not enough.
While unemployment is at a fairly low level, UNDEREMPLOYMENT is probably at the highest level in my lifetime, which has the twin effect of keeping a lid on the headline unemployment rate, and wage increases.
Malcolm Turnbull does lead a party as committed as he is to tackling climate change. He and his party are both committed to do nothing.
Hello all, first time posting here at Crikey.
Following on from the thrust of the article, another story ignored by virtually all the msm in Australia was the details of the PM’s visit to the USA. Apparently Turnbull, with a large delegation of corporate and financial leaders, went to discuss with the Trump administration a plan to use Australian pension funds to finance Trump’s infrastructure program.
Other than the fact of this being an outrageously wrong-headed decision, especially considering the lack of infrastructure investment here in Australia, one has to wonder why this story, which directly affects the use of Australians pension funds, wasn’t reported extensively by Australian media.
In whose interest was it served to keep this off the radar?
Crikey gets a good grip on a lot of news events, and I think a part of its success is its forensic activity in support of fact-checking. But I think Keane has dropped the ball with his constantly negative commentary on the Inland Rail proposal. Apart from it being championed (expectedly) by BJ, I’d like to know why Keane–apparently blind to both the intent and potential of this project–is so ‘down’ on it.
The inland rail could be of immense benefit to Victoria and SA, especially if as well as transporting goods it provided a decent monorail service. The main problem is they are aiming for mediocrity as always with rail transport, slow as a wet week, rather than contemporary high speed rail.
And I am not sure why Bernard is making NIMBY comments about tunnels, assuming he could be talking about the new Transurban tunnel in Melbourne. This tunnel will alienate a lot of inner city land that was earmarked for housing development, it will built vast new roads on top of roads, it will funnel lots more traffic into the CBD and it will not solve the transport problems of people who live to the west of the Yarra. There are alternatives put forward by transport planners which are much preferable to this tunnel but ignored by the State Government that didn’t consider any other proposals apart from Transurban’s.
Your commentary on Employment is misleading as I understand that while all these jobs that have supposedly been created must have been outnumbered by those wanting jobs, as the unemployment rate has actually gone up. Not to mention that a lot of these created jobs must be underwhelming, as voters are apparently underwhelmed. This may help explain the lack of Wages Growth.