Maurice Newman, the spaced-out cowboy is back in the Oz op-ed pages. And it’s an instant classic, riding to the rescue of white South African farmers, days after the issue was dismissed as an embarrassment to the government and the nation.
You’d think that free-marketeer Maurice would be using his column to decry the “loopiness of the Greens” public bank proposal — oh, except that he made his banking career when state-owned banks helped regulate the market — but noooo. He has selflessly come to the aid of South African white farmers, because allegedly:
That in the past 21 years 1757 white farmers have been murdered in 12,245 attacks? Or that this year alone there have been 15 murders from 109 attacks?
Yeah, the only problem with those stats is that they’re not reliably sourced, focus on white farmers only, and are dwarfed by the wider problem of violence in South Africa. The South African police don’t record the race of murder victims, and haven’t since the end of apartheid. The figures for white farmers are estimated by the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU), a lobby group for white farmers.
They are pure beat-up.
The “farmer-cide” boosters say that the murder rate for farmers is 133 per 100,000 — three times the already staggeringly high rate of 34/100,000 for the whole of South Africa. A fortnight ago, David Leyonhjelm used those figures to suggest that, scaled to Australia, that would amount to 400 murders a year.
That is absolute rubbish.
These figures were extrapolated from a paper by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), which did some of the work for the TAU. But the ISS itself rejected the accuracy of the figures. According to the Institute’s Johan Burger:
This was never meant to be a scientifically accurate fact, only an estimate to show how serious the situation is. The size of the numbers involved also makes this type of calculation at best an indication rather than a scientifically acceptable ratio.
There are 2.9 million agricultural households in South Africa. About 250,000 of them are commercial farms, and about 143,000 white agricultural households. There are about 135,000 commercial farms in Australia.
There were 74 farm murders — white and black — in South Africa in 2015/2016.
You do the maths. Newman, the banker and Leyonhjelm clearly haven’t. The “400 murders” comparatively, is nonsense.
By contrast to 74 murders in total for the whole farm sector, there are 50 murders a day in South Africa, including hundreds, if not thousands of central Africans — from Cameroon, the Congo and elsewhere — stranded in SA, and murdered for xenophobic reasons.
By number and circumstance, they are far more deserving of refugee fast-tracking than white farmers. By number and circumstance, the non-white people of Myanmar, Syria, Kurdistan and elsewhere are more deserving.
So, yes, caring about white farmers more than other people is racist. It’s practically the definition of it. The only argument for doing it, is that all those white farmers arriving at Australian airports, the camera lenses of the world’s media pointed at them, would establish, once and for all, how racist Australia’s refugee policy really is.
Mauuuuurice. Be a lover and a grinner, not a sinner.
Isn’t Dutton’s underlying agenda in bringing the ZA white farmers here to get them to deal with the black African gangs roaming and destroying Melbourne’s suburbia?
Ha! I hadn’t thought of that! Of course, they might go all cane toad on him and start in on the natives, but I suppose that’d just be an added bonus!
‘…start in on the natives…’
Possibly they could be trained to selectively target ALP & Greens voters.
George Christensen could do the training
He’d have found a use for his whip, goading and herding them towards the next selected target.
To paraphrase Steve Cash’s ‘White Trash’, “coz when you’re fighting Greenies, a Boor’s a man’s best friend“.
yes well they would miss the keffir bashing one of them told me about,”sometimes on the weekend we just go keffir bashing for fun”
It has been said before by others – Dutton just wants to import reliable LNP voters.
Using Sturmbahnfurer DuTTonn’s numbers, should we not importing American school kids as refugees?
A bonus for him importing Afrikaners would be Ex South African Police and B.O.S.S personnel who he could employ in the Grenstruppen (Border Troops), or Detention Centers.
American schoolkids probably wouldn’t suit. Many of them aren’t white.
In Tim Soutphommasane’s “I’m Not Racist but …” (2015, p.39) he refers to Robert Manne thus – “But, according to Manne, were the majority of asylum seekers white Zimbabweans fleeing from the regime of Robert Mugabe, rather than Afghan Hazaras or Iraqis, it would be ‘improbable, or so it seems to me, that public opinion would have tolerated their detention behind razor wire or their transportation to the hellhole in Nauru’.” Peter Dutton probable thought he was on a sure thing with his white farmer thing.
Okay, so the results aren’t “scientific”, but they are an “estimate”, an “indication”. And and indication of what? That white farmers are being murdered at 4 times the national average. And thats a bad thing, right? It’s clearly as a result of racism. So of course they’re worthy of refugee status here. Why shouldn’t they be? The colour of their skin shouldn’t matter, right? If they’re being discriminated against in such a serious life or death manner then we should take them in. Black, white, brown, whatever. But YOU think we should make a concious decision to discriminate on the basis of skin colour (in the favor of “brown people”)? That they are more deserving…because they are brown? That is why you’re outraged…because they’re white…no other reason. And because of that fact alone they should go to the back of the line…behind the brown people? So, umm, that is literally the definition of racism that you’re promoting. The irony and hypocrasy is overwhelming considering how this article is titled. Not that I’m surprised. This is a great example of the regressive left. Enjoy your white guilt, Guy, but I’ll have none of it thank you very much.