Image credit: Jelleke Vanooteghem/Unsplash


A new study by the Centre for Independent Studies has found the supply of child care across Australia is “uneven and fragmented”. The study found that urban areas benefit from an “oversupply of child cares”, and parents of children under two years old can face waiting periods of up to two years. In addition, child cares dealing with the cost of red tape in the sector are being passed on to parents, with out-of-pocket costs for parents having increased 48% between 2011 and 2017.

On September 5, thousands of childcare workers and educators will hold political rallies across the country to push for pay increases by the federal government.


The New South Wales government will implement a “whole-of-government strategy” to tackle gender inequality, The Sydney Morning Herald reports. The strategy will include implementing targets across government departments, projects and programs to improve the “economic, social and physical wellbeing for women and girls” in the state. The SMH reports the equality target includes providing 900 mothers with access to targeted mental health support by 2019.

Minister for Women Tanya Davies will launch the strategy today.


A professor from the University of Hong Kong has been charged with the murder of his wife after her body was found inside a suitcase at his office. Security footage showed the suspect, Cheung Kie-chung “hauling” a box that allegedly held his wife’s remains out of a student dormitory where he lived with his wife and children.

The arrest comes at the same time of another trial in Hong Kong where a professor has been accused of killing his wife and daughter with a “carbon monoxide-filled yoga ball”.



I have always listened to the people who elected me and put Australia’s national interest before internal political games, factional party figures, self-proclaimed power-brokers and certain media personalities who bear vindictive mean-spirited grudges intent on settling their personal scores. Last week’s events were the last straw.

Julia Banks

In a statement, MP for Chisholm Julia Banks announced she wouldn’t contest the seat of Chisholm at the next federal election, calling out bullying and intimidation that occurred during the leadership challenge last week.


“While Malcolm Turnbull and others have lauded Julie Bishop as a great foreign minister, she was not. Her hectic schedule, regional summits aside, was much more New York and London than Asia — the region with which Australia does the bulk of its trade, and which remains central to growth, not to mention the multiple security concerns amid a hefty two-way tourist trade.”

“The publishers’ festival model had become boring as in recent years, but surely, if you need pet funerals and massage circles to make it fun, what were you looking for in a writers festival in the first place? If the well-curated discussion of ideas and books, readings and debates isn’t fun in itself, then what did you really like about writers’ festivals in the first place?”

“We all need aides-memoire in our professional lives; the to-do list, the Outlook reminder and the phone alarm are indispensable parts of our working day. Scott Morrison, in the demanding position of senior minister and now as Prime Minister, doubtless needs them as much as anyone. And even more so, judging by his comments yesterday, for he has seemingly long struggled with remembering not merely which meeting he has at 2pm, but for whom he works.”


Deaths by prone restraint: family that lost two brothers plead for action

Turnbull heads to New York to ‘escape political heat’ ($)

Free trade ‘agreement’ between Australia and Indonesia only one page long

Prime Minister Scott Morrison ridiculed by ABC show Tonightly for his Christian faith ($)

Renewables forecast to halve wholesale energy prices over four years

NSW’s first whole-of-government plan for tackling gender inequality

California moves towards 100% carbon-free electricity after landmark vote

Trump says lawyer will leave White House after Kavanaugh vote

Israel PM Netanyahu gives nuclear warning


Gold Coast

  • Liam Christensen, the 21-year-old Gold Coast man charged with Habitual Consorting under the new Serious and organised Crime Legislation will appear in Southport Magistrates Court. Police allege the man is a former member of the Bandidos Outlaw Motorcycle Gang; it’s further alleged he has continued to consort with recognised offenders identified in the previous official warning notices.

  • Kevin Glen Jones, who has received dozens of charges including 49 counts of burglary will receive a mention in the Southport Magistrates Court. Police allege during the crime spree Jones scaled balconies and exterior of buildings.


  • The Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources will inquire into how the mining sector can support businesses in regional economies.


  • Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs will hold an inquiry into the accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote Australia.


  • Ronan Farrow, investigative journalist for The New Yorker, who was behind the story on the Weinstein sexual misconduct allegations will speak with Australian journalist Tracey Spicer. Farrow played a central role in exposing the scale of sexual misconduct among powerful men in Hollywood and America, including President Donald Trump. His reporting on allegations against Harvey Weinstein was central to building international momentum for the #MeToo movement in 2017.

  • The new leader of Melbourne’s Roman Catholic community, Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli will give an address to the Melbourne Press Club. This is his first major speech since being installed in the last month. The Archbishop has pledged to restore trust in the church and rebuild a culture of “safety and care” in the wake of the revelations of the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse.

  • Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt will open the new Monash Neuroscience Department for epilepsy patients, those suffering chronic migraines and provides one of the largest facilities for awake craniotomies in Australia.

  • The Fair Work Commission’s five-day hearing over Victoria’s controversial firefighters’ pay deal continues. The deal has been agreed to by the brigade and its firefighters, however Victoria’s Human Rights Commissioner and the Federal Government have voiced concern the agreement is discriminatory.

  • Around 100 people from energy and community sectors will come together at the State Library of Victoria to provide better support for people experiencing family violence. Senior personnel from AGL and Energy AUstralia will give addresses, including Minister for Finance Robin Scott, Ron Ben-David and Lisa McAdams.

  • The Langham will host the sixth National Superannuation Conference for 2018. The conference brings together regulators and leading practitioners from the legal, accounting, audit and financial advisory services fields of the superannuations to discuss tax and related challenges. The event will run for two days.

  • The Melbourne Convention Centre will host Australia’s biggest HR exhibition. Guest speaker will be Tony Walsh, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at University of New South Wales, who will deliver a session on the future of jobs, ethics and the pros and cons of AI.

  • NRL Storm coach Craig Bellamy to hold a press conference at AAMI Park.

  • Sally Pearson and Joseph Deng will help launch Australian track and field athletic events for the summer season. Also in attendance will be Athletics Australia CEO Darren Gocher.

  • The AFL Players Association MVP Awards will be held. A presentation will be given of the Leigh Matthews Trophy to the  Most Valuable Player of the season.

  • The third day of trial for three men accused of planning an Islamic State-inspired terror attack in Melbourne on Christmas Day in 2016 will be held in Victorian Supreme Court. Hamza Abbas, Ahmed Mohamed and Abdullah Chaarni each face one count of preparing or planning a terrorist act.

  • Jasmine Bourne, a young girl accused of being the head of a regional Victorian drug syndicate will be sentenced at Victorian County Court.

  • Government House will host members of the Australian Defence Force giving blood ahead of the ADF blood challenge. In its 10th year, the ADF challenge puts the army, navy and RAAF against each other to see which sector provides the most donations over a two month period. The event will be hosted by the Governor of Victoria Linda Dessau AC and her husband and patron of the Australian Red Cross, Victoria Anthony Howard QC.


  • Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk will present the Queensland Father of the Year award.

  • Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade will hold an inquiry into the use of the Quinoline antimalarial drugs, Mefloquine and Tafenoquine, in the ADF.

  • Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival continues in Brisbane running until August 30. The festival is one of Queensland’s premier fashion events. Today’s events include the Pacific Fair Fashion Show, QueensPlaza High Tea & Fashion Trends.


  • NSW state Parliament to hold a budget estimates.

  • The National Small Business Summit will be held today with the opening addresses given by Small Business Minister Michaelia Cash and a keynote on powering the economy from Energy Minister Angus Taylor.

  • Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Deputy Premier John Barilaro will speak at a Farm Writers Association and lunch.

  • It’s the anniversary of the death of Bart Cummings, one of Australia’s greatest horse trainers, who died in 2015 at the age of 87.

  • The eighth annual Sydney Fringe Comedy Festival continues and will run until the September 30. The one-month festival will present a diverse line-up of emerging and established comedians.

  • A judgment on preliminary issue in the Osman Faruqi v Mark Latham defamation case will be held in Federal Court. The former news and political editor at Junkee launched the proceedings against Latham in 2017 after he claimed Faruqi was promoting “anti-white racism” and encouraged terrorism.

  • Jury will still deliberate in the trial for spiritual healer Riza Morinaj, who has been charged with kidnapping and the assault of a man to perform a black magic exorcism ceremony.


  • Archbishop Philip Wilson will have a first mention of his appeal over concealed child sex conviction.


  • Tasmania’s House of Assembly and Legislative Council sits.


  • The Senate Standing Committees on Education and Employment into industrial deaths in Australia will hold a public hearing.

  • The Senate Standing Committees on Education and Employment will hold an inquiry into the mental health conditions experienced by first responders.


  • Arts Identity and former Opera boss will face Adelaide Magistrates Court on underage sex charges.

  • The inquest continues into the death in custody of Wayne ‘Fella’ Morrison will continue in the Adelaide Magistrates Court. Morrison died after an altercation with prison guards while in remand in 2016. Mor Morrison’s mother will give evidence.

  • Zainab Abdirahman-Khalif, accused of being a member of the Islamic State terrorism group will face the Supreme Court on terror charges.


  • The trial continues for Tiffany Yiting Wan, the daughter of Annabelle Chen, whose body was found inside a suitcase in the Swan River, in 2016. The daughter and her ex-husband Ah Ping Ban will plead not guilty for the murder and will face the Supreme Court of Western Australia.

  • The 16th year of the Africa Down Under Conference (ADU) will kick off, with Western Australian Mines Minister Bill Johnston to deliver the opening address. The Conference raises awareness of Australia’s interests in African mining and energy, becoming the largest African mining-focused event. In the past Julie Bishop attended the ADU Conference whether Foreign Minister Marise Payne will attend is yet to be announced.

  • A Federal parliamentary inquiry on the prevention, investigation and prosecution of industrial deaths in Australia will be held. Speakers include members of the Australian CCCI, CMFEU and families affected by industrial deaths in the Maritime Union Australia.

  • A Parkerville bushfire class action trial continues in the Supreme Court of Western Australia, after a neglected power pole fell over in 2014 razing 57 homes, 7 outbuildings and over 390 hectares of bushland. EnergySafety found Western Power contractors failed to maintain the privately-owned Jarrah pole.

  • Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will visit Perth’s St John of God Hospital.


  • Ramsay Health care and Perpetual Ltd will release 2018 earnings report.

United States

  • Day 3 of the US Tennis Open will kick off in soaring temperatures, the US Open has extended a heat rule to men that only exists in the women’s tour. The tournament will run until the 9th of September.


Small is beautiful, Mr Morrison, but bigger is better for Australia ($) – David Uren (The Australian) : “The perception that it is small business that is the “engine room” of the Australian economy is not accurate. Although small business employs half the workforce, big business is responsible for the lion’s share of sales, profits, taxes and investment. Moreover, most small businesses are suppliers to big business or intermediaries with their customers. They cannot prosper without strong large enterprise, as hundreds of car part suppliers discovered.”

China and human rights: Is Australia ‘making a difference’? – Sophie Richardson (The Age): “It’s not a surprise that officials, including members of the new Australian government, and ordinary people across Australia have struggled to find the right answers to a complex and charged relationship. But as Australia tries to strike a balance between benefiting from and being threatened by its relationship with Beijing, a key piece of solving this puzzle has largely dropped out of the debate: pressing for better respect for human rights inside China.”

I’ve treated children choking because of air pollution. We have to act – now – Guddi Singh (The Guardian, UK): “I feel I have a duty to speak up about issues that have serious impacts on people’s health. Air pollution is a public health crisis. Long-term exposure to diesel fumes can be carcinogenic, especially for children. Prolonged exposure to air pollution has also been known to cause asthma in otherwise healthy children, and to permanently stunt children’s lung growth by up to 10%. That can have lifelong health implications for children growing up in our cities.”


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