Opposition leader Bill Shorten has announced a five-point “fair go” action plan in a pre-election speech aimed at restoring voters’ confidence in politics.

The Guardian reports that Shorten, flanked at a Western Sydney event last night with senior colleagues, will go into the federal election focusing on cost of living, workers’ rights, ending the “climate change wars”, economic stability and fixing education and health. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has since characterised the plan as “more tax, more tax, more tax, more tax, more tax”.

Elsewhere, The Australian ($) reports that the number of loan-approved first-home buyers has returned to 2011 levels, with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg arguing in an op-ed ($) that Labor’s negative gearing and capital gains policies would threaten the rebound.


Officials have warned that more than 5000 people could still be trapped following the September earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia, as the death toll on the island of Sulawesi climbs past 1,760 people.

The Australian ($) reports that planeloads of food, clean water and other essentials began pouring into Palu yesterday, after damage from the 7.4-magnitude earthquake and tsunami created days of delay. More than 82,000 military, civilian and volunteer personnel descended on the city while Indonesian choppers continue supply runs to isolated communities.


Actor, entertainer and disability advocate Quentin Kenihan has died age 43.

The ABC reports that Kenhian, who was a prominent TV personality, star of Mad Max: Fury Road, and recent candidate for Adelaide City Council, passed away in Adelaide on Saturday night. Born with the bone disease osteogenesis imperfecta, Kenhian was a strong disability advocate and tributes have since flown from family and friends, such as Russell Crowe, and a range of Australian politicians.



Why not put it on the biggest billboard Sydney has?

Scott Morrison

The Prime Minister supports the NSW government’s plan to force the Opera House to project horse racing ads onto the building’s iconic sails. The plan was originally vetoed by Opera House chief executive Louise Herron.


“Despite appearances, we don’t talk much about power in Australia. We talk around it, we mythologise it, we hype it, but we rarely analyse it. Power in Australia, as in most countries, is wielded out of sight, and the powerful prefer to keep it that way.”

“When you’ve been watching popular television in a professional capacity for as long as I have, it’s hard to shake the feeling that you’ve seen it all. Those big secrets and massive swerves, that networks like to advertise using a duo of voiceovers … are usually little more than the same-old worn-out tropes of reality and ‘factual’ programming. In other words, when Ten’s voiceover artist announced that the finale of The Bachelor would shock me, I anticipated experiencing nothing of the sort.”

“After a three month vacancy, the government has appointed a new race discrimination commissioner. Chin Leong Tan, a former Melbourne-based commercial property lawyer and multicultural leader of Malaysian-Chinese origin, will commence the role next week. Tan will replace Tim Soutphommasane, whose tenure, which ended in June, frequently saw him at loggerheads with Coalition and conservative pundits.”


Major climate report expected to call for coal shut-down by 2050

Bank bonuses in firing line as CEOs ready for committee grilling ($)

Alan Jones ‘bullying’ of ‘worst kind’: Diane Smith-Gander

Protesting workers warned they face fines ($)

Labor could end Bob Katter’s career following embrace of anti-immigration politics

NSW government reaches record low debt, announces big surplus

ReachTEL poll: Andrews edges clear of Guy as state election draws near

Queensland doctors accused of ‘deep disrespect’ for women seeking abortion

Vatican cardinal defends Pope Francis amid McCarrick sex abuse scandal


Teachers hold the key to keeping minds in top shape ($) — Julie Gillard (The Australian): “Next month, after engagement with thousands of stakeholders from educators, parents and young people to service providers, peak bodies and unions, researchers and governments, Beyond Blue — in partnership with Early Childhood Australia and Headspace — will launch an initiative with the aim of equipping children from the get-go with the social and emotional skills necessary to take them ­successfully through school and beyond.”

Why don’t women report alleged abuse? Just look at the Kavanaugh saga Lauren Rosewarne (The Sydney Morning Herald): “Progressives like to think gender relations are always getting better. Perhaps it’s all happening achingly slowly, but nonetheless we like to believe progress is afoot. For those who shed proper racking sobs when Donald Trump was elected even after a tape of him bragging about grabbing women by the genitals surfaced, the last couple of years — and, more specifically the last couple of weeks — have truly tested our faith in progress.”

Court win President’s greatest triumph ($) — Greg Sheridan (The Australian): “This was magnificent. It was why Donald Trump was elected in the first place and it’s why he might well get re-elected. The Senate confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court judge is the greatest triumph of Trump’s presidency, as important as cutting taxes but vastly more difficult politically. It required enormous determination and judgement to defy what is threatening to become a quasi-fascist, witch-burning mentality among Democrats and the American Left.”


The Latest Headlines



  • The Transport Workers Union will launch the results of a survey on sexual harassment of airline cabin crew.

  • Case management hearings will be held for two high profile defamation cases: Geoffrey Roy Rush v Nationwide News Limited & Anor, and Osman Faruqi v Mark Latham.

  • The Independent Commission Against Corruption will continue an investigation into claims of improper conduct at the now-defunct Canterbury City Council, with former planning chief Spiro Stavis to appear as first witness of the week.

  • The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre will hold their annual research symposium


  • Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins will launch the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework (2018-2023).

  • The Victorian Greens will unveil plans to improve Melbourne’s train system, including the manufacturing of 100 extra high capacity trains.

  • The Arts Industry Council of Victoria will host a state election arts forum at the National Gallery of Victoria with Labor MP Martin Foley, Liberal Party MLC Heidi Victoria, Greens MLC Sue Pennicuik and moderator Sami Shah.

  • The Reserve Bank of Australia Assistant Governor (Business Service) Lindsay Boulton will unveil the new $50 tactile-enhanced banknote with Vision Australia clients.

  • The annual Good Food Guide awards will be held at Palladium at Crown.


  • Queensland Media Club will hold a “10 projects that will change Brisbane” event with addresses from Cross River Rail CEO Graeme Newton, Queen’s Wharf Managing Director Geoff Hogg, and Deputy Mayor and Chairman of Brisbane Metro Adrian Schrinner amongst others.

  • Shadow Minister for Agriculture Joel Fitzgibbon and Labor MP Terri Butler will speak at a Live Export and Animal Welfare Forum.

Gold Coast

  • An inquest into the 2016 Dreamworld tragedy will begin the second round of hearings, set to run until Friday October 19.


  • Shadow foreign affairs minister Penny Wong and former foreign affairs minister Julie Bishop will speak at a Perth USAsia Centre summit.

  • High Commissioner to Singapore Bruce Gosper will deliver the keynote speech at Asialink Business event “Singapore – Australia: an era of cooperation”.

  • Protestors will rally to save the Great Brixton Wetlands, reportedly one of the last few roosting sites for the Karak (Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo) and a significant site for local Indigenous people.


  • Author Nadia Wheatley will speak on her new book Her Mother’s Daughter in conversation with publisher Marion Halligan for an ANU/Canberra Times event.


  • Multiple council candidates’ forums will be held around Adelaide, ahead of the Monday October 22 council election week.


  • Former football player Heath Black will present a keynote speech at the Annual Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Dinner.


  • Mental Health Week will run until Saturday, with multiple events set to be held around the country.


  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will release a major report into the impacts of global warming of 1.5 celsius above pre-industrial levels.