Readers have raised their voices in frustration about the larger media’s collective decision to ignore many of the most pressing issues recently reported on climate change (as Emily Watkins wrote yesterday, the end of world doesnt seem very newsworthy to them). In other news that could be filed under “grim”, there was the recent trend of modern states sliding towards fascism (which Guy Rundle has been writing about at length, including yesterday), which readers had more than a few thoughts. It’s worth taking a deep dive into the comments section.
On the media’s inconvenient truth
Keith Altmann writes: Yes, there should get much more emphasis if we are to avoid a number of existential looming problems. I was one of a group of engineers who participated in a climate modelling exercise using the MIT computers in the USA. The program was conservative as it could not cope with feedback such as ice melting rates, permafrost and possible loss of carbon from soils as they warm up, etc. The exercise shocked us as in essence it showed global emissions must start falling by 2020. However, others judged that as too depressing a message to spread. A focus on Climate Change unfortunately is resulting in other looming problems being left too late. I see the real challenge now as a failure to achieve a model of governance that is required to deal with the problems as a series of societal and economic myths lead us into dysfunctions that overwhelm societies.
Peter Scott writes: Undoubtedly should have been prominent. But doomsday prophesies do not make compelling news. Now find a major disaster clearly threatening (better still, drowning or incinerating) millions then you can sell that news! At least until news consumers become innured to it. Sleepwalking? Perhaps. More like disregarding an inconvenient truth, many salving their conscience with hope that climate-denying advocates among leaders might yet be proved correct. Humankind is conducting a study that may prove irreversible before awareness is sufficient.
Neville Ludbey writes: Yes, of course it should of had more attention. Even on Radio National, Fran Kelly, who I admire, said to an interviewee from WWF “please make your reply brief”. A report about the living planet, 60% of living creatures destroyed. Then a sports report of twice the Length! Oh well, it’s all about priorities, right?
On the rise of fascism in Brazil
Marcus Ogden writes: Not much in this article about the “two decades of leftist politics” in Brazil that preceded Bolsonaro’s victory. How did Brazil get from the height of Lula’s popularity to Rousseff’s impeachment, Lula’s imprisonment, Temer’s 7% approval rating, and voters resorting to electing a fascist?
David Howe writes: The current political debacles do seem to be more in line with authoritarian regimes run by the powerful who have simply used the mantra of neoliberalism to accumulate obscenely more wealth and power. The social democratic state is withering and likely to be strangled before being dismembered completely.
Robert Garnett writes: History is rife with inequality and the persecution of the poor by the rich. It’s the rule rather than the exception. If rule by class-ridden, racist elites who exercise power through the barrels of guns counts as fascism then fascists have also been the rule rather than the exception.
Send your comments, corrections, clarifications and cock-ups to boss@crikey.com.au. We reserve the right to edit comments for length and clarity. Please include your full name.
I read that wots app was instrumental in getting the Brazil President elected.Facebook needs to control some of that garbage which is creating hatred….but how ?