UK Prime Minister Theresa May.


Prime Minister Theresa May is facing her own potential #libspill (conspill?) moment as two British cabinet ministers resign over her draft Brexit deal and at least two other MPs issue a no-confidence motions.

The ABC reports that Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and Works and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey have resigned over concerns the draft deal, which was agreed upon by May’s cabinet less than a day ago, offers too many concessions to the EU, specifically plans to remain with the customs union during the transition period and potentially further into the future. A number of junior secretaries have also resigned, while Conservative MPs Jacob Rees-Mogg and Henry Smith have submitted letters of no-confidence.

Rees-Mogg has stated that more letters are coming in, and 48 would be needed to trigger a challenge. May, who would be toppled if 158 of her 315 politicians voted against her, has defended the deal as a compromise between leaving the EU outright or remaining. A spokesperson has confirmed she would fight any leadership challenge.


The Coalition bill’s banning foreign political donations has passed the Senate following last-minute negotiations with Labor over an attempt to override state laws.

The Guardian reports that the electoral funding and disclosure bill also had substantial charity gag laws rolled backed following an April joint standing committee report. It joins new espionage laws and the foreign influence register as items from the Coalition’s foreign interference package to have passed the Senate.

However, Greens Senator Larissa Waters has criticised the bill for leaving substantial loopholes and, in rejecting plans to cap all donations at $1000, leaving 94% of domestic donations unregulated. Further, as the ABC outlines, both Labor and the Coalition knocked down amendments that would have provided real-time donation updates.


Victorian Opposition leader Matthew Guy will today announce plans for flat-screen TVs and energy-efficient fridges for low-income Victorians.

The Herald-Sun ($) reports that the $40 million scheme would cut prices for six-star TVs by half and new fridges by 40% in a bid to save households up to $325 a year on electricity. It follows another election promise from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews yesterday to provide free pads and tampons in state schools.

And on the election’s apparently daily list of new scandals, Liberal candidate Meralyn Klein has quit the race over comments made in an unauthorised “#MuslimBan” video ($), although she will still appear on voting cards, while Labor candidate Michaela Settle has backflipped on an earlier declaration and refused to talk to police about the “red shirts” fiasco.



These people, like the Antifa — they better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilise. Because if they do, they’re much tougher. Much stronger. Potentially much more violent.

Donald Trump

The US President warns anti-fascists that their opposites (aka fascists) tend to be bigger fans of violence.


“Last Wednesday, a group of loyal protesters huddled in the drizzling rain out the front of the ACT Magistrates’ Court in solidarity with former Australian Secret Intelligence Service spy Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery. For many, this was the third time they had travelled to the court, after finding out on previous trips the trial had been delayed. Some thought these delays were a deliberate attempt to evade public scrutiny.”

“Well, the serial unveiling of Scott Morrison continues apace and is about the most interesting thing happening in Australian politics at the moment. The Liberal happy warrior is like a Roman soldier-Christian at the moment, his armour stripped away, piece by piece, to reveal a naked torso for the arrows of martyrdom. They thud into him at every press conference. Ever since he revealed that he had prayed for an end to the drought, the game has been on.”

“Together with Western Australia, Victoria is one of two jurisdictions where parties still get to corral the overwhelming majority of their upper house votes in their chosen direction as preferences, thanks to the magic of group voting tickets — a system that has progressively fallen by the wayside in New South Wales, South Australia and federally.”


Indonesian MPs claim Australians could be targeted in terror attacks in response to Israel rethink

NAB CEO in investigation over luxury resort holiday

Sexting officer steps down as Dutton intervenes over corruption claims

Feds close to control of NDIS funding ($)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison finally signs off on Darwin City Deal which will unlock $500 million of new infrastructure in CBD ($)

‘Paranoia’: NSW government denies gagging critics of feral horse plan

Peter Dutton looking at migration cap cut and focus on skills in immigration intake ($)

Labor attacks Morrison government for delay to Australian Research Council grants

Morrison rejects Ardern’s NZ refugee offer amid new calls to remove kids

Disgraced Labor figure Luke Foley encouraged to forget defamation threat ($)


Bourke St: I am feeling nothing less than rage, alienation and despair Randa Abdel-Fateh (Sydney Morning Herald): “I am expected to ‘combat radicalism’, take ‘special responsibility’ for national security, predict random acts of violence by random people whose only connection to me is that they identify as Muslim. On any given day, I have a long to-do list. According to the Prime Minister of this country, on Friday it looked like this: drop kids to school, write book chapter, edit film script, defrost chicken for dinner, help my grandmother with grocery shopping, combat terrorism.”

Don’t think that we just banned foreign political donations ($) — Pauline Hanson (The Australian): “The reform will affect organisations such as the Minerals Council and GetUp because electoral spending of more than $500,000 will see them classified as political campaigners, meaning they will be required to lodge annual returns and be ineligible to take foreign donations. GetUp said it would have supported the changes if the legislation extended to foreign companies with wholly owned subsid­iaries in Australia. I agree.”

Victorian election: toxic internal culture makes Greens a disaster ($) — Stephen Conroy (The Australian): “Rather than recognising that evolving threats to our community require new approaches, the Greens have repeatedly opposed new counter-terrorism laws. They have opposed preventive detention, opposed enhanced questioning powers for police and opposed stronger police powers to deal with radicalised youth.”


The Latest Headlines



  • Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will meet PM Scott Morrison and mark the first shipment of LNG sent back to Japan through the Inpex Ichthys offshore gas project. Resources Minister Matt Canavan will also meet with Abe, and tour the project at Bladin Point.

  • Morrison will also sign off on a $200 million City Deal, equally funded by the NT and federal governments, and $100m of which is expected to go towards a $300 million-privately invested Charles Darwin University project (which means $500m all up, for those following along!).


  • Defence Minister Christopher Pyne will announce a selection of aircraft systems to support capability requirements.

  • The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute will make a significant announcement at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. SA Health Minister Stephen Wade is expected to make an address.


  • Winners of the Tasmania Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year and Local Hero will be announced at Government House.


  • Descendants of Henri Korn, a victim of the Jewish night of violence Kristallnacht, and Yorta Yorta man William Cooper, who marched in the only anti-Nazi protest of its kind at the German consulate in 1938, will meet to acknowledge shared history and prepare for a multi-media, 80th anniversary event “Night of Broken Glass” on Sunday 18 November.

  • The Melbourne Press Club will complete the national foundation of the Australian Media Hall of Fame, with guest speaker and crime journalist John Silvester.

  • The Australian chapter of the international #ExtinctionRebellion movement, Climate Guardian Angels, will protest for radical climate action at Parliament House.


  • Vic Police are expected to argue against providing witness statements for Craig McLachlan v Christie Whelan Browne defamation case, due to ongoing investigations.

  • A state memorial service will be held for environmentalist Ian Kiernan.

  • Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz will speak on tackling inequality at a UTS event.


  • Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Commission will hold a public information session on the state government’s recently-introduced Human Rights Bill 2018.


  • Portuguese drug sociologist Dr Nuno Capaz will discuss “What happened when Portugal decriminalised all drugs?” as part of The Canberra Drug Policy Series.

  • ANU will host its inaugural Indigenous Research Forum.

  • Journalist Kerry O’Brien will speak on A Memoir in conversation with The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton at an ANU/Canberra Times event.

Margaret River, WA

  • Day one of the three-day Margaret River Gourmet Escape, a food event featuring Nigella Lawson, Rick Stein, Monica Galetti and more.


  • Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will announce $51.5 million in funding for new criminal court action against banking executives, ahead of an expected new wave of prosecutions from the royal commission.

  • Mirvac and Lend Lease will hold their AGMs.