Progressive voters face an invidious choice at the state level in New South Wales and Victoria. The chaos, dysfunction and scandals of the two major parties of the left in those states have left the engaged, conscientious progressive with nowhere to turn. At a time when ideological civil war is wracking the Liberal Party federally, the failure of the parties of the left in our two biggest states is just as damaging to overall perceptions of politics.
NSW Greens are worse. The NSW Greens — long bitterly divided between moderates and the far left, to the extent of squandering valuable chances to take federal seats off Labor — are now a smoking ruin of a party, blown apart in the quest of some MPs to destroy another, Jeremy Buckingham, over allegations of misbehaviour that the party’s own formal external investigatory process dismissed on the balance of probabilities.
The Buckingham case is a difficult one. That investigation found no case against him, but his accuser insists on her allegations. Those who believe women have been ignored for too long, and had their experiences of assault and harassment dismissed and trivialised, aren’t content with a legalistic investigation, but a political organisation can’t act extra-legally. But the problem for the Greens is the context around the case of internecine warfare over a long period, with the result that the NSW Greens currently are focused on tearing each other down rather than serving the voters of NSW. Some party members even showed up to Greens MP Dawn Walker’s valedictory speech to abuse her this week. Why on earth would anyone vote for a party so angrily self-obsessed?
The problems of NSW Labor need little introduction. Now onto its third leader since losing government, the party will discover that the policy-barren years of Luke Foley will make rebuilding under Michael Daley problematic. And has Labor really changed from the notorious outfit of yesteryear? Last week, Daley held a Chinese language media-only media conference in which he held open the possibility of negotiating a deal with the murderous Beijing regime to participate in its “Belt and Road” mega-project, in defiance of bipartisan federal policy. Foreign donations — which the NSW ALP have long been the undisputed champions of cultivating — are now banned, but donations from local interests linked to foreign corporations and governments such as China’s will continue to be a problem, and explain why the NSW and Victorian Labor parties seem so eager to co-operate with the agenda of the world’s most brutal dictatorship.
Daniel Andrews went one better than Daley and rushed a secret deal with the Beijing regime through before caretaker commenced in Victoria. Andrews’ government has not featured the blatant corruption that characterised much of Labor’s last years in power in NSW, but the “red shirts” scandal, in which MPs rorted hundreds of thousands of dollars of money from taxpayers for partisan activities, remains unresolved, while no one has been held to account for the appalling attempt by Andrews to attack opposition leader Matthew Guy via a massive document dump that breached the privacy of a number of Victorians.
And while not the basket case that the NSW Greens are, the Victorian Greens have their own issues around the treatment of women including, now, rape allegations against Greens candidate Dominic Phillips, and damaging internal divisions that were on vivid display in the implosion of the Batman campaign earlier this year.
Bitter internal divisions and a serious concerns about candidates’ behaviour toward women or rorting, misconduct and an eagerness to pander to one of the world’s worst human rights violators — that’s the rotten choice for progressive voters in NSW and Victoria as they head to the polls tomorrow and next March. Don’t think all the alienation and disaffection toward politics is located on the right.
Forget the long, winding road of windy words and all the rhetoric that have no meaning and get to the crux of the matter. The Greens are fighting internally, gouging and scratching exalting their overblown egos to create the death of the Greens party.
These two sentences undo you to show bias:
“The Buckingham case is a difficult one. That investigation found no case against him, but his accuser insists on her allegations.”
What is an investigation for? To settle the matter. Therefore it is settled.
Girls Girls Girls…is this an Elvis Presley movie?
So apparently NSW Labor having its 3rd leader since they were in government is a “terrible, terrible thing”…..according to Bernard.
So, remind us Bernard, how many leaders has the “oh so competent” NSW Librorts Party Government had in that same period? Barry O’ Farrell(who departed under extremely dubious circumstances), Mike Baird (who really should have been done for all of the corrupt activities he was involved in prior to being elevated to the Premier’s position…..& who went on to work with the NAB, IIRC), & now Gladys Berejiklian. Oh, hang on, that’s 3 leaders as well. So why aren’t you banging on about them, Bernard?
“and rushed a secret deal with the Beijing regime through before caretaker commenced in Victoria”
A “secret deal” which turned out to be a bog-standard Memorandum of Understanding filled with motherhood and apple pie statements. That was one of the biggest beat-ups of the campaign and that’s saying something. And that’s what you lead with to tar Daniel Andrews with? How pathetic, how absolutely pathetic.
This is what happens with journos who never engage with anyone anymore and just write in their own little bubble where they never have to admit they got anything wrong (how’s Turnbull’s recovery going, Keane?) and they never get contradicted. They just start pumping out fantasy land piece after fantasy land piece.
We get it Keane, you hate everybody. Someone get Keane a vacation and some mental health treatment, he’s about this far away from becoming Mark Latham.
I think there’s been plenty of contradiction at least from you and me these past few weeks Arky…. and all the others.
Has the complainant in the Buckingham case gone to the police ? That’s the usual process especially if a hand picked internal investigator doesn’t back you up.
The election eve stitch up Dominic Philips based, by accounts, on email only allegations is a new low not only regards natural justice but a desire until this morning to keep voters in the dark.
By far the worst long running Greens insult is keeping Kathleen Maltzahn as their candidate in Richmond third time running. This devoted sex work abolitionist and co founder of much loathed SWERF group Project (dis)Respect is ideologically opposed to the party’s full decriminalisation policy yet supposedly backflipped this year. And today she’s running full blast with guilty until proven innocent blather against her own party’s candidates. Who needs a party full of conservative god botherers with opponents like that.
Contradicted in comments I doubt he reads doesn’t really count.
Clearly no editor is challenging him on some of the crap he’s written in the past 3 months.
Dunno if he reads the comments, but every time the excoriation here rises a notch, he seems to double or triple down the next day. Coincidence; correlation; causation?
Crikey Arky – that is a bit cruel, Bernard still has a way to go reach Latham’s standard…but he is definitely heading in that direction.
This particular progressive still has no difficulty viewing Labor and the Greens as being miles ahead of the LNP on just about any point of comparison, and ethical fraud is the main one for me.
Morrison, Turnbull, Abbott, and Joyce took it in turns to insult my intelligence hugely, and there will no forgiveness no matter how much Keane bleats..!!
Well, it took Latham 13 years to get from the Latham Diaries to where he is now. I’m not really suggesting that Keane is approaching 2018 Latham, but he’s approaching the Latham Diaries level of bitterness and 360 degree anger…
Feeling tired and dispirited about politics today and have just had my spirits revived by the news that the Australian Maritime Authority is to be moved from Canberra to Coffs Harbour in the safe National Party moorings of Cowper federal and Coffs Harbour state. There is no apparent business case for this. The two supine, long term Nationals incumbents are retiring. Blow me down and shiver me timbers if this pork barrel won’t surpass the one pulled by the drought envoy when he tried to move the APVMA from Canberra to Armidale before the last federal election with no business case. So far, eight staff have moved and the whole shambles has cost a fortune. Bernard, Labor and the Greens are annoying and naughty but the LNP are beyond description just like my mixed metaphors and other grammatical sins for which I apologise but I’m having too much fun.
They should move AMSA to Manus Island for all the good they are.
Dear Bernard,
Your Sydney bias is unfortunate. Political parties and governments are complex organisations where things do go wrong, but in Victoria, on the ground, the Andrews Govt, despite aggro from the Right and a lamentable decision to sell the Titles Office (thanks Treasury), and of course the Red Shirts, has in fact, from day-to-day been the most progressive government this State has ever seen: not just in brave infrastructure investment and renewables, banning fracking, etc etc, but against Domestic Violence, on Sexual Equality where we are world-leading, in an Aboriginal treaty which is all that a State can do constitutionally, and we hope will be superseded by the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and for Refugees, where those based here have been processed and integrated, where our Melbourne candidate Jen Kanis has led the legal team doing that and now is driving the work to get the sick children off Nauru etc etc. No, they haven’t fixed everything. Yes, the Greens have obstructed public housing renewal both via the Upper House and in Green-controlled councils. Homes for the homeless have been bitterly opposed by NIMBYS cheered on by the Greens party. And after 2 terms of a federal Green MP and 1 term of a state MP, we are thorough underwhelmed by their effectiveness at representing us. There is a progressive choice in Victoria, and it is a Labor Govt with a Socialist Left leader.
The Greens Party is responsible for disenfranchising it’s followers by insisting it’s version of policy purity must prevail regardless of outcomes or more correctly the non outcomes it produces.
Unlike the policy impurity of Labor – no probs with Adani, “Chinese restaurant” donations, ethical & moral vacuity and thinking the “vision thing” is something about free glasses.
Maybe a bit of something is Bette than all of nothing
Plenty of nuttin’ was what Krudd was offering and now bumBoil Shlernt is not even pretending.
Oh very unfunny