UK Prime Minister Theresa May.

Update: Theresa May has survived the leadership spill brought by Conservative MPs, with a vote of 200 in favour to 117 against.


The future of Theresa May’s prime ministership is set to be announced any minute now, with UK Conservative lawmakers currently wrapping up a vote on a no-confidence motion triggered by 48 MPs yesterday.

The ABC reports that May had promised to fight for her job on the back of claims a leadership spill would delay Brexit. With a simple majority of 158 needed to reinstate or depose May, the Prime Minister reportedly had the public support of at least 153 by midnight last night. At time of writing, prominent pro-Brexit MP Jacob Rees-Mogg had ruled out a bid for the top job should May lose to vote.

The news comes after a coalition of left-leaning MPs in France tabled their own (likely unsuccessful) vote of no-confidence against President Emmanuel Macron over his handling of the “yellow vests” protests.


The government will today release the long-awaited Philip Ruddock-led review into religious freedoms, and plans to accept the principle recommendation for a religious discrimination act.

The Australian ($) reports that Scott Morrison will take a religious discrimination act to the next federal election, and, separately, circumvent the current debate over LGBTIQ discrimination in schools by referring the issue to the Australian Law Reform Commission for review. Draft legislation will be released for review early next year and reportedly include plans for a “freedom of religion” commissioner for the Australian Human Rights Commission.


Labor will debate calls for a new national reproductive health strategy at next week’s national conference, with current proposals aimed at increasing free and accessible abortions in public hospitals, new “safe access zones” and consultation with states to decriminalise abortion.

According to The New Daily, Shadow Health Minister Catherine King is prepared to use Commonwealth funding agreements to create accessible termination services in regions such as Tasmania. While the current push is increasing availability, King has also expressed a desire to provide free abortions at public hospitals and clinics. The push comes amongst a flood of new pre-conference policies, including an Australian Workers Union campaign to install employee representatives on the boards of major companies ($).



Apparently the premiers just started laughing.

Bill Shorten

A presentation from the Prime Minister’s own immigration expert, on how federal plans to cut migration would hurt the economy, reportedly went down a real treat at COAG.


Is Inland Rail corrupt? A federal ICAC could investigate.

“It received little attention due to the chaos within the government, but federal Nationals recently made some of the more extraordinary comments of recent political times. They are opposed to a federal anti-corruption body because they are terrified it will investigate the way in which they pork-barrel National electorates with government grants. Exercising ministerial discretion to ignore departmental advice in allocating grants, they fear, will be investigated as corruption.”

How will Dan Andrews deal with this farrago of a crossbench?

“As Poll Bludger William Bowe outlines, the ‘one-above-the-line’ group ticket voting system has delivered a doozy [in Victoria]. Eighteen out of the 40 members are Labor, 10 are Liberal, one National — and a crossbench comprised of one Green, three for Derryn Hinch Justice Party, two Liberal Democrats, one for Transport Matters, one for Sustainable Australia, one for Animal Justice, one for Eats Roots and Leaves (sorry, we mean Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) and Fiona Patten of the Reason Party clawing her way back in, in Northern Metro.”

The politicians who sued for defamation in 2018

“It has been a big year in defamation law. Rebel Wilson’s record defamation payout was reversed, actors Geoffrey Rush and Craig McLachlan are both suing major newspaper groups, Fairfax is appealing a $300,000 payout awarded to cricketer Chris Gayle, and broadcaster Alan Jones has become an even heavier liability for his radio station’s new majority owner Nine.”


Top officials and wise elders warn against Israel embassy move

Shelters opened as NT Gulf communities brace for Cyclone Owen to itensify into category 3 system ($)

Yes, you are spending more on your power bill

Federal government forces sale of $50m worth of WA property illegally acquired by foreign nationals

Firefighters tested for potentially deadly toxins being urged to provide test results to their union ($)

Morrison signals population cut after premiers warn on infrastructure

Facebook lashes algorithm regulatory oversight as ‘unworkable’ ($)

ABC and SBS cleared by review into claims they compete unfairly with commercial rivals

‘Outrageous’: Australia notified Thailand about refugee footballer’s travel plans

Why the media is unable to report on a case that has generated huge interest online


NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian compares the state under a Coalition Government or Labor ($) — Gladys Berejiklian (Daily Telegraph): “In 100 days’ time, NSW will face a clear choice. A Liberals and Nationals government that is getting it done with relief from the costs of living and more of the jobs, schools, hospitals and transport changing lives across our state. Or the same old Labor Party that’s trashed NSW before.”

So we’re a multicultural nation? Dipping a sausage roll in soy sauce won’t doAnne Aly (The Age): “I write this amid a growing and increasingly ugly discourse in our Parliament. A discourse that speaks of good migrants and bad migrants; an arbitrary and obscure checklist of ‘Australian values’; and that turns the gaze to those ‘others’ among us who don’t quite make it into the narrowed prism of ‘our Australia’ and who are poised to obliterate our cultural heritage.”

Steelmaking, space and defence to provide bright new dawn for South Australia ($) — Paul Starick (The Advertiser): “For some years, South Australia has collectively searched for the economic equivalent of El Dorado, desperately hoping for a giant project to inject prosperity and optimism into the state. There have been some successes: the controversial birth of the Olympic Dam mine and the Collins Class submarine project in the 1980s, which both have become enduring and lucrative projects.”


The Latest Headlines



  • Writer Benjamin Law will present “The kids are alright” for the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission’s 2018 Human Rights Oration.


  • UNSW researchers will release a report showing the world’s water supplies are shrinking as drought-like conditions become more commonplace.

  • Dutch computer science lawyer and philosopher Mireille Hildebrandt will present “The magic of data driven regulation” at the University of Sydney.

  • Surf Life Saving Australia will launch its 2018/19 summer safety campaign, with a drowning victim’s cousin expected to speak.


  • Innovation specialist at the OECD’s Observatory of Public Sector Innovation Alex Roberts will present “Public sector innovation: moving from sporadic to systemic” at the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science’s BizLab.


  • SA Treasurer Rob Lucas is expected to deliver the state’s mid-year budget review.

  • Defence Minister Christopher Pyne will mark the sod turning and managing contractor signing for the submarine construction yard in Osborne.

  • An inquest will resume into the death of Indigenous man Wayne Fella Morrison, who died at Yatala Labor Prison in September, 2016 after being placed face down into a prison van.


  • The National Retail Association will unveil a sales forecast for the last 10 days of the Christmas trading period, including state breakdowns.


  • Make A Difference will hold a charity panel event with Australian cricket coach Justin Langer, Perth Glory coach Tony Popovich, and former Diamonds captain Natalie Medhurst amongst other local sport stars.

Port Hedland, Western Australia

  • A Federal Court on-country native title consent determination in favour of Kariyarra people will be delivered in the Pilbara region.

Wellington, New Zealand

  • The New Zealand government will release its half-year economic “mini-budget” update outlining priorities ahead of the next budget.


  • Anti-Adani protestors will continue protesting at Labor electorate offices ahead of Sunday’s national conference.