If you’re annoyed that Scott Morrison has delayed calling the election so he can spend another $5 million of taxpayer money to advertise his government, don’t worry, it gets worse. Much worse.
Voters assume politicians and political parties are the main beneficiaries of political advertising. The mainstream media is content to let them think that. But it’s not true — the media is the main beneficiary of that advertising spend. For a desperate industry that is struggling for every dollar, government advertising — by one estimate, a quarter of a billion dollars by the Commonwealth since January 2018 — is a key source of revenue; last week, marketing industry site Mumbrella reported that government and election advertising were about the only bright spots in a bleak landscape for advertising revenue. With “the softest advertising demand in almost 10 years”, even an extra $5 million is some handy pocket money for the media.
So two big winners from Morrison’s dithering about the election will be the Murdochs and Kerry Stokes. Both are politically engaged Liberal Party supporters, and both regularly provide platforms for right-wing extremists in their media outlets. The other big winner is Nine — chaired, of course, by senior Liberal figure Peter Costello — which has a former Liberal staffer running its major papers and which owns over half of the Liberal Party propaganda outlet 2GB in Sydney.
So Rupert and Lachlan, Kerry and Peter all say thank you, taxpayers. The Murdochs, of course, are particularly grateful since their company is one of Australia’s worst tax dodgers.
The advertising doesn’t stop when the election is called, of course. But from that point, the parties themselves have to pay for it. And for the Liberals, who have been struggling to raise funds in an overall environment of declining political donations, that’s becoming more difficult. Worse, they no longer have Malcolm Turnbull to inject millions into their campaign when they fall short. Instead, they will have to rely on fundraising by current Liberal Party Treasurer Andrew “Helloworld” Burnes, Mathias Cormann’s personal travel agent and noted friend of His Excellency, Ambassador Joe Hockey, to help. At least the campaign travel arrangements will run smoothly.
The Coalition has always billed taxpayers for its partisan advertising and always done so via dodgy means. The notorious “unchain my heart” ads from the introduction of the GST two decades ago weren’t by any means the worst of it. Government advertising in the later Howard years for campaigns such as WorkChoices saw tens of millions of dollars handed to Liberal Party mates at the behest of an internal Liberal committee that had no authority to direct spending. The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) condemned the practices in a 2009 report that used extensive documentation to expose as lies the Liberal Party’s claims about the validity of the process of spending taxpayer money. Because the Howard government was history by then, the media ignored what was clear evidence of, at the very least, outrageous misuse of advertising spending — and, quite possibly, blatant corruption.
“Remember, my value is: we look after our mates,” Scott Morrison said when he first became prime minister. When it comes to political advertising, the Liberals have always looked after their mates. And they’re continuing to do it this week.
What do you think should be done about political advertising in Australia? Write to boss@crikey.com.au.
What should be done about political advertising in Australia?
Ban it.
Fortunately I’m going to be away for much of the election campaign (if it’s called next Sunday). As I was fortunate enough to do in in 2016. I might have to vote in The Hague.
The High Court alas made that impossible some time ago.
However we should certainly remove any taxpayer subsidy. I won’t hold my breath for that.
Sure, let’s allow the right wing to push their policies through all the commercial media who do it for free, and reduce even further the avenues for anyone else to get their word in.
Think these things through before knee-jerking.
Why should we be surprised that LNP supporters are also among the biggest beneficiaries of Govt spending whether it be to pay for outsourced ‘consultancies’ to fill skills gaps caused by poor HR management or to apply PR spin to gloss over program failures
So the main beneficiaries of this questionable advertising campaign are liberal mates, and Murdock has rolled out his own political campaign using propaganda Goebells would be proud of. And in Murdock’s case somehow this is not international political interference. You could say I could smell a rat in Australian media but unfortunately for all of us they are all rats……..that’s all we have….rats…except for the poor cowed ABC. And independent media like Crikey of course.
‘The Melbourne Age’ isn’t bad, but for non-biased political coverage I read ‘die Süddeutsche Zeitung.’ It had a very good article this morning on the death of the Great Barrier Reef. As far as I’m concerned, the three main issues of the coming election are global warming, global warming and global warming. My mind’s made up. Nothing’s going to change it in the coming election campaign.
Me too. I get robo-called by ReachTel every few weeks and of the 8 or 9 options available for “most important issue”, I always hit environment. Take that away and the rest is meaningless human argy-bargy.
Still there is no word on an election date. Thank you Bernard for showing a perspective I had not considered previously. Clearly Morrison thinks that calling an election is his personal play thing to be used as a ‘trump’ card when it suits his agenda. The one over-riding constant about Morison is that ‘it is all about Morrison’ and his over weening ambition to remain in power at all costs. Morrison’s track record has always been the ends justify the means. For Morrison the idea of simply naming a day to end uncertainly, promote national self-interest, democratic values and fairness in not seeking out undeserved advantage is beyond his moral capability. For Morrison it will always be self-interest first and democratic ideals and fairness a poor second despite his supposedly professed Christian values. Is it any wonder why politicians like Morrison are held in contempt?
While I can’t wait to see the end of this vile and appalling government, let’s not get carried away and pretend that only the LNP indulges in this kind of pre-election taxpayer funded rort. The truth is that the ALP has been just as guilty in the past, but with the irony that they were giving money to their political enemies in most cases.
Not quite true EB. The LNP SPENDS A billion and Labor sheepishly SPENDS $100M. It’s not one for one, not by a long shot.
The LNP are a pestilence, and even if this one goes ticks up, another one just as bad will reform out of the vile residue.