Donald Trump Emmanuel Macron G7 Amazon wildfires
(Image: AAP)


The G7 leaders have agreed on a plan to help fight the Amazon wildfires, creating an immediate $20 million aid fund and a longer-term reforestation initiative, The Guardian reports.

The assistance plan was announced following a group session on climate change, biodiversity and the oceans, which Donald Trump did not attend, although French President Emmanual Macron said “his team was there”. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has criticised the plan, tweeting that Macron treated Brazil as if was “a colony or a no-man’s land”, but Bolivian President Evo Morales has done an “about-face”, declaring himself now open to international aid, the Nine papers report. The fires have doubled in size since Thursday, engulfing rural villages around the border of Bolivia and Brazil.


China and the US are considering returning to trade negotiations ($) in an attempt to stem the escalating trade war, The Australian reports. Speaking from the G7 summit in ­Biarritz, France, Donald Trump raised the prospect of resuming talks, claiming China had called to ask the US to “get back to the table”. Comments from China’s top trade negotiator also brought relief to uncertain markets, with vice-premier Liu He telling the 2019 Smart China Expo that Beijing was willing to resolve the dispute “through negotiation and cooperation in a calm manner”.

Australia is reportedly competing with Trump for the first post-Brexit UK trade deal, with Scott Morrison meeting Boris Johnson on the sidelines of the G7  summit to press his case for a deal. 


Former attorney-general George Brandis reportedly had “misgivings” about prosecuting Witness K and Bernard Collaery, leading to the nearly five year gap between the 2013 raiding of their homes and the 2018 charges laid against them, Four Corners has revealed.

Brandis, who declined to be interviewed, did not give consent to prosecute before leaving the role in 2017, despite being asked by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions as early as 2015. His successor Christian Porter gave consent within six months of taking office.

Former president of East Timor Xanana Gusmao told Four Corners he wants to give evidence on behalf of the pair, warning his evidence would likely embarrass the Australian government.



They are the left-wing opposition. Green bloody unionists at that. We are a team. All or nothing. Seven musketeers.

Lisa Scaffidi

The suspended Perth lord mayor’s WhatsApp messages, which have been tabled in an inquiry into the City of Perth, support claims of a deeply divided council.


You don’t get to decide whether Brexit happens, Johnson tells MPs

Indonesia: Capital moving from Jakarta to Borneo, says president

John Setka blames ‘politically motivated’ attack for latest allegations against him

ALP under scrutiny over $100,000 cash donation in plastic bag: ICAC hearing

‘Behind every number is a student’: Racism rife in schools, study finds

Questions over Victorian Liberal Senate candidate’s living arrangements

Only four refugees transferred under ‘medevac’ laws admitted to hospital: Pezzullo

‘Not a good sign’: Australia’s R&D investment slips against developed peers

Coalition agrees to pass laws forcing priests to report child abuse

Australia’s ‘broken’ visa system being used for human trafficking, experts say

Julie Bishop says the onus should be on serving MPs not to meet with retired ministers

Coalition divided over water policy in wake of damning Barwon-Darling report

Captain’s call: Pope may rule on Pell’s future in the church ($)

Chinese dissidents accuse NGV of stifling free speech over refusal to host pro-democracy talk


Frydenberg sees the light on tax, but provides little leadership

“There’s a broad sense in which Frydenberg is right to put the onus on business. Australian corporate management is generally poor, as the banking royal commission, billions in writedowns by mining companies, mismanagement in the media industry, our poor record in innovation and the epidemic of wage theft illustrate. Australian business is good at ripping off workers and pressuring governments for handouts and regulatory advantages, but poor at innovating or serving their customers well. And it’s been that way for long enough that even back during the last “productivity crisis”, which turned out to be a false alarm, right-wing economists were admitting Australian business were duds.”

Has losing the Nationals top job only made Barnaby Joyce stronger?

“Hasn’t Joyce always been like this you ask? Absolutely, but unleashing it against colleagues, political enemies and even the general populace has had little negative impact on his political fortunes. Time and time again, we’re told voters respond to Joyce largely because “he’s a maverick” — something he has only leaned into since his leadership career derailed. Condemning him to a quiet spot on the crossbench (while possibly just another bluff from the government) would do nothing to quash him.”

In My Blood It Runs and the crisis facing Indigenous students

“It could be easy to point to individual teachers but the film transcends above that, connecting the dots is between racism, the schooling system and the prison system. It demonstrates how a school system transplanted from urban, non-Indigenous settings, running an English-only, cookie-cutter curriculum is inherently biased against the Indigenous students it supposedly wants to empower. For students who can’t find their way through, the consequences can be ruinous.”


What Gladys told Ben about abortion and why it mattersJenna Price (The Age/Sydney Morning Herald): “Berejiklian discloses with the barest of prompting. She is on radio to say that although she would not have an abortion herself she thinks decriminalisation is the right way to go. And actually she chides Fordham for getting her to repeat that she wouldn’t choose to have an abortion herself because she doesn’t want anyone to feel guilt. You all should listen to this interview because the Premier doesn’t prevaricate. She explains she separates her faith and her politics. “Not only did I cast my vote according to what I believe, but I cast my vote according to how I feel future generations have to deal with this issue”.”

Why I’m proudly selling Aussie coal to India ($) – Matt Canavan (The Daily Telegraph): “This week I am in India to discuss this potential. I will proudly sell the wares of Australian coal and try to ­secure more jobs for Australians. There were lots of naysayers about Adani, just as there were 50 years ago about Japan. We need to ignore the doom-mongers and continue to build on the great, successful, world-enhancing Australian coal industry and take it to even greater heights.”

Bamboozled in Biarritz: Morrison stumbles on trade war and Iran at G7 Paul Bongiorno (The New Daily): “President Macron is opting for diplomacy, though he embarrassed the US President by also inviting Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif as an observer at the summit. When asked about that Mr Morrison headed for the hills. He said he hadn’t “really reflected on it or offering any comment at all”. Refusing to answer hard questions worked for the Prime Minister in the election campaign, but at least there he knew what he was up to. Now it appears he’s bamboozled by it all.”


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