Scott Morrison appears untouchable in Canberra’s power corridors. He’s won an election against all odds, has a two-thirds party room vote to firewall his leadership, and he dominates polls and the parliament.
In just about any other world that would be the end of the matter, but this is politics — and conversations in this sphere are driven by ambition, scheming and an endless game of “what if?”. That’s why some in Liberal Party ranks have already been asking the question “who’s next?”. It’s a game that’s presenting intriguing outcomes.
After the election, everyone assumed the new order was Morrison first, daylight second and the prime minister’s deputy Josh Frydenberg third. The member for Kooyong, as hard work and ambitious as they come, just had to sit and wait. Now, he better sharpen up as he’s got a competitor hot on his heels. Western Australian Liberal Christian Porter is the guy turning most heads in Canberra for a variety of reasons.
Porter is one of the most senior ministers — carrying responsibilities for the law as attorney-general and taking on unions in his industrial relations portfolio — and he’s in the leadership group as leader of the government in the House of Representatives. This broad range of responsibilities allows him to shine and that’s just what he’s been doing.
Porter is Western Australian Liberal Party royalty in every sense of the word. His father, Charles or simply “Chilla”, ran the division for almost two decades from the high rolling 1970s, and his handsome, whipsmart son was regarded as a potential leader from his time as a high-profile Perth lawyer 25 years ago.
The younger Porter went straight into Colin Barnett’s cabinet after his election to the state parliament in 2008 where he stayed for just four years, handling the demanding roles of attorney-general and treasurer. After his election to the federal seat of Pearce in the big Liberal win of 2013, Porter cooled his heels until Malcolm Turnbull gave him an arm chair ride into Cabinet handling social security.
Now back in his comport zone of chief law officer, Porter is showing he relishes his workload, and provides the star quality otherwise missing from Morrison’s team. On the legislative front, Porter has worked his way around the religious freedom laws, something with more tripwires than anything we’ve seen since the 18C free speech battle his predecessor George Brandis found too hard five years ago. Porter has also crafted new industrial laws — the Ensuring Integrity Act — which form both a bludgeon to use against the unions, and a neat wedge to isolate the Labor opposition. He still has to navigate a legislative victory on this front, but he’s hopeful. In parliament, Porter has been quick on his feet, going from defence to attack with agility and intellect. He does this while deploying the rarest of political skills in the modern era: genuine humour.
Where Porter’s ability is best seen is in his role as the government’s chief parliamentary tactician, the leader of the house. His score against his Labor counterpart, Tony Burke, is entirely lopsided, as his mastery of standing orders demonstrated during this week’s intense battle over Victorian Liberal backbencher Gladys Liu’s interviewing skills, political doings and fundraising.
Even in this matter, Porter showed he was able to go on the attack without stepping in the bear traps all over the place. When Porter had to shut down a Labor move to debate the Liu matter, he used Liberal Party history for protection and ammunition.
“Earlier this week we had a condolence [motion] for the last living member of the Menzies Government (Jim Forbes), who helped unravel the White Australia Policy, and all these years later this is where we are,” Porter said.
“The fundamental proposition that [Labor] are putting is that a Chinese Australian, with a wonderful heritage, who overcame domestic violence, who came to this country, who came to this country and has natural associations with Chinese organisations, by virtue of those associations is not a fit and proper person to be here.”
Porter’s colleagues are watching him closely and like what they see. “Christian is everything we look for in a future leader while Josh (Frydenberg), while hardworking, is seen as too close to the boss [Morrison],” said one Liberal MP.
“Josh is looking like a mini-me while Christian is very much his own man.”
Dennis Atkins is a freelance writer based in Brisbane where he was a national political editor during the Howard Government. He is filling in for part of the time while Bernard Keane is enjoying a break.
I suppose that’s one way to polish a turd!
all that might be true, or not, from an insiders perspective, but the one thing journalists are not good at is judging character. Morrison and his mates are not the men of quality and imagination needed to take this nation through the coming climate catastrophe. How would you measure Porter’s grit in an emergency Dennis, by his apparently stellar performance in question time? and his apparently admirable stock line? please, spare us this nepotistic nonsense. Porter belongs in a comfortable men’s debating club where his skinny frame and punk attitude would surprise and delight older men, oh wait
Very good Susan. 🙂
He’s still a totalitarian arsehole.
True Pinko, and not hard to look relatively in this very shabby company.
Dennis is sounding as eternally optimistic as Katherine Murphy that some good will eventually appear in this rotten LNP government. ….fat chance.
I cancelled my support of the Grauniad, not least ‘cos of Murphy and Van Fricking Badham… might be time to give Crikey the heave-ho as well, unless it stops publishing pure vomit.
“Josh is looking like a mini-me while Christian is very much his own man.” Well, Hansard records that Porter Jr is a self- and oft-proclaimed mini-me to his high-jumping father Chilla. One might note that Chilla, despite winning five National championships, never won an Olympic or Commonwealth gold medal- or ever jumped over 7 feet.
“Josh is looking like a mini-me while Christian is very much his own man.” Well, Hansard records that Porter Jr is a self- and oft-proclaimed mini-me to his high-jumping father Chilla. One might note that Chilla, despite winning five National championships, never won an Olympic or Commonwealth gold medal- or ever jumped over 7 feet.
Ah, but one must look to the family connections of the Porter family in Queensland, to truly understand Christian Porter.
The Porter family in Queensland are still very influential in the highly conservative old Country party of Queensland and have long familial and political ties with the WA conservatives.
The Family companies own lots of chook farms in Queensland, and have managed to pivot the discussion and time line, completely away from the industry progressing to cage free eggs; so much for the RSPCA.
The Porter family has major extensions, married through out Queensland, and are very much Methodist/ Presbyterian christian right. Remarkably, as soon as the LNP gained office recently the oncer government managed to defrost the dinosaurs left over from the rule of Joh Bejlke Petersen.
With this pedigree and his father’s profile, can you see that his fundamentalist christian beliefs may help to propel him to the leadership. However Australians as a whole don’t like bible bashers and as such, leading the opposition may be his height of achievement. I am actually waiting for the Australian population to “see” the prime minister rather than his projected image of the “footy dad”.
Yes, scratch Christian Porter and you will find a belief in his right as a ” born to rule” display of arrogance, which is on full display in his decision to prosecute the whistleblower Witness K and his solicitor Bernard Colleray.
For someone with so little actual experience in the law ( a few years as a police prosecutor in WA doesn’t count) this sally into pay back territory, may return like a thrown boomerang.
“Pay back” when it is on a whistle blower and his solicitor, who showed up a number of ex-politicians for their greedy and self serving behavior and possible misuse of Australian’s ASIS resources, to further Woodside petroleum’s interests and their own.
By bugging the negotiation rooms of East Timor, ripping off one of our nearest and poorest neighbor is scandalous enough and embarrassing internationally. The fact that the ASIS team tasked to do the bugging was diverted from an active investigation and may have contributed to the loss of people’s lives in Jakarta.
If Christian Porter had any judgement, he would have let sleeping dogs lie. The suppression of this case merely fuels the perception that this government still has something to hide, other than the 5 billion dollars it owes Timor Leste in stolen royalties.
“I am actually waiting for the Australian population to “see” the prime minister rather than his projected image of the “footy dad”.
Ha,ha! Continue waiting but don’t hold your breath. They only “see ” what the MSM show them, and now that the MSM is monolithically with the coalition, they will see all that is now required.
I actually think that the Australian population may at this time, be having a truly tough time of it, but, come nearer to the elections, or if Morrison gets too fawning towards the Orange man and commences anything that appears to be leading us into another middle eastern war.
All bets will be off, because we do not have a mining boom to waste.