Former opposition leader Bill Shorten has issued a mea culpa for Labor’s federal election loss, saying he “misread” the electorate.
Speaking ahead of the release of Labor’s official campaign review, Shorten told a press conference that the party failed to anticipate the level of anxiety its franking credit policy would cause, and failed to promise enough tax cuts to people earning under $125,000, Nine reports. ALP financial documents reveal the campaign cost $31.9 million, leaving it with a budget deficit of nearly $1 million. Greens leader Richard Di Natale, meanwhile, says that Bob Brown’s anti-Adani convoy hurt Labor’s chances “because the Labor Party refused to take a clear position”.
The government has arranged a “secret” crisis meeting with farm leaders ($), following claims investors are hoarding Murray River water and driving a spike in prices, The Australian reports.
Water resources minister David Littleproud has invited representatives of several agriculture industries to a closed-door meeting on Tuesday, after leaders wrote a letter alleging that the “immoral” market tactics of “water barons” had driven up the price of water in the basin sixfold. Littleproud has also acknowledged that worsening droughts are linked to climate change, telling the ABC he “totally” accepts that, after last month questioning whether climate change was man made.
Shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers says the government should consider measures to boost competition in the banking sector, including increasing the bank levy, after the major banks failed to pass on the RBA’s full interest rate cut.
Chalmers told Sky News on Sunday that the government needed to sign off on the ACCC’s new inquiry into competition in the banking sector and consider all options, while adding that Labor would not support a law requiring the banks to pass on the full value of the cuts. By failing to pass on the full value of rate cuts since 2011, the big four banks are reaping an extra $14 billion per year in interest repayments ($), The Australian reports.
It wasn’t that we had a divided government, it was more that there was one person who was determined to get to the top by hook or by crook.
Tony Abbott
The former prime minister says Malcolm Turnbull’s ambition was his undoing ($), while refusing to rule out a return to parliament.
Second Trump whistleblower with ‘firsthand knowledge’ on Ukraine has spoken to watchdog
Queenslanders urged to stay vigilant as heatwave brings severe fire danger to state’s south
Victoria named nation’s cybercrime hotspot
Migrants stuck waiting 410 days for citizenship
Authorities ‘risk inflaming a delicate situation’ in Hong Kong: Marise Payne
‘Big stick’ laws need major rewrite to avoid consumer pain, says energy sector
Struggling Co-op textbook seller loses Australian Geographic brand
Ben Roberts-Smith blasts Nine’s ‘abuse of power’ ($)
Angered by Brexit, thousands march for Scottish independence in Edinburgh
‘Given a free pass’: Centennial Coal massively increased emissions from two mines with no penalty
Youth Koori Court hamstrung by lack of drug rehab programs in Sydney, ice inquiry hears
Morrison hitches his wagon to Boris and Trump’s chaotic convoy
“In this context, Morrison was doing what conservatives love to accuse the left of engaging in: some good old fashioned virtue-signalling. It is cost-free, gets a friendly headline from the usual cheer squad, and takes some pressure off the prime minister at a time he’s being beaten up by megaphone critics like Alan Jones because of the government’s insufficient action on the drought. However, it’s another sign Morrison is not concerned about hitching his wagon to Trump, something that carriers significant risk. While the US retains significant support with the Australian public, the view of Trump is very negative.”
Indonesia’s student protests are a reality check for Widodo
“The Australian government reacted quickly to last week’s protests, spooked no doubt by the thought of countless Australian holiday-makers caught up by the new sex laws. But it’s the broader notion of an increasingly conservative Indonesia, and the radical side of Islam that rides along in the shadows, that has never boded well for Australia — either in terms of the micro level of tourism or the macro level of getting along with a neighbour that we will find increasingly difficult to understand.”
The strange, unrelenting humour of Vladimir Putin
“It’s not the first time he’s turned fact or fear into folly; Putin has a penchant for cracking jokes about serious issues. Some may be objectively funny, some abhorrently sexist and others just plain weird. In 2013, while visiting a school in Siberia, Putin tested the capabilities of an interactive whiteboard — by drawing a cat’s bum. He told the class of chuckling students ‘this is for you to remember me’. The gag just goes to show that, no matter how terrified the students were, butt jokes will never fail to get a laugh. When addressing Russia’s meddling in the US election in 2017, Putin joked that Russia’s foreign minister would have to be reprimanded for ‘not sharing these secrets with me or the intelligence services’.”
Right to be a bigot hidden in the government’s religious freedom bill – Luke Beck (The Age/Sydney Morning Herald): “Most of the bill is a standard anti-discrimination law that protects people against being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, or lack thereof. To that extent, the bill operates as an uncontroversial protective shield. But the government has added in extra provisions that operate as a sword, allowing people to inflict harm on others. One of those swords is section 41, which establishes a right to make statements of belief. This right overrides all eight state and territory anti-discrimination laws and all of the existing federal anti-discrimination laws, including the Race Discrimination Act and the Sex Discrimination Act.”
The need for sustainable farming ($) – Matthew Evans (The Saturday Paper): “If they are honest, farmers know the climate is changing. They notice drier years, tougher years, warmer temperatures and more evaporation of the rain that does fall. Despite knowing things are shifting, a sizeable number of farmers still question human impacts on climate. I admire farmers. I think the alchemy of producing food using sunlight, air, soil and water should be celebrated. But I’d rather get my science from a scientist. And what the science says that should interest farmers most is that the magic bit of earth that does all of the growing, the topsoil, is quickly diminishing.”
Scott Morrison is right to put Australia first ($) – Peta Credlin (The Daily Telegraph): “I’m not surprised at Scott Morrison’s tough speech this week, after being at the UN last week, because walking the halls at the UN’s headquarters in New York, even some years back, you could sense the ego, posturing and celebrity that’s infected an organisation that once had the highest of ideals; then there’s the scandalous waste, corruption, and appalling failures like inaction in the face of the Rwandan genocide. In his speech to the Lowy Institute, he articulated a hard-headed view of where Australia sits in the global order and was unapologetic in his “Australia first” positioning. Putting “Australia first” — a more polite version of Trump’s “America first” doctrine does not mean, “Australia only” — as the globalists claim it must — but it does recognise that people’s principal attachments are to family, to community and to country rather than to mankind in general.”
Extinction Rebellion activists will take part in a week of actions to demand action on climate change, including voting on a motion to declare themselves in rebellion against the government.
The Aged Care Royal Commission will hold hearing about diversity in aged care.
The latest Melbourne Art Trams will be launched, with designs by industrial designer Nyein Chan Aung.
The NSW Architecture Registration Board will present the 2019 World Architecture Day Oration, “Calling Australia Home”, with architect Tim Williams, artist Fiona Hall and designer Linda Kennedy.
Semaphore Music Festival will host its inaugural “Down by the River” Opening Ceremony, with Jack Buckskin performing the Kaurna Welcome to Country.
Charles Darwin University will host Innov8, with eight innovators speaking for eight minutes about their new research projects.
Brisbane’s Boutique Outdoor Cinema, Sunset Cinema, will begin a seven week season.
FYI it is more likely that “Bill Shorten has ACCEPTED responsibility for the Labor Party’s shock federal election loss”; failure isn’t something that political leaders usually “claim”.
No, this is the story that the Right-wingers in the party want to become the accepted wisdom. Remember, Labor only just lost.
When Bill Shorten addressed Labor’s caucus in Canberra twelve days after the election, he said: “We were up against corporate leviathans, a financial behemoth, spending hundreds of millions of dollars telling lies, spreading fear,” he said. “Powerful vested interests campaigned against us. Through sections of the media itself, and they got what they wanted.”’
Bob Brown’s ego-convoy hurt Labor, but Labor hurt itself more – Labor’s (Shorten’s) refusal to court the unemployed vote certainly cost it the last election.
At any time in the 2019 election campaign, Bill could have funded a genuinely lasting and activity-generating regional employment & development initiative comprising an increase in Newstart of $75 a week plus active regional industry policy; the former would potentially have brought 800,000 people on side, while the latter would have weakened the Adani issue. Bill could so easily have saved himself, his party, and us. But no, his hatred of the unemployed – his billionaire mates’ hatred of those below them – was just soooo strong.
They simply refused to do these things when it would have done them serious good. Labor does however support the jailing of protesters, plus the religious bigotry empowerment law.
Clever. Labor class traitor Shorten destroyed his career with his anxiety to have billionaire’s approval. Fitting. Note that Labor still refuses to support such an increase now, such is their hatred of low-income people.
Water (mis)management in the MD-B (Murray-Darling Basin) is driven by politics, ignorance, and greed.
As the MD-B Plan has never actually been implemented, it is foolish to blame it for the problems that predated and continued serenely after its creation – politics, ignorance, and greed. What has in fact been done appears to have been done by a M-DB Authority and State governments that were (are) contemptuously and systematically breaching the Water Act and the M-DB Plan to feed the greed of big irrigators at the expense of everyone further down the system.
In the Murray Darling Basin of today we see especially clearly how Anthropogenic Climate Change and Limits to Growth drives corrupt private and governmental behaviour that gives plenty to a few now, but ultimately guarantees ruin for all. We also see the determination of the Federal and State politicians to keep wrecking to keep looking after their cronies. When the water for downstream depends on what is taken upstream, not having regulation – or regulation that is fair – ensures the upstream irrigators can take what they like, leaving downstream with nothing. Welcome to private enterprise, fellas!
Australia is the world’s most arid populated continent. Contrary to politician’s and irrigator’s power- and greed-driven wilful blindness, water has always been scarce, nor does the Magic Pudding supply any.
So don’t blame the Plan. It remains a Plan, over a decade after it was supposed to have started.
Any solutions to the Murray-Darling Basin issues require that the Board and senior management of the MDBA (Murray-Darling Basin Authority) and WaterNSW be sacked, and that that the Commonwealth – under a competent government – use its corporations power to take over water allocations just as it did with industrial relations.