Well, someone in the prime minister’s office is having a very bad day. On a scale from accidentally hitting “reply all” on a group email to “sending pages and pages of political cheat sheets directly to the media”, they just made an email blunder for the ages.
The PM’s talking points for “Wednesday 14 October” were emailed to the entire Canberra press gallery on Monday morning. The document covers government responses to the ACCC banking inquiry, Julian Assange, Gladys Liu, emissions targets and drought assistance.
Have a flick through the full list here. What is the government focused on? What is behind the spin?
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Bugger, has anyone got the email address so I can send this back? Oh, and a magnet so i can erase my memory banks. Boy, Crikey, you appear to have got me into a world of trouble…perhaps this should have been at the top of the notes, not the bottom!
There are not enough white vans to go around today. We might just all have to wait our turns.
What a bunch of duds!
Dammit, I made a .pdf copy of it and saved it to iBooks to reread later. I want to review it later when the Coal-ition fails to meet its (inadequate) 2030 emissions target ‘in a canter.’
I’m I in danger of being prosecuted?
Sec=unofficial, so we’re safe 😉
I note that they want to build a 100 megalite (sic) dam as an infrastructure project. Maybe the megalite projects are easier to fund! I like the innovative terminology. – possibly derived from Barny’s lite drought reporting,
I think they meant 0.2 of a sydharb.
Twenty-two pages long. Anyone care to nominate a government MP capable of reading that much?
It would never occur to me to save a copy of this pdf to my PC…but if I did, would I be any more culpable than the publisher? Just curious…..
No, thanks. I will not click the image to read the full list. As long as I can be assured they “have a plan” there is no need for anything more, is there?