There’s a truism battered into the brain of every young journalist: when a story’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t. That’s why it demands rigorous fact-checking.
This is something The Daily Telegraph should have had in mind when it received the now-notorious drop of Energy Minister Angus Taylor scolding Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore over the city council’s travel expenditure. Taylor has conceded the figures in this document are wrong, but says no one in his office was responsible for changing them.
When the story first appeared on page three of the Tele last week, it looked like just another shot fired in the federal government’s and News Corp’s climate wars. Now the story has blown up in the faces of both the Tele and the government. It has also reinforced the suspicion many media critics have of Australian journalism: the media never lets the facts get in the way of a good story.
This stuff-up neatly skewered the core principles of the Right To Know campaign, which had otherwise dominated the news of the week. The demand that journalists have legal protection relies on the core of journalistic practice: that, in a flood of information and political spin, journalists alone can (or should) be relied upon to question the otherwise reckless speech of our politicians. It’s the key justification of the media’s role in a democratic society.
Generally speaking, in this Trumpian post-truth age, politicians are increasingly trying to shrug off this journalistic constraint, continually testing the limits of what they can get away with. Yet too often journalists take them at face value, forgetting the warning of famed US journalist I.F. Stone: “all governments lie”.
However, as The Guardian exposed, in the case of Taylor and the Tele, the News Corp masthead seems to have adopted the worldview of its parent company’s new business partner Facebook: statements from politicians are “newsworthy content that should, as a general rule, be seen and heard”.
Unfortunately for journalistic rigour, this “newsworthy content” seems to have neatly aligned with many points of the paper’s own worldview: the ineffectiveness of climate action, the hypocrisy of virtue signallers and dislike of Sydney’s Lord Mayor. It’s the outcome of one of the unwritten processes of Australian politics and media, where politicians are expected to feed News Corp exclusive drops of documents that will feed the company’s outrage sensibility.
The inevitable trade-off in this access is bad for politicians and journalism alike. It encourages politicians to focus on stunts like Taylor’s letter to Moore; it encourages journalists to disarm critical faculty. Asking whether a drop is accurate becomes less important than ensuring those drops continue to feed their readers.
As Stone warned about access journalism decades ago, “You can’t just sit on their lap and ask them to feed you secrets — then they’ll just give you a lot of crap”.
The Tele brought out the “he said-she said” defence. In response to The Guardian’s exposure of the letter, a Tele spokesperson said: “The letter was newsworthy in its own right and we approached Ms Moore for comment. She disputed figures quoted in Mr Taylor’s letter. The Daily Telegraph accurately reported her response.”
Oh well, job done then.
This defence is not a substitute for working out the truth. Indeed, in the absence of fact-checking, it’s just more words filling space.
Frustratingly, the letter was surprisingly easy to fact-check. The core claim should have rung editorial alarm bells in at least one level of the editorial process. Did no one ask if that scale of travel cost could really be true? Worse: the document that was misquoted was publicly available online in the formal accounts of the Sydney council.
But there is some good news. While the practice of access journalism largely created this mess, good journalism — asking questions, checking facts — was able to expose it.
“Australian journalism: the media never lets the facts get in the way of a good story.”
Surely you meant “Australian journalism: the media never lets the facts get in the way of an attack on someone they don’t like.”
Really, you should not equate all journalism with Murdoch journalism….there are decent journalists out there…maybe even some inside the crumbling empire, but those few do not have the necessary strength of character to bail out.
Does this rabble of a #righttoknow media campaign grouping have any idea how damaging this is?
Sorry Christopher, but when has a “leak” been turned into a “drop”?
If redacting all their front pages was all the grouping was ever gonna do, then you are all pissing in the wind.
All “drops” should be ignored. That is, all leaks(drops) by the Government should be ignored until further notice.
Do journalists and media organisations really believe there are good leaks and bad leaks?
Your cause has suffered immeasurably only days after it looked like you meant it for real.
The Press gallery has made a living on them for yrs specially when Turnbull (the Great White Hope) was in power The Press Gallery are that bloody lazy they don’t care
That’s the trouble with being a (school-boy standard) smart arse – if you’re not ‘smart’ with it?
Consider their history.
Do facts really matter when it comes to Murdoch’s Muppets seeing what is their chance to mount one more attack on one of their regular targets?
The Teletrash – where ‘St Annika of Smethurst(?)’ once plied her trade – as “political editor” of the Sunday rag.
And again, imagine the cant outrage and indignation, if this was another “foreign owned entity (meddling in our politics)” (like GetUp!?) doing this.
This is “Right To Know” at work?
This is what the ABC and the rest of that cohort are fighting with News Corpse to defend :- the media’s right to fight their petty, petulent, political vendettas?
The media’s ‘right to mislead and obfuscate’?
The right to abuse their privileged social position of (rapidly fading) trust.
“Yet too often journalists take them at face value”? Perish that thought – some are happy to be complicit and duplicitous, voluntary cat’s-paws, with the government of their preference – as an extension of that corruption.
Imagine the Teletrash going through the letter to check on the validity of it’s ‘facts’?
But of course that could have proven embarrasssing for Taylor and the rest of their Limited News Party Coalition.
So, if our ABC is to be the most believable of a confusing mish mash of media organisations, should we hold our breath waiting for Ita Buttrose to call out the Daily Telegraph.
Highly unlikely.
Maybe Paul Barry will cover the subject on Media Watch this Monday night. It’s a subject ready made for Media Watch.
This was very poor journalism on the part of the Daily Telegraph.
Zeke, let’s hope it is covered in Media Watch.
Paul Barry though is not the ABC’s face of the #righttoknow movement.
Ita Buttrose is, and what has she come out publicly and stated so far?
When will she join with the #realrighttoknow members and condemn this outrageous Daily Telegraph fake news gutter journalism?
The ABC won’t do any such thing. There’s too many conservative hacks there that dote on Murdoch, his politics and fellow members of ‘The Fellowship of the Ring of Media Club’.
Yesterday’s Insiders, David Marr was the only one to broach the subject of ‘News hypocrisy’ :- having sided with this government at every opportunity to lube/assuage the public way for these draconian laws : bleating now as they’re caught up in them (well Smethurst anyway – you can bet your virginity that there’s a lot more orc-hacks in the the land of Murdor that are quite comfortable self-censoring ANY negative PR for this government ie happy not holding this government to account, but will sell their soles to crucify a Labor government or The Greens in general).
What is the name of the Telegraph ‘journalist’? Why isn’t the media roasting the journalist for their fake news – because that’s what it was, fake news.
Because the person is probably not a journalist’s arsehole.
Then again, they may well be!
And behind all of this – Angus Taylor is still employed as our Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction.
And the Liberal party wonder why children strike for Climate.
Ahhh the meritocracy at work…again.
“Anna Caldwell/Political Editor”?
But then the editorial = “The council’s latest report reveals a $1.7 million spent on international travel and another $14.2 million on domestic”? How does an “Editor” write that without personally checking that “council’s latest report”?
That’s the grubby vision of the whole deal, on show in one iconic vista, of this sort of cohabitational intercourse between this federal government and their Murdoch media valets and hand-maidens.
“A State Political Editor ‘reporting’ on a matter between a Federal Minister and the mayor of Sydney.” With compound interest from an “editor” that doesn’t check their sources, because they’re too busy being paid to live their (and who else’s?) political ideologue fantasies and fetishism?”
[Meanwhile in a parallel Qld universe “our” Curry or Maul today :-
Murdoch paid professional Adani/coal hustler and Canavan-Christensen-Dutton-Hanson-Joyce PR manager Renee Viellaris is busy pushing her coal scuttle. So incensed at the thought of opposition to another tax-payer “incentivised” coal-fired power station for FNQ that she’s scribbling about how her St Matthew of Canavan “…. refuses to be bullied by the Victorian vipers. …..” (my quotation marks, not hers of course) within her Limited News Party, standing in it’s way?]
I’m glad you spelled this out Christopher because I was getting frustrated that the other half of this disgrace – that the DT didn’t spend 30 seconds googling Sydney Council’s annual report to check the unbelievable figures given to them by the Black Angus (that’s how long it took me) because it was a “drop” from their Liberal lovers and because they rushed to turn it into ammunition to continue to try to blow up one of their targets, Clover Moore – wasn’t getting much of an airing.
This episode is proof positive that News has lost the journalism plot completely and has morphed into nothing more than a propaganda arm of the LNP.
Isn’t it about time News Corp put its hand up and admitted this and had a shot at defending its almost complete abrogation of its responsibilities as a member of the fourth estate which are supposed to involve holding the government of the day to account, not letting that government get away with all sorts of bloody stuff, while relentlessly bashing the opposition, and any and all people who don’t fit their far-right, antediluvian vision for society.
No wonder a lot of people are viewing News’ involvement in the right to know campaign with cynicism if not outright contempt.