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Is discontent within Home Affairs set to boil over?

The Senate has heard new complaints that reveal a long list of grievances about senior leaders within Home Affairs.

Department of Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas)

An angry insider links simmering discontent about promotions and deep distrust of senior executives in the Department of Home Affairs to the way internal complaints are handled, in a submission to a Senate inquiry that hears from the secretary on Friday.

The committee lined up secretary Michael Pezzullo for a Friday morning session of its second hearing about press freedom and government whistleblowers. The inquiry recently received a long list of grievances and allegations about senior leaders in Home Affairs from a person who claims over 30 years experience in the public service, and we have reason to believe many others in the department share their views.

The unnamed insider, whose name was withheld by the committee on request, says internal channels for whistleblowers, like the Public Interest Disclosure scheme, do not work, and criticises the way leaks to the media have been investigated by the Australian Federal Police, particularly those which are referred to the AFP by the department.


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Desmond Graham
5 years ago

I am surprised no one has commented on this article – has there been a survey in other Departments ? Is it generalised in Canberra ?
the generic results

“only 35% feel they work under “high quality” senior executives, 29% think SES officers work well as a team, and 31% think they communicate well with other staff.”

Seems to be a problem in Australia large organisations – this includes the private sector — have there been any management studies ?

5 years ago

Kismet Hardy. When Public Service becomes Government Service.

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