An exclusive, invite-only mini G20 for the agriculture sector to push through policies with a strict attendee list curated by Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart. What could go wrong?
The plan was announced in speeches at the Pastoralists and Graziers Association’s forum and the National Agriculture & Related Industries Day Gala Dinner in Perth yesterday.
“Everyone, please put up your hands if you would also prefer to pay less tax, less loans to pay high taxes and license fees, have less government advice and less government red tape?” the mining magnate implored a room full of Australia’s wealthiest.
The mini G20, Rinehart said, would be for “owners, chairmen, CEOs and industry-related experts we may choose to invite,” with the purpose of pushing through tax cuts, reducing red tape and allocating more water for farmers.
“We should prioritise our ‘to be cut list’, pointing out specifically which government tape should go first, and I’d suggest including, the unnecessary shortage of good water in this country,” she said.
In both speeches, Rinehart contradicted herself by referring to the country’s “abundant sunshine and water” and the “unnecessary shortage of good water,” while also bemoaning the “record drought,” “massive drought” and farmers who have “battled with droughts”.
She made no mention of the death of 46 protected freshwater sawfish on her property due to low water levels earlier this year, the clearing of 28 hectares of wetlands for a coal terminal by the Great Barrier Reef marine park, or her company’s plan to tap into the Fitzroy River, a plan environment groups say would lead to a “Murray-Darling style disaster”.
“Imagine what we could do in our industry, with tax and government tape cuts, more water, and having more say on where our own hard-earned money is invested,” she said.
Just imagine.
So a fat fascist Frau uses money to forward her obnoxio0us greediness and seek personal positioning as far as it will buy. Sluts for money and notice and position and reputation and social standing abound in this country, some of them of no use beyong the potential for fertiliser, one day, soon?? Obesity of body speads to soul and mind, and what is to stop the great Blot securing greedy gains and personal possessions? Not this government of water thieves, alibis for banks and financial crime, buggerers of inherited prosperous positions. Now that sheer brazen loudmouthed ignorance is the Big Go among conservatives, we’re gone.
Can I please ask “What would you suggest to keep the farming community going so we have good wholesome food.”? Instead of Asian imports contaminated with unknown substances.
We produce so much food Ken that most of it gets exported.
How about we regulate so that the stupid and greedy farmers don’t put the smart farmers out of business. That would be a good start.
And how about having no coal mines on arable land, and not giving over 1 litre of water for coal mining. Sound alright?
Are you just here as a Gina booster?
With the influx of Refugees that the two major political parties are talking about, we are going to need more then we already have of Food, Water, Power. I can’t see these people willing to live in conditions they are trying to get away from as economic refugees. If they weren’t economic refugees, please explain how they can afford the 30,000 thousand dollars they pay the people smugglers to get here. If they are genuine refugees they must be coming from the refugee camps in Europe. Please don’t give me that line about selling Dads shop to get here, or that they have and I.O.U to pay off. 30 years of working in the Legal system did teach me and others a few home truths, which all Government Parties refuse to see.
Do hope B. Joyce was there representing the interests of the drought ravaged, incinerated New England. They could take fly over to see the apocalypse from the air.
At least she had the front for a change to come out publicly with this tosh. Perhaps the bought and paid for IPA isn’t meeting KPOs.
A follow up on you good piece Amber. Names please; it would be good to know if there are additions to the usual suspects preparing to launch what may be the final pillage on what’s left of the country.
Was Cousin Jethro (her Minister for Gina) there? Did he back her up? He’s had all that “experience” with mìsmanaging the M-DBA and fish fertiliser to wallow in.