On Brexit and the UK election
Stephen Wigney writes: What exactly makes Corbyn’s policy on Brexit so “sweet, dude”? I’d also like to see some evidence about “everyone dreading” a second referendum. Obviously the first referendum, brought on by the Tories, asked a question framed in ridiculously general terms, and should be seen for what it should have been: an indicator about whether to proceed with a properly thought-through deal that would then be put via democratic process back to the people. Anything less (and sadly, what the British seemed to vote for) would be like buying a used car from Parramatta Road (Boris would do well there) without even looking at it. Whether Corbyn supports Brexit or not seems irrelevant to me (remember the “conscience vote”?): he’s made the point that he’s there (hopefully) to ensure that a decent and democratic process is followed. I’m honestly puzzled as to why a genuine and sincere socialist has attracted such ire from fellow-travellers — his views have been consistent, policies have been drafted in accordance, and he intends (if given the opportunity) to actually enact them. Isn’t that what we want from politicians?
On the agriculture and productivity
Bruce Turner writes: Thanks Bernard for a much needed acknowledgement that agriculture, food and fibre is despite the naysayers in the National Party managing to do a remarkable job at managing increased climate variability/change and growing both productivity and export income. Plus, despite the drought in much of eastern Australia I have never had such good quality and variety of food products on my table — an incredible outcome for the sector! In addition, I have a hunch that many of the jobs lost in agriculture are now picked up in ABS data in the transport and logistic sector. There is probably more capital and labour in transporting and storing our horticulture output than actually growing it.
Liz Thornton writes: Thank you for clarifying an extremely puzzling aspect of farming and water. I remain really confused about water theft and rorts… that certain ministers appear to be involved in? Are rivers running dry? Hard to tell when nowhere near these rivers but we were labelled as a country destined to become more desertified given population increase and hotter weather.
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Another reason for redoing the Brexit referendum is to have one without Russian interference. At least in America they’re redoing the 2016 election next year. Hopefully, the cyber security will be better next time.