Nationals, it seems, never go easily.
Barnaby Joyce lashed out furiously at Malcolm Turnbull even as a sex scandal ended his role as deputy prime minister in early 2018.
Ultimately Joyce was forced out not by an irrelevant marriage breakdown but serious allegations — still unresolved — of sexual harassment against him.
But he inflicted plenty of damage on Turnbull on the way out, even if his departure did herald the start of a turnaround in Turnbull’s polling after a rotten 2017.
Now Bridget McKenzie, caught red-handed engaging in the most egregious political rorting of taxpayer funding ever seen, is inflicting similar harm — even if she isn’t holding media conferences to attack her prime minister, Joyce-style.
Despite blatantly breaching the core principles of the ministerial standards, McKenzie will only be sacked if a specific issue of conflict of interest can be stood up in relation to ministerial standards — the equivalent of charging Al Capone with tax evasion.
The whole community sports infrastructure grants program was a conflict of interest, no matter what gun clubs McKenzie was a member of.
And that sacking will only happen if Morrison decides the cost of keeping McKenzie outweighs the cost of cutting her loose.
The cost of keeping her is the stench of corruption that pervades this government.
Not NSW Labor-style corruption, where personal enrichment becomes the light on the hill for ministers, party officials and powerful factional players, but systemic abuse of taxpayer funds and the resources of the state to protect and assist the ruling party and the powerful interests that fund it.
Normally the cost would also include the extent to which the scandal was distracting from the government’s agenda, “sucking the political oxygen” from its messaging, as journalists love to say.
But the government has no agenda or message, other than to insist everything is fine, whether on the economy, or climate change, or anything else. It could operate in a vacuum and be unaffected.
But the costs of cutting McKenzie loose, as Morrison’s stolid defence of her so far suggest, are substantial.
For a long time the Nationals, comparative bastions of leadership stability under Warren Truss and Barnaby Joyce, could only look with rage at the revolving door of the Liberal leadership.
Now the destabilising presence of Barnaby Joyce on the backbench makes the Nationals the party of leadership instability, meaning literally everything must be seen through the prism of Barnaby and his possible return to the frontbench.
And by the way, losing McKenzie from ministerial ranks only to gain Joyce isn’t exactly a triumph of administrative competence and integrity given the number of scandals in Agriculture in Joyce’s time.
So now it’s the turn of the Liberals to be frustrated and enraged by how leadership tensions cause political trauma. Having the next-to-useless Michael McCormack as party leader makes things worse, given he is unable to mount any effective public defence of his deputy.
It’s also blunted one of the key features of Morrison’s political tactics — his capacity to move quickly on a problem to get where it was always going to end up without the political damage of leaving things to fester.
At the moment Morrison looks paralysed, making a fool of himself as he dismisses journalists’ factual questions as “editorial” and refusing to accept that there was anything problematic about a program that is now the very definition of a rort.
It also seems now that the government is going to have to do something to placate the sports clubs and community groups that presented highly meritorious applications for grants but which missed out on funds because they were in safe Coalition or safe Labor seats.
A class action might not succeed, but would keep the scandal in the public eye long after McKenzie has been sent to the backbench.
In effect, Morrison will have to either establish another version of the Community Sport Infrastructure Grant program to be aimed at safe seats, or expand the existing, less rorted sports infrastructure program run by the Department of Infrastructure to bribe complainants into silence.
When the program was set up ahead of the election, no one in the government cared much about the problems of how to handle the fallout if the rorting ever became known. Most assumed they would lose the election and it wouldn’t matter. Dealing with the fallout would be a nice problem to have, because it would mean they would be in government.
Well, here you are. Enjoy.
Nice one, Bernard. In an article dealing Liberal and National corruption, you still managed to work in a dig at NSW Labor. Very smoothly done!
Obsessive, much?
My thoughts exactly, Graeski.
As Bernard said Federal Liberals aren’t driven by personal enrichment. As he didn’t say it is pure coincidence that so many have worked for fossil fuel industries after their political careers finished.
Yes. Somehow, in the world according to Bernard, the post-political sinecures of the likes of Downer, Robb, Pyne, Bishop etc, etc have nothing to do with ‘personal wealth’. Huh?
You know what, I couldn’t give a flying…..well, you know what…..who Joyce was bonking (though the hypocrisy of a philanderer lecturing others about the sanctity of marriage never gets old). What bothers me is the huge amount of money he claimed, in allowances, for huge amounts of time spent in Canberra whilst parliament wasn’t even in session. Anyone with half a brain knows it was so he could pursue his affair, in private. Didn’t stop the ridiculously tame Privileges Committee from finding that he’d done nothing wrong.
Surely his bluster about giving money “To those clubs who missed out” is a gold plated admission of total guilt? Why isn’t this commented upon in the media?
Very good article. I’m surprised there hasn’t been more anger from “ordinary Australians”. Perhaps they’re still on overseas holidays?
This obvious corruption is shocking but apparently, according to one poll, 40% still think the sports rorts were OK.
I read Essential poll and it found that 51% of respondents thought Morrison should have sacked McKenzie and 15% endorsed Morrison’s support of McKenzie. The remaining 34% had not been following the issue. Given the catastrophic summer already faced by many I am not surprised to find that roughly one third of Australians have had their attention focussed on other concerns at present.
I suspect the 34% comprises those who get whatever news they get from the Murdoch tabloids.
It’s the news that is withheld by Murdoch’s 75% of newspapers that influences voters as much as their “what would Rupert say” comments as news!
News Corp didn’t buy up all the National, Capital and Regional papers in Queensland and their swathes of community papers and local websites because he loves the Queensland sheeple.
News Corp is to Queensland what FoxNews is to the US rust belt states.
The Australian,
Courier Mail,
Toowoomba Chronicle
Mackay Daily Mercury
Warwick Daily News
RockhamptonMorning Bulletin
The Tweed Daily News
Qld. Radio stations and Local rags
Miracles and Crony Murdoch Capitalism!
Assuming the whole sports grants thing is found to be legal, maybe they have to give something to every application rated above the lowest one which already received some. And since some grants went to groups which applied late, something for every group which was turned away because they applied late.
Could be expensive but the so-called PM was unable to admit there was anything wrong about the process.
Great article Bernard.
It doesn’t look like there will be much of a Budget Surplus left after the Government deal with the expenses involved with The Morrison Fires.