Mere days after announcing a substantial stimulus package, the government is quickly working on another fiscal stimulus announcement, reflecting a clearer understanding that the virus crisis is going to inflict far more serious economic damage than we feared last week.
Central banks are doing their bit with emergency moves over the last seven days, but with interest rates already near zero, quantitative easing (pushing money into the economy) and asset purchasing is all they have.
It’s now over to governments to deploy fiscal policy to head off what could be a deep recession.
The government is hinting that the new package will be primarily aimed at supporting industries that are already being hammered by the crisis — aviation and tourism are the two big candidates, though the government committed $1 billion to help regional business, including tourism, last week.
As we saw with the previous package, however, the nature of the new package may well change dramatically and quickly as the crisis escalates. Policymakers, like the rest of us, are now in an hour-by-hour rather than day-by-day situation.
Given how quickly last week’s $18 billion package has been overtaken by events, the government faces the risk that even a substantially bigger package than that disappears without trace as businesses shutter, workers lose income, the death toll soars and, perhaps, the country locks down.
Today Alan Kohler in The Australian urged a truly massive package to stave off what now could well be a depression, let alone an inevitable recession.
He suggests, among other ideas, the government replace the majority of lost wages and salaries.
It sounds extraordinary but Kohler’s right: some sort of economy-wide wage subsidy or other form of direct assistance to employers may be necessary to prevent small and medium businesses sacking workers en masse as revenue dries up.
The unions will likely complain. The ACTU’s Sally McManus last week attacked the first package for giving too much money to businesses — where, she said, it would only “trickle down” to workers — and not enough to consumers.
But there’s a risk that consumers won’t spend it in the current panicked climate. Evidence gathered in 2012 by Andrew Leigh from the financial crisis suggests that Australians spent around 40% of their Rudd stimulus cheques and saved or paid down the mortgage with the rest.
Leigh used the House of Reps economics committee hearings to ask the Commonwealth Bank its view of how much last year’s tax rebates were spent, and it calculated around 29%.
Any new stimulus package involving cash payments to households is thus likely to see at least 60% banked rather than going into the economy to support jobs — and maybe more. So additional demand stimulus measures would need to be supplemented with more direct support for businesses to retain workers, or offset lost income for workers who lose their jobs.
The numbers involved quickly add up, yes.
The quarterly wages bill for Australian employers, not including the government-dominated health and education sectors, is currently around $127 billion, according to the ABS. Let’s consider, as an exercise the maximal case: the government offers to subsidise half the wage bill of all employers. That would be $65 billion a quarter.
Done for, say, two quarters, and maybe scaling down in the December quarter, would add around $150 billion to the budget deficit (split over two financial years), or around 7.5% of GDP.
That would push our net debt to 27% of GDP — almost certainly losing our triple-A credit rating, but still far below the level of a number of other countries. Japan’s level is around 150%, France 90%, the US 80% (and rapidly rising even before coronavirus), the UK over 70%, Germany over 40%.
We would even have some room for more stimulus if needed in the event of a global depression.
More plausibly, pausing all GST payments by business would cost around $15 billion a quarter, providing valuable cash flow to businesses, and only raising net debt to ~23% of GDP. Payroll taxes cost employers across the country around $25 billion a year; waiving them for twelve months would materially damage state government revenue but that could be made up for with Commonwealth borrowings. It would barely shift the dial on net debt.
Both of those measures would make a significant difference to employers — but only really work if businesses still have money coming in the door.
When the Rudd government sent the deficit soaring to over $50 billion, voters and commentators alike were shocked. We all had to adjust to a new order of magnitude in deficit spending in order to avoid a recession.
In 2020, we may have to do the same again and start thinking of deficits in twelve-digit sums if a depression is to be avoided.
The Future Fund was valued at $166 Billion in September 2019 ,and it makes no sense to corral these funds for yet unborn public servants -can we please have our surpluses back and use the funds to support the economy and Australian jobs?
“But there’s a risk that consumers won’t spend it …”? Where, on what? There are shortages of necessities and closures in the wake of contact.
Wouldn’t a better stimulus be for the government to buy large stocks of toilet paper, hand santiser, soaps, etc and ration them to households on a as needed basis (for free, naturally).
Stop the panic buying.
Also, spend on company stocks that have fallen, mainly those ones that traditionally give good yield/dividend.
Could also spend money getting Japanese MagLev train technology here. Give support to our economy and theirs too.
Most importantly, keep the schedule for reviewing the minimum wage (the Age says that business groups want it delayed) and support an increase.
Suppose this is quite narrow-minded of me, but I’m struggling to see scenarios where we can go spend money to keep the economy going in a way that keeps jobs when we’re meant to be practising isolation. What kind of economic injections can keep the economy ticking along through a sustained period of social distancing?
Instead of sending out cheques, which will probably just be banked and not protect jobs, why doesn’t the government send everyone a debit card, preloaded with, say, $1000, with a 6 or 12 month expiry date, and use limited to parts of the economy it’s considered necessary to support, such as restaurants and cafes, hotel and motel accommodation, and domestic airlines?
It would cost around $14 billion, less if people don’t use all of it before expiring (probable, if there’s a general lockdown).
My thoughts exactly.
Ahh then the future fund. Why can’t politicians and Federal Public Servants have the SAME type of fund like the rest of us – the people. State Governments have been able to do it. Ahhh!!!! whats that Peter Costello whining that the 50% of the Board members would have to be employees. In Costello’s feeble brain employees = !@#$@ Unions
Sure, Indue can issue them at a cost of only $4000 per card (plus the actual money put on the card.)
What’s with this notion that ‘government’ sends out cheques? Recently, I read an Australian, here in Australia, writing the ludicrous expression “cutting a check” as well as referring to some people “living from pay check to pay check”.
It’s years since governments sent out cheques to anyone! FFS
Payments get transferred into bank accounts. Whether or not any of that fiscal stimulus ever comes out of those accounts will be interesting to see. But, meantime can we please not do the ‘sending out cheques’ thing, and let’s definitely not do the ‘cutting checks’ thing.
As a sole trader, I and my colleagues are very concerned that self-employed solo freelancers, contractors etc will be overlooked by government again, as we were in the first stimulus package. As we’ve been saying, we’re business owners too! Just small businesses with one employee, whose income is uncertain and dries up quickly when the economy is hit and the outlook is uncertain.
Small business contributed to their own problems by supporting the governments downward pressure on wages and conditions and keeping the rate of Newstart at starvation levels, this killed their own customer base as one business staff is another business customer, anybody that has trouble paying their staff a living wage you should not be in business, added to this was the comprehensive stealing of multi-millions of dollars thru wage theft by large and small corporations, again reducing consumers spending ability, the problem with small business is some seem to think to own one is an excuse for doing nothing themselves and expect someone else to work like a slave for next to nothing, I ran a business for 30 years and never had a problem paying decent wages and never expected a staff member to do something I wouldn’t do myself and always treated them as I would like to be treated, loyalty and trust begets loyalty and trust.
He’s not talking about small businesses with employees – he talking about the 10 of 1000s of people who work for themselves in micro businesses. Many of whom are watching their entire year’s forward earnings vapourise.
Most can’t get social security for months – even with the changes the govt has made in the past week. This whole sector has been ignored and is basically in free fall. It’s pretty hard to engage in wage theft when you don’t have employees.
Sole traders are not particularly biased towards the LNP – many are basically working or technical class people who don’t want to work for the man – nor want employees.