When parliament resumes tomorrow to pass the JobKeeper package — and to see in the Senate whether One Nation supports the establishment of an oversight committee, or whether Pauline will once again do the Coalition’s bidding — opposition leader Anthony Albanese faces a crucial choice.
Will he object to Parliament’s suspension in the mixed manner he has used — railing against it, then calling it “unfortunate” — or will he give a full-throated roar in defense of such democracy as we possess?
Strategically, we can agree that the choices aren’t great. It’s a rotten job being an oppo leader in a national emergency.
Tuck in behind the leader and you disappear. Oppose, and you’re a wrecker. Worse still, Labor’s strategy for Albo all along has been to make him relatable Mr Bloke and hope that Scomo’s happy-clappy kumbaya starts to strike the electorate as odd just as the downturn was due to hit.
Now with the “roni” as the kids* call the virus (*ageing Honi Soit libertarians who missed their shot), bluster and spirit is exactly what’s wanted, and Morrison has stepped up. Albo got cut out by Christian Porter and Sally McManus on the JobKeeper negotiations, at least in the public eye, and now News Corp is pinging him for “disloyalty”.
Furthermore, well, nature is cruel, and Morrison’s got a bit of a bearing and a jaw on him, while Albo looks like they’re making On The Buses again. Tough times.
Nor is there much joy from defending Parliament, our House of Reps being the worst Westminster chamber in the world, no independence of backbenchers, too-small crossbench, question time often a pointless farce.
That’s why Christian Porter has gone the populist route and snorted derision at the suggestion of meeting saying that ministers “have better things to do” than sit in parliament and “read rules and procedures”. They’re daring Albanese to identify himself with “politics” and defend the house.
Well, look, Albanese should. Absolutely. Both because it’s the right thing to do. But also because it’s the only way to establish a real point of difference.
Not a defence preceded by a commitment to bipartisanship, but a full-throated attack on their desperate cynicism, their lack of commitment to democratic values, and to the actual spirit of Australian government they purport to honour. Not an off-the-cuff thing, but something written.
Call them cowards, ask them what they’re scared of, why they can’t govern and be accountable at the same time. Tie it to the Ruby Princess, to the lack of protective equipment, to premiers having to step in and do the job. And implicitly, the next disaster these mediocrities cook up.
Would it play out there if you did that? I have no idea, and not claiming that it will. But it might, and something that really stood apart, and has a better chance of doing so than a mix of mealy-mouthed commitment and gentle chiding.
Look, the roni has probably won Scomo the next election. You’re probably not going to be prime minister, and your own party might not let you get to even have a shot at it (how cozy was that national cabinet? Solidarity forever, hey).
With this you get to really make a stand — to do the right thing at the same time as taking a chance that somewhere out there it will resonate with a wider disquiet at our easy slide into authoritarianism, and the sneering elite cynicism of a Christian Porter.
Corny as it you must speak for Australia, and for those past who did think it mattered if we were some sort of democracy worth fighting for — not a rotten-boroughed bunyip aristocracy backwater.
Give it a go. If it works don’t thank me. If it’s a disaster, the sub-editor botched my copy and changed my meaning. Onwards!
It’s pathetic that you even have to say this, Guy, but sadly you do. After all those years of being a hard man in the backrooms, now he’s got a real job he’d a wet lettuce.
Oh, thats a bit unfair. As i say in the article, its bloody murder to be Oppo leader at time like this…
Didn’t stop you saying this though you big meanie..Poor Albo
Furthermore, well, nature is cruel, and Morrison’s got a bit of a bearing and a jaw on him, while Albo looks like they’re making On The Buses again. Tough times.
The job of any opposition leader ought to be to keep the government accountable, because while missteps are inevitable, they are bound to be repeated if left unchecked. Hopefully Albo is up for the job.
Not following the news?
How typical of Crikey that “Comments are switched off on this article.” for Grundle’s other piece of Pell, despite the frontpiece showing that there had been 9 comments before BigBrother came down.
This is becoming so common now – if the opinion of readers is not welcome it suggests no confidence in the ability of the writers to craft a piece that does not frighten the horses.
It couldn’t be that there is a House Line which may not be questioned?
Could it?
Its a story about a legal case agni. We often do it, for legal reasons.
You often open 3 pieces for comment then shut them all down ??? Essential service my arse.
Fully agree, Mac. Prior to Crikey deciding to shut down comment – and delete the comments that had already been posted, I’d noted that UnFairFacts had started at ‘shut down’, for every one of the plethora of reports and opinion pieces they’d published.
So, here’s a little irony for ya.
In the UnFairFacts heads up this morning, they included this (my emphasis);
“Pope Francis, who did not mention Cardinal Pell by name, made this PERTINENT statement on Twitter following his daily Mass on Tuesday:
“In these days of #Lent, we’ve been witnessing the persecution that Jesus underwent and how He was judged ferociously, even though He was innocent. Let us #PrayTogether today for all those persons who suffer due to an unjust sentence because of someone had it in for them.”
Whereas, the Crikey heads up this morn includes this;
“ In these days of #Lent, we’ve been witnessing the persecution that Jesus underwent and how He was judged ferociously, even though He was innocent. Let us #PrayTogether today for all those persons who suffer due to an unjust sentence because of someone had it in for them.
— Pope Francis
The head of the Catholic Church gets into subtweeting and repaid in kind by far less subtle Twitter users.”
“Subtweeting” provides a link to Pope Frank’s twit feed, @pontifex.
Scan down that, and you’ll see why comments were ‘disallowed’.
The ‘system’ just could not allow proper reflection of how the citizenry views its operation, and who and what it is designed to protect.
Tah for the heads-up D.T.
I clicked that link , Frank’s tweet went down like an unguarded sneeze in the middle of a nursing home .
Wouldn’t surprise to see Grundle’s reply to Agni feature in the next “THEY REALLY SAID THAT”.
Oh yeah, Peter Fray…if you’re reading this please,feck off.
MacTez – it’s FOUR now, Wednesday arvo.
And I still have an comment on the Millenial Corona Recession from Monday awaiting approval. I can’t believe that Crikey expect to be paid for this weak kneed censoriousness.
No, the case is over. Finit.
Discussion is now permitted by the public, Uncle Tom Cobley & all.
Just not at Crikey when outside a limited mindset, as your “Must be the Tongue” idiocy showed.
Being one of the few public questioners of progressive fear of speech, Rundle, I’m surprised at your justifications of Crikey’s increasingly censorious policies.
This seems to correlate with the increasing number of puff pieces and ‘opinion’ about things the author knows little about – the uni cram method of journalism.
We need more facts, more cheekiness, more new perspectives, not more of the same media pap we get elsewhere.
Whether or not it has any wider relevance, I recall a bloke who’d contributed something like 5,000 posts to The Conversation, then was blackballed globally and for life without warning. In the biased ones like The Oz, many of the commenters seem to be a cheer squad for the hate-topic of the day. It would be easy to infer a lot of politics behind the scenes. Especially with topics like Pell, though it would be nice if someone focussed on the victims, or on the lack of legal aid for those without the money and backing Pell had.
“Beyond reasonable doubt” – someone’s word against someone else’s.
I thought the conviction was ‘lucky’ – that the one “witness” that could have cleared it all up doesn’t do “witnessing” (no matter how many times people evoke “Him” as theirs) – that it was a symbolic/moral victory, while a circus played out around.
The pity is that he wasn’t on trial for his part in the church’s complicity in the verifiable cases of systemic establishment abuse and their subsequent establishment cover-ups – their contempt for their own faith(ful) – and the trail of broken victims families left in their wake :- “No contest”?
“….. while a media circus played ….”
Some here may notice that a long time commenter, AR, has been disappeared since late last year.
Do tell, Agni. Did Hillary Clinton kill him?
He possibly got fed up with my great long slabs of dreck at last.
my two bobs’ re: mods…i have to say that in general I’m not entirely unhappy when i get pulled over hereabouts. you lot prolly haven’t noticed but very occasionally I ramble and splutter and consume too much acreage. thankfully genius usually saves the day. broad rule of thumb is if the mods ditch me it’ll be for my own good.
all that said I would desperately hate to hear tell of too much blackballing and redacting for mere sake of offending our own delicate senses.
and AR, if you’re out there, promise I’ll stick strictly to limericks and haikus henceforth…
AR is sorely missed and did complain about being “modded” a bit too often.
I cop a bit myself but like JR, I often think they’ve done me a favour as I suffer from Crikey Crankiness and can go off a bit as a result.
Crikey needs to understand the comments are often much better reading than the writing.
I retain a sub for that reason.
should be “…than the writing we’re paying for.”
Shorten was not even a waste of space – that would require something approaching a presence or substance.
The current LotO is unfortunately visible and yet makes even less impression that the hole in the air that was his predecessor.
Shorten was the class swot who failed no matter how much he tried but AA is the snivelling little toadie, always lurking in the class bully’s shadow, despised by friend & foe alike.
Harsh comments Agni, and apparently ill-informed and malcontented…but who do you think would be a good Labor leader?
Are you happy with LNP leadership?
Criticism of the ALP does not constitute an endorsement of the LNP.
What passes for the “Labor” party these days is not fit for purpose – it might as well become another rump in a Triolition – given the legislation it has waved through since 2013.
Why do you think Scotty will win the next election Guy? You would hope that this virus is not the issue by 2022, by which time he will be seen as the dishonest dud he is, having to deal with the aftermath. Dependent on also stepping up.
The Rona-society will be around until we all get vaccinated, at least twelve months away we are constantly told. Even then it’ll take fricken months for us all to get the jab. (Imagine calling your local GP to book an appointment: “5 weeks is the next appointment, morning or afternoon? Oh, you’re under 60? you’ll have to wait for the next vaccine production round.”) So when all that finally happens, society and business will open up, the economy, while still down, will have a massive upturn. Everyone will be out getting drunk at least two nights a week, we’ll all be at the football like never before, optimism will be extremely high.
So yes kind of an ideal situation for any incumbents to continue their rule.
I said ‘probably’. Anything could happen cant deny its given scomo a profile as nation’s natural leader, tho