In recent decades, it’s been customary to point out that whatever unrest there is in America, though it may look like breakdown, does not compare with that which occurred in the ’60s and ’70s with successive waves of uprising, or in the ’50s with the ending of (official) segregation in the south.
After all, urban uprisings consumed the US between 1965 and ’68. In 1954 Eisenhower sent the US Army into the south to stand toe-to-toe against state national guards, who were being used to prevent school desegregation. In the ’70s thousands of protest bombings occurred across the country.
Through the Bush, Iraq and first Black Lives Matter period we were told, rightly enough, that the great American ideology machine was wiping the memory of what had been, and the current bout did not compare.
With the current wave of protesting, uprising and riot in the US, that judgement may be coming to an end.
As I write, President Donald Trump is addressing the nation, berating US state governors for being weak and threatening to send the army into states to quell protest.
That is being called a coup, though it isn’t. The US Army has been deployed previously, in the Detroit and LA uprisings of the 1960s.
What’s new is Trump’s real time dispersal of peaceful protesters outside the White House as he speaks, using federal police, not DC locals. Even LBJ, Nixon and Reagan didn’t do that.
With the tear gas comes a whiff of the junta. Trump aspires to be the sort of strongman the US spent decades setting up South of ze border, and the protests appear to have a different air to the Jeffersonian upsurge of previous uprisings.
As the northern summer heats up, exhausted, masked people pushed beyond all tolerance arise in dilapidated, plundered, ruined cities.
America has taken a selfie using the Guatemala filter. The proximate cause was the police killing of black man George Floyd in Minneapolis, in the course of a minor matter arrest. The deeper logic to this sudden explosion was that the killing was the exact copy of other killings — asphyxiation-related death as with the 2014 death of Eric Garner on Staten Island.
It thus enacted the phrase coined during Black Lives Matter protests after Garner’s killing: “I can’t breathe”.
With these protests, one suspects the phrase is taking on a wider meaning, joining to the COVID-19 economic shutdown, and the US’ manifestly inadequate response to the circumstantial poverty created.
The failure to govern in even the most vestigial interests of the people, the resulting pushback and the state response to that — the promise of dogs and shooting — reminds us that the most prescient US fiction of recent years, was a YA novel.
The Hunger Games are here.
What has been reasserted by these events is that, contrary to claims of the right, the state is still controlled by the right.
After all, despite the torching of hundreds of buildings, the takeover of whole neighbourhoods and looting by opportunistic elements, there hasn’t been any organised response by the right squads that have become more visible in recent years.
Given that they call themselves “militias” and portray themselves as citizen defenders of the republic, that should ostensibly be odd. But of course it isn’t; police forces, by and large, are the militias. The rest seem, overwhelmingly, to be cosplay types — taking AR-15s into Dunkin’ Donuts. (Actual vigilante groups appear to be emerging as things go into week two; especially in South Philadelphia — a pretty heavily racist place.)
That many of the most violent incidents appear to be that most apple-pie American of things, the police riot, is far from surprising either.
The police have a distinct role in the US — a sort of floating, fourth separation of power — precisely because the official American story is that restraint of state power is guaranteed by the constitution.
With that sorted, the endless expansion of police power and right hides in plain sight for many; it must be alright that the Potrezebie, Ohio, police department has a tank, because the Bill of Rights protects us from its misuse. This assumption of police right falls on black people more than, and as opposed to, white people (though the white poor don’t fare much better), but it’s shocking how general it is.
There are cops everywhere in the US; local, state, federal, airport, transit, marshals, sheriffs, private security and on and on. They can and do spread-eagle and cuff you at the slightest excuse. Even the decent ones are so jumpy in the land of 300 million guns that they’ll do it.
Over recent years, that sense of division has made white cops the frontline of white resentment in the US. Hence the easy turn on journalists in the current uprisings, with direct firing at them, causing heavy and near-lethal injuries (including the partial blinding of sometime-Australian resident journalist-writer Linda Tirado), wholly unprovoked. Even the incredible stupidity of Today reporters doesn’t justify it.
That this is all happening under Trump — or the ruling cabal under that brand — has turned what would otherwise be a periodic uprising into a crisis.
Trump reverses Theodore Roosevelt’s “talk softly, carry a big stick” approach to power. He fantasises out loud about violence, then leaves a vacuum of action that others fill.
If he is still under the sway of the occult right as I have described it, then the chaos is deliberate, the choice of immediate power over the health of the republic.
America, as Thomas Jefferson understood it and created it, has always had a touch of anarchy at its core. Jefferson believed it should bust out every half-century or so to renew the country’s spirit.
But that presumed that its rulers would act with that spirit, as FDR did, as LBJ did.
What happens if the spirit of America is used as a pretext to end the republic in its current form?
What will Donald Trump’s legacy be? Let us know your thoughts by writing to letters@crikey.com.au. Please include your full name to be considered for publication in Crikey’s Your Say column.
First and foremost – if (as I fear) it will prove a successful play, come November – Australia needs to quietly and sadly (but firmly) close the door on ANZUS. Let’s not be a neo-Quisling-Norway to another once-civilised superpower’s decadent endgame.
With luck sanity will prevail at the ballot box and the US can start to rebuild. A good start now would be for every Fox News journalist to have a long hard look in the vocational mirror, and then politely (or rudely) show the resident ‘enemy of the people/Fake News’ hate-fuellers who so helped shatter Tirado’s left eyeball (etc)…out the News Corps door forever.
… Schemo won’t try the same ‘winning formula’?
Schemo already is.
Sorry Jack, you’re dreaming. If Trump wins, Scomo will be first in line to pledge our love and admiration.
Yeah. I am sure you’re right, Jim. I’ve been to Hillsong. I’ve felt the seductive pull of the Trump era’s Dreamy American hybrid export: ersatz-messiah, Bezos-prosperity-gospel, laura-norder-you’re-fired!-celebrity-TV, Zuck-click-likes-ordnry-joe-scomo, end-time-salvation-solution. I know the electoral numbers in the Oz suburbs and the populous regions. The St. John’s stunt may look morally repulsive and democratically suicidal to you and me: Shoe-Lift Bunker Boy waving ‘a’ bible in front of a genuine Faith’s commandeered genuine Place of Worship, all for Reality TV. Complete with Reality TV soldier-cops, Reality TV tear gas smoke and Reality TV mob-extras.
But that’s just our…what’s that Murdoch-ANZUS meme, ‘beltway/bubble vision’? As with all simulacrum prep-work the point isn’t to convince the cameramen or the contestants, or the proximate studio audience, which obviously too can see clearly how the illusion is getting put together. And which, let’s face it, even provides the studio audience ‘ambience of verisimilitude’, like stadium cardboard cut-outs and taped audio at an NRL live-for-TV game.
The ironically knowing, cardboard-castrated audience (you and me, Jim) is irrelevant. Bunker Boy’s busy backroomers couldn’t care less that we have our private smartphone footage of their hapless (‘just doing my job’) goons firing tear gas and clouting the Channel 7 crew. That we can see the ‘Apprentice’ studio workings as clearly as we can see a Steve Bannon QAnon hashtag, or a Dominic Cummings castle trip, or a doctored Angus Taylor document. They just laugh us. The producers laugh at our outraged cognisance. Our refusal to suspend disbelief. We don’t matter.
(Isn’t that right, all you DPMC insiders reading this. Your ilk don’t give a flying f**k that we the politically engaged know that you know that we know that you lie and lie and lie and lie, every day of your working lives. It doesn’t matter. We’re not the ones you’re waving that bible at. Right? John Kunkell? Andrew Cardwell? Andrew Shearer? Alex Caroly? Yaron Finkelstein? You don’t give a sh*t that we here in the Crikey studio audience can see exactly what you folks do, each and every working day. Your consciences are fine. You’re probably all pretty good blokes, I’ll bet. You liars. You professional f*cking liars.)
The point of Bunker Boy’s ludicrously naked emporeal tear gas walk and upside down bible-prop arm-salute…is the six long months still until the vote. And the far vaster Reality TV TV-land audiences, who aren’t even now (and may never really be) paying much attention to how the show is being put together. Why would they? It’s not properly finished yet; it’s on the TV, sure, but it’s not ‘on TV’. It hasn’t been edited to look properly – comfortably – Real. Only once the shooting is done, and the set security and catering vans and crowds of extras have gone home (or to prison, or the beyond), can all that raw location footage in the can…be spliced and diced and shaped and musically garnished. Only then will reality – Reality – become clear to most. The shoot right now might seem full of drama, lights, movement, the vicarious thrill of live performance to you and me. But it’s a SNL ‘in-crowd’ distraction only, the rush of celebrity comics and clowns up close and unedited. The truth of it will quickly dull in our memories, evaporate ten minutes after we clock back onto drudgery on Monday. Making this, here, now…all a bit meh, for the TV pro’s. (Done one live shoot, done ‘em all.)
If not George Floyd calling ‘action!’ on this particular Reality TV set – this is the exact opposite of unthinking Godwin callousness – it would have been some other Black-Antifa Tom, Dick or Marinus.
So yeah, Jim. I am fully expecting – to avoid yet another soul-shattering hurt – that you’ll be proven right. I fully expect Bunker Boy to win (quite solidly) in November. I expect Morrison to grit his shallow (and I suppose not wholly un-decent) ANZUS teeth into a hapless grin at G7 (8,9, whatever pisspoor hopeful bullied number turn up), and slither this fantastic country and people that little bit further down and away from what we used to be. Lifting above our weight, of course, to help the same dismal journey globally. Until we all die from choking and heat.
Epic ending, Mr de Mille. Love your work, baby.
For those of us who’ve spent much of our retro-bewildered lives trying to understand how ‘it’ could ever have happened…here it is, I suppose. This. I doubt it can be stopped now, without full empire violent catharsis. (Check out the latest New York Times headline. And the sub, especially. The NYT!! We’re in trouble, as Anderson Cooper puts it). I doubt Biden will turn it much around. Even if Trump is revealed tomorrow to have been just a shouty hologram, all along. Which of course is exactly all he is. It’s what they all always are. It’s nothing much to do with him, because it’s never much to do with the hims.
I hope we’re both wrong, Jim. America and gentle Humanity can still sometimes surprise. Maybe at least one of those names in ScoMo’s office might just decide to circuit-break our bit-part role, by – I dunno, just say – telling us who it was in Taylor’s office who did doctor that Clover Moore budget document, after all. By letting duffer Angus go, after all. That’s all it would take, I reckon. To step Australia sufficiently back from whatever brink Reality TV America is apparently now intent on hurtling beyond. The return of one small, mildly painful but timely, truth to us. From the powerful you – the Reality TV producers – to the powerless us, your audience.
How about you, Yaron Finkelstein? You’re the ScoMo image guy. The word guy. The scriptwriter for this fledgling Australian franchise of the Trump Reality TV show. (Finkelstein, Finkelstein…you’d be Sino-Irish, I’m guessing. Good – you’ll have an historical ear for the dangers of both racially-leveraged fascist oppression and centralised police-state power in the name of ‘order’ unchecked …)
Line? Writer? Line?! Australian press?
Who doctored the Clover Moore document in Angus Taylor’s Ministerial Office, Prime Minister Morrison? Give us the truth. Tell us one small truth. (He’s a dud Minister, anyway). One small truth that hurts you a little bit, but makes you – us all – bigger again, ScoMo. That voluntarily acknowledges the limits of your own individual power – no, you cannot ‘make your own reality’, after all – and increases our shared, collective, democratic kind again.
Circuit-break Australia. Please.
In the home of the brave,
Land of the free,
A third class citizen,
You don’t wanna be.
Trump’s presidency is evolving even better than Putin could’ve hoped for. He struck gold via his secret weapon to unravel Western ‘democracy’.
Trump is no Caesar. I find the idea Trump plans at all incredible, lately.
Agreed 100%, but Bunker Boy himself is and has never really been of either remote interest or relevance to anything but his own grotesque and ridiculous trust brat, man-baby, fat-puppetry reality TV pantomime fanboys. Not so, the assorted faux-GOP, billionaire and media/message machiavels enabling him – none of whom yet show any signs of being concerned that either a) they don’t wish the MAGA machine to continue in this direction, or b) they’ve actually lost control of it altogether. I guess we’ll see in the next few months. As I said…let’s hope decent America takes it out of their craven hands altogether in Nov.
As i daid, ‘Trump’ is as much a brand name for a cabal behind him. Yes, Trump reality TV star etc, not a 3-D chess player….
I think the long-term objective of the Republicans is, and has been for a while, to turn the US into a single-party state. I think there are two models that are favoured in the GOP that will come into contention when the time is right: the ultra-wealthy want a social order like Putin’s Russia where authoritarianism and oligarchy hide behind a thin facade of democracy, while the evangelicals want an Iran-inspired Christian theocracy. The strategy to get to both is the same, though. We’re seeing it in the gerrymandering and de-franchising of opposing party voters and in the stacking of the courts with ultraconservative judges, many of whom are not even qualified for the role according to the American Bar Association. Then, of course, there is the subversion of the Justice Department under Barr. Add to that Trump’s long-term strategy to silence dissent in the press. It’s not a pretty picture. It’s Dictatorship 101.
All this against a backdrop on on-going economic collapse and a mounting death toll from CoVid19.
I predict that within two or three months, Trump will declare a state of martial law, suspend the constitution and cancel the November elections indefinitely.
I agree with most of this except that America already is a one-party state. The genius of the system is that each side of the coin can blame the other, while the corporate state continues to take every opportunity to loot the government coffers (the recent “bailout” was a $20 billion gift to the corporations from a legislature they paid for).
I hope the left wing of the Labor Party has the good sense to leverage the situation to throw the benefits of democratic socialism into relief.
I’d recommend the podcast from RN’s Saturday Extra for the background on the darker nether regions of Bannon & worse which might be in motion –
If that happened the armed forces might get involved to avoid a situation where they would be firing on Americans. Trump doesn’t respect the Constitution but it’s his only protection against a coup. I’ve read that if no elected President is available when the President’s term expires the position goes to the Speaker of the House who is a nice safe corporate Democrat, probably quite palatable to the Pentagon.
If you dare to try and make sense of the current issues in the “not so” US of A, may I suggest a quick read of the prelude to the American Civil War, the siege of Fort Sumter (April 12, 1861) and then the Baltimore Riots (April 19, 1861). If you can make sense of that, good luck. Don’t forget, America’s supposed greatest leader, was running the show at that time.
Well yes, but not really Lincolns fault. The south seceded as soon as he was elected. Blame Buchanan and Pierce, his 2 precedents, who were Trumpian in thwir attitude to political gain….
Fair enough but there’s an underlying (or seems to be) mindset in the US that persists way before the Civil War. And that’s the mindset of the state and county “militia”. I don’t think that can be changed, no matter who is running the united states.