A COVID-19 vaccine is finally in sight and governments are working out the logistics of vaccinating entire populations.
But no vaccine is 100% safe. Concerns have been raised around how fast the vaccines — which are soon to be distributed worldwide — have been developed.
Other countries have compensation schemes to pay out people injured by a vaccine — from minor side effects to serious risks –but what happens in Australia if someone gets sick after being vaccinated?
Vaccine risks are rare, but real
Vaccines throughout history have been problematic, from an early polio vaccine infecting children and causing paralysis and death, to US soldiers developing hepatitis B from a contaminated yellow fever vaccine.
More recently, in 2017 in the Philippines a dengue fever vaccine caused complications and several deaths, and an elderly man died that same year in Australia after being vaccinated for shingles — his immunosuppression medication meant he was at higher risk of complications.
Every vaccine carries a risk of side effects and adverse reactions. Six in every 100,000 infants who get the rotavirus vaccine develop intussusception, a rare bowel blockage. At most, one case in 1 million doses of influenza vaccine can cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare disorder which causes permanent paralysis.
When it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, we’re looking at new technology — mRNA vaccines have not been commercially viable before.
Non-mRNA vaccine trials have also been paused twice — AstraZeneca’s after a participant developed symptoms of transverse myelitis. Although an independent panel decided the condition was unrelated to the vaccine, few details about the patient’s condition have been released and there have been calls for greater transparency.
Some participants have also reported normal but intense side effects from the vaccine, ranging from fever, aches, and swollen injection sites to a “severe hangover” feeling. Most show up within six weeks.
Where’s Australia’s vaccine compensation scheme?
Vaccine injury compensation schemes covering costs for those who develop serious side effects from a vaccine exist in many other countries and have the backing of the World Health Organization.
Despite a growing push from academics, the Australian government has refused to implement such a scheme, University of Sydney clinical vaccine specialist Nicholas Wood tells Crikey.
“Philosophically, if you’re asking people to do something to benefit themselves and the community, and if there’s a feeling the vaccine is mandatory, then there needs to be a safety net,” he said.
The government has given AstraZeneca and the University of Queensland indemnity against liability for rare side effects — meaning it would foot the bill if someone sued the company, although details of what illnesses and how much cash has not been released.
The injured person would still need to hire a lawyer and head to the courts and can apply for funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), although this applies only to permanent disabilities.
In contrast, 25 countries have a no-fault compensation scheme which avoids the legal system. In the United States, a table outlines which injuries are covered and what compensation is provided. The schemes are funded in different ways, from vaccine levies to cash from car registration.
The schemes don’t cover administration errors — if the vaccine isn’t given to someone correctly, injured parties have to pursue a case of medical negligence.
Would this send the wrong message?
If the government was to suddenly implement a compensation scheme would it send a message the vaccine is dangerous?
It might, Professor Julie Leask — a vaccine communication expert at Sydney University’s Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery — tells Crikey, but only for a small subset of people.
“There will inevitably be a group of people who use that info to amplify their beliefs that the vaccinations aren’t safe,” she said.
“But we know even among non-vaccinators the idea that Australia doesn’t look after people injured by a vaccine is one thing wrong with the program.”
She said research showed Australians supported a compensation scheme and wanted to be informed about risks and side effects.
How do we send the right message?
Research fellow at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute’s vaccine uptake group Jessica Kaufman tells Crikey we needed proactive communication around what safeguards are in place.
“It’s important we really clearly explain the scientific steps that have been taken,” she said.
Although vaccines are being developed much faster than usual, no steps have been skipped — phases are just occurring at the same time rather waiting for one to be complete before starting the next one.
Thousands of participants have also been recruited much faster than usual.
Kaufman says some reservations people may have are because messaging is coming from the government.
“We haven’t done a great job of divorcing the vaccine from politics,” she said. “The people sharing information should be scientists and public health officials … It shouldn’t be about why the government is doing well.”
Both Leask and Kaufman say people had become more scientifically literate during the pandemic and could handle complicated explanations.
“A good approach is to be right on the front foot, communicating about what’s known,” Leask said.
“If the government was to suddenly implement a compensation scheme would it send a message the vaccine is dangerous?”
I would say it’s the opposite. By not having a compensation scheme sends the signal they are aware there will be big trouble from the vaccines.
I agree with your view, but a large number of people are alarmed rather than reassured when they see a precautionary measure or safeguard, particularly if it’s new to them. Mysteries of psychology.
“Non-mRNA vaccine trials have also been paused twice — AstraZeneca’s after a participant developed symptoms of transverse myelitis.”
The problem is that you may not necessarily die from a bodgie vaccine jab, one would hope, but that the debilitating effects could render you unable to function normally from the side effects and this would place you back in the medical system.
Your coverage of this issue has been unbiased and comprehensive. Many thanks
Guillain-Barré syndrome, can cause permanent paralysis, but not usually. Wikipedia says “About a fifth are unable to walk unaided after six months”
Younger people recover better than older people.
Intussusception is less common after the current rotavirus vaccine than it is without the vaccine, although there is a linkage to the vaccine.
For gross manufacturing failures such as the 1950’s and 60’s cases you cite, a class action against the manufacturer seems more appropriate than government compensation. The US scheme allows this.
I was so thrilled to receive a letter (on real paper!) from Services Australia advising that, being aged & decrepit, I am eligible for free vaccination(s), presumably against the terror du jour.
It requires my being registered on the national vaccination data base (the existence of which was news to me but then I don’t keep up with such folderole) and sundry other tabulations.
It is nice that the government is so concerned about the welfare of this useless eater.
InDUNCE – I ‘ll be blunce. You are a dunce. Now go and stand in the corner with your dunces hat on just like you did in primmary school.
Back to the article: “Although vaccines are being developed much faster than usual, no steps have been skipped”
WTF!!! – “no steps have been slipped”
Hmmm – Dear Amber, this is the part where we suspect a wincy little bit of advertorial. Please don’t get me wrong. It was actually a great article but I have a nose for sniffing the $$$.
Anyway, better days ahead.
“No steps have been skipped”
So, you assume that in none of the countries considering use of these vaccines the regulatory authorities are paying any attention. Seriously?
Just look at the testing results thus far. Can the regulatory authorities be trusted when there is both massive political expediency and social pressure to get people vaxxed? Blind eyes will be turned. I don’t share your confidence in systemic authority.