Fuck the patriarchy Simple. Aggressive. To the point.
Hey Siri, what’s justice? A photo of Scott Morrison scrolling on his phone taken when shadow minister for women Tanya Plibersek was speaking. Jen wasn’t in Parliament to provide advice that day, so Siri would have to do.
Ditch the dicks A lot of women in Canberra today weren’t just screaming for 50/50 representation in Parliament but for women to take over entirely. I’m all for it.
I want politicians who don’t rape women You would think this wouldn’t be so hard.
We are the vaccine for patriarchy Let’s hope this rollout goes better than the Morrison government’s COVID-19 one.
Hanging dicks A picture is worth 1000 words.
I’m 12 and already sick of this shit An absolute eye-opener when children have had enough of rape culture in the short amount of time they’ve spent on this floating rock.
C**ty shit fuckery Bold. Understated. Nonsensical, but also gets the point across.
What does Jenny say? She’d likely remind her husband that women are people. What a revelation.
I’m female, I’m angry and I vote Judging by the latest pools, it seems our government forgot about a crucial voting bloc in this country.
Nah, fuck this shit You can tell I have a preference for the simple, sweary signs.
Be thankful we only want equality not payback A subtle threat. Hear us roar.
Why does every woman know another woman that was raped but no man knows a rapist? As survivor and advocate Saxon Mullins said at the march today, rapists hide in plain sight. “Where are the perpetrators? They are your friends. They are your workmates … stop protecting them.”
Off with their heads A call for political resignations, and also a dick joke. Two birds, one stone.
Still protesting this shit. Ffs, it’s 1911 2021 There have been a lot of movements and marches for women’s rights but even after a century of fighting, not enough has been done.
Boys will be boys held accountable for their actions. Still not asking for it. He needs a mirror A group of young women yelling for their rights and screaming for women to stop being blamed for men’s actions.
Love your work.
I’m safe as I only have a Small SD.
But effective enough to produce two fantastic feminists who take after their mother.
A magnificent collection, great work, fully agree.
(Funny how any attempt to copy the wording of some of those signs into comments here would bring the modbot down with full force, but never mind.)
Hey I’m the first rat to leave the stinking ship called homo sapien. Gunna taxanomically reclassify from homo sapien to pan something. Here are the choices: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_for_the_human_species
have a few favourites already but it’s got to be just one.
Hey Amber, i want to be the first hominid on the planet to not identify as a homo sapien on the grounds that I have no clue what youse mob are on about. On the spectrum and loving it. If people can choose their gender identity, I want to choose my species identity, so I choose to identify with the chimpanzees. Even though there is a already a good range of choices, I am favouring my own, pan hamenos, to honour Ham being the first chimpanzee into space, and Enos, the second.
I presume that you mean the bonobos – the other chimp species are mean & nasty, like humans.
I’ll stick with monkeys in space. Sounds like me.
I always had a soft spot for the Muppets’ Pigs in Space – a compilation of the 2mins snippets from the weekly show was once put out by K-Tel but I’ve never been able to find it since.
NB – the widely available Muppets in Space was not a patch of bedraggled carpetscraps by comparison.
Virtually every one.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s shoutback jocks telling how shocked, shlocked I tells ye, they were by the naughtiness on diplay.
I liked the sign that said, “I’ve seen better cabinets at IKEA”.
that made me laugh.
Dunno wots funnier Amber, the signs or you. Where’s Tony Abbott’s knitting nannas in all of this!
Do you mean la Tricoteuses?
The Knitting Nannas of the norther rivers were no fans of Toned Abs.
Just his fem base
As with the Ancien Regime who heard but could not understand the cries of the Sans Culottes, so also the wilting members of the Regime Phallocratique.