Parramatta Eels sports scientist Tahleya Eggers (Image: Twitter)

When Scott Morrison got sick of hanging out with blokes with a long, ugly history of rape, sexual assault, harassment, trolling and heavy drinking, at least he had his classy rugby league mates to turn to. I mean, after last week the pollies are making the scandal-ridden sexist boofheads at the NRL look positively woke.

Scotty From Marketing once again showed his genius on Saturday night — not just by attending a footy match, but by being photographed in the changing room afterwards.

What could be wrong with that, other than everything?

For a start he was celebrating with the opposing team who beat his “beloved” Sharkies. Needs must.

For another thing the winning team, the Parramatta Eels, were still reeling from their own horrendous scandal after former star player Jarryd Hayne was convicted of sexual assault. I guess they could all relate to each other about what it’s like being blamed for the disgusting behaviour of your colleagues.

Only problem was that there was a woman in the changing room — yes, they apparently occasionally let them in these days — and wouldn’t you know it but she went and ruined the photo opportunity. The picture of Eels sports scientist Tahleya Eggers standing behind the PM with her arms crossed sporting a look of pure and utter contempt went viral on Twitter after a brilliant tweet stating “she is all of us”.

And just in case there was any confusion about the picture or her reaction, Eggers put out a tweet clarifying it all.

She. Did. Not. Miss.

“Proud to claim this one,” she wrote. “I will not respond to a man who has the time to shake hands of men who have won a football match but is ‘too busy’ to attend the March For Justice.”

Eels management were unusually quick to read the room and kindly decided it would not discipline Eggers, saying she was “responding to a social media meme that was not of her making”.

Feeling incredibly generous, it added: “The club is comfortable with her clarifying her personal position and we consider the matter closed.”

Eggers’ tweet has since been deleted. Given the Eels claimed they were alright with it you can only wonder if the head guys at the NRL had anything to add.

Whatever happens, Eggers should become the new face of rebellion and the photo, as one person suggested, should be displayed in the National Portrait Gallery.

ScoMo’s spin doctors will claim he was just being a daggy dad going to his footy. What else could he have done after last week? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe try some other form of entertainment that might broaden his horizons.

That same night in Sydney was the opening of the Broadway hit Hamilton. It’s already sold more tickets than any other show in Australia and will bring millions into the ailing arts sector the Morrison government has so ignored — not to mention millions more into the economy.

It drew international attention to Australia as the only place in the world where Hamilton, or indeed any major musical theatre, is playing. Imagine if it has been a sports match like tennis or something that a PM could promote?

The PM gave his ticket to Arts Minister Paul Fletcher, a bad marketing mistake given Hamilton is a popular phenomenon and other pollies took advantage of great photo opportunities — from Anthony Albanese to Gladys Berejiklian and even Malcolm Turnbull.

The previous night another former PM was at an even more exclusive culture event, with Tony Abbott in black tie at the opening night of La Traviata at Opera on the Harbour.

Even he’s not afraid of the arts, Scotty.