
The Liberal Party is facing a crisis, one related to gender, but it’s not the one you think it is.
It’s true that recent weeks have exposed a level of decadence and squalor that has surprised even many of its enemies. The Morrison government had managed, before and since the last election, to put together a programme and approach which combined voter self-interest and collective being (from the “promise of Australia” to the “quiet Australians”) in a formula upon which Labor found difficult to land a blow.
Morrison appeared capable of mediating between the Coalition’s hard right, and the centre/centre-right mainstream. He threw a few bones to the culture warriors, but also sought to defuse confrontations without capitulation. An example was invoking the convicts in the now-annual January 26 stoush: he proposed an alternative set of victims, rather than the Howard-Abbott approach of celebrating Western civilisation “with blemishes”.
That may not have defused it for the progressive class, quite the opposite, but that was the point: to get that group spitting with fury, while a larger group were given something that most people could accept.
But that control, which looked like a new centre-right formula, fell apart almost instantly when the series of revelations, started by Brittany Higgins’ reporting of an alleged rape and potential cover-up inside Parliament House, began to multiply.
The moral blindness to the seriousness of what was being heard, and the strategic ineptness in handling it, gave strength to the other view of Morrison — that he has been, and is, a second-rate executive, who has managed to fail upwards through certain wiles, which do not equate to executive skills.
That may be a little unfair, since the volume of revelations was so great, that it quickly jumped to the next level: individual incidents became examples of a categorigal situation. For reasons I don’t quite understand, progressives allowed this to be portrayed as an example of patriarchy in a general workplace culture.
But there weren’t any stories of Labor or Greens depravity emerging. If any were circulating we can be sure that News Corp would have brought them to the fore. From accusations of rape, to gross sexism, to giving a female boss’ desk a midnight buffing (history repeats; senator Albert Field whose 1975 appointment lost the Whitlam government Senate control was, by trade, a French polisher), this was all the Coalition.
Bizarrely, this has now been generalised and Liberal women have been allowed to take a lead in a manner that depoliticises it.
There may well be a problem with Parliament’s workplace culture, but what has emerged is a problem of right-wing culture, and of the Liberal Party in particular. The crisis is a measure of the deformation of personality and values within the Liberal movement; the decomposition of political liberalism itself.
Every political party attracts chancers and weirdos, but the sheer number of men being exposed as predators by this process suggests that both the capacity and desire to weed out such types is diminishing, as they become less unusual in the party ecology.
The positive values that constitute liberalism — a self-disciplined individualism, mutual respect, an orientation towards freedom — have been deformed by the decline of liberalism as a movement. The fictional but aspirational values of Thatcherism — of “animal spirits” channelled into economic life, while traditional values govern selfhood — have been reversed.
Corporate capitalism lives off monopolies and rents, and most Liberal staffers and think-tankers want to be as far from the actual market as possible. It’s inevitable that the “animal spirits” transfer into a predatory, animalistic approach to human relations — and that a decayed political culture gives such behaviour shelter.
Liberal women have now called time on it. But that occurred only after Brittany Higgins re-made accusations that draw police involvement, and there wasn’t much choice. Otherwise, they would most likely have busked it, as they have been doing for years.
The Liberals very much want to retain their image and reality as “the nasty party”; they want their operatives to be truly ruthless. They know that Labor, for all its swagger, can’t really match the Libs for sheer bastardry and nihilism; the days of the union hard men are long gone.
But now they have no choice but to change, because the culture is found simply intolerable by women, who would have hitherto tolerated it for the greater political good. As Brittany Higgins pushed the party and the prime minister to do something more than appeasement, the contradiction between liberalism and the politics of gender came to crisis.
This is manifested in the renewed call for the party to introduce gender quotas for preselection. Obviously, for women stymied by decades of sluggish attitudinal change in a party that celebrates an inherently masculine style, quotas now present themselves as the only way to remove the unfair discrimination that limits them within the party.
But to resort to that — and in a more concerted way than Julia Banks did a few years ago — is to undermine the last major philosophical difference between individualist free-enterprise liberalism and the social liberalism that underpins Labor and Green parties.
Once the party concedes gender quotas, they concede what every progressive sees as the bleedin’ obvious: that power is structural, multiply defined, embedded in social and cultural structures which work beyond individual agency.
That not only dissolves the distinction between liberals and progressives; it does so in favour of the former. It’s the last philosophical surrender. Once that’s done, left-right politics, at the centre, is simply about the degree of progressivism one implements. That one should use statist-style measures to address unfairness is no longer in dispute. (The dilemma is encapsulated in reports of Liberal vice-president Teena McQueen making a lame joke at a meeting about “[at my age] killing to be sexually harassed” — and being shopped to the meeja for it by three Liberal women. Who needs the Macquarie Uni student union womxn’s department, when the Libs are Stasi-ing themselves?)
This issue raises obvious contradictions when your aim in implementing quotas for gender fairness is so you can pursue a career denying people fairness as regards class, race, indigeneity, identity etc.
Perhaps some Liberal women have had their general consciousness raised about other forms of oppression; but since the point of the philosophy is to not see things from someone else’s point of view, don’t hold your breath.
While all this celebration of gender solidarity was going on, Liberal women MPs dutifully supported stripping anti-wage-theft provisions from the industrial relations bill, exposing hundreds of thousands to predatory action in another form.
The party can probably busk that rampant contradiction internally (at the party organisational level, they had male-female parity rules for decades; however, these were created in a pre-feminist era, to give the party strong community anchoring). But as a public projection, it ultimately undermines their pitch about the sovereign individual.
Worn away by the culture wars, COVID, and the Christian collectivism of Morrison, is the Liberal Party finally dispensing with the last of its liberalism?
In 1975 I loathed Malcolm Fraser, and acting on Gough’s injunction, maintained my rage. (It’s still in excellent condition after 45 years of use). Over time, Malcolm achieved a degree of rehabilitation – even if the original sin could not be forgiven. However, the fact that Malcolm left the Liberal Party on the grounds that he could no longer recognise it tells us much about the current appalling bestiary.
I will not forget Fraser faced down the racists in his cabinet and in the community over the Vietnamese diaspora, not only because we shared responsibility for their plight, but also because we were signatories to the Convention. Compare that with our present habit of leaving Afghan or Iraqi interpreters to be picked off by vengeful compatriots.
If you offered me the choice between the return of Mal or the return of Gough (both in good playing condition and not dead obviously), I would instantly choose Gough. But if you asked me to choose between Mal and Albanese I’d have to think seriously about it.
So a Liberal changed its spots. Doesn’t happen often.
No, Mal didn’t change at all.
Anymore that the whole swathe of us did.
John Howard turned the “Liberal Party” into a very nasty imitation of Maggie Thatcher’s Conservative party.
We didn’t move, they did.
You overlooked the strategic triumph by Howard over Peacock but be that as it may.
True. Howard turned the Liberal party into the far right party. Abbott ramped it up. Morrison & his links to QANON & his pentecostal faith have moved it even further to the right. So far to the right, deep into white supremacist territory.
Abbott tidied it up. Stopped all that wasteful spending on things like the ABC and refugees. Set the scene for Morrison’s foray into white supremacy,
Fraser did not touch one of Whitlam’s reforms. Ultimately, it was about bedfellows. Fraser had no problems being mates and sleeping with the CIA. The relationship was more or less mutual. Bye bye Gough.
People still struggle to accept the CIA’s role in the overthrow of the Whitlam government despite everything pointing to it.
Slept with the CIA, but lost his pants over it.
An informed but now deceased source, claimed the ‘lost his pants’ incident was Mossad, on behalf of S. Africa, as payback for Fraser’s efforts in supporting independent nations in southern eastern Africa.
Fraser also said we should end the Aus/USA military alliance. He was so right. We are now building their missiles for them, throwing billions at their space program, have surrendered the NT to them to use as a bombing range and a base thats not a base, & Trump’s removal has made us no safer. The US war machine is still the same old same old. It still calls out for millions of lives to be sacrificed so they can bring ‘democracy’ to where ever there is oil……….
Yes, yes, yes! Makes me mad too…
Sorry for being so off-topic but I’ve thought it for a long time and now I’m going to say it: That’s one cool moniker you go by! 🙂 Always makes me smile.
I assumed it was actually her name! 🙂
Liberal women have now called time on it… Just not true, they are yet to demand Laming’s removal from the LNP and they won’t because they are clearly more interested in holding onto their power than rocking the boat. Its BS GR, absolute lip service!
A very good point
At least the grubby Michael Johnsen seems to have gone while of course protesting his “innocence”. Yes another one Jack but I do resent my taxes going these sleazeballs who are giving “hard at work for their constituents” a new meaning! They can do that in own time!
Well, pending the accusation aside re: the first encounter (of three, I might add, so whatever the assault may be found to have been, it didn’t scare the allaged victim off) Johnsen hooked up perfectly legally with a sex worker, Beth. Is that automatically grubby, shameful? From what I saw of the texts, he was perfectly solicitous, decent, amenable…even gentlemanly. And she initiated the sexting, with a nudie pic while he was in Parly.
Yes, I seem to be getting in a worrying habit of defending fairly dismal men and their fairly dismal behavior. But – again, the accusation of assault (which police are still considering) aside – I do honestly think ‘sleazeball’ is at this stage a wee bit harsh, in his case. I am not so far away from being that guy myself. Late middle aged, not terribly attractive, single, bit awkward with modern women, and lonely.
The sex worker meanwhile seemed to be pretty much in control of the whole sitch from go to whoa (and at least a few grand up). From her appearance on the telly last night, where she laughed at Johnsen for being so ‘silly’ as to send her a picture of him and honestly saying who he was and what he was after…she seems to be doing OK, too. But p’raps let’s wait to see if he gets charged with a crime, I guess.
Yes, yes, ‘gentlemanly’ apart from the wanking, yes yes. But it’s sexting, initiated by her, fully consenting, etc etc.
And of course, presumed by Johnsen to be strictly private, not ever for public consumption. You ever done anything consensual in the bedroom that, were your intimate partner to share without your consent, might make you look like a bit of a ‘sleazebag’?
Ever had a wank, Beth?
It’s sex. By nature it looks sleazy when it’s shoved in a mass audience’s face, and mocked far and wide by it.
The issue here- he was doing this IN PARLIAMENT. DURING WORK HOURS. In the chamber. That is the issue.
Agree Jack.. it appears the sex worker had a jolly good laugh. Not only in control but well paid for her efforts to engage in consensual sex…….’she’ lifts the bar a tad with some nudie pics and bang all of a sudden it’s cause for possible charges. A crime. Seriously? This is business as usual, goes on every day, everywhere. Perhaps some people need to get out of the house a bit more.
Yup. Guy’s lost his job/career and been ritually, publicly humiliated. I suppose he made his own bed. But his staffers have also lost their jobs, and his democratic voters their democratically voted-in Rep.
Let’s wait and see if he gets charged with a crime, though. Cops still considering the accusation.
These texts were sent while he was in the chamber. Ostensibly working for us, the tax payers. While giving himself hard ons during question time.
Like the men who chose to wank on a female MP’s desk, this man has NO RESPECT. Just another BiG swinging dick.
Gotta say, I don’t think it’s OK for anyone to be engaging in their hobbies while they’re being paid to do a job, Jack R. It’s not like he was on his lunch break…
I admit I have sexted at work in the past. But I’m not an MP whose workplace common areas are monitored by CCTV.
I have no problem in principle with him paying for BBBJs or engaging in sexting, etc. Doing it in work time is a bit naff.
I do have an issue when such people hold themselves up as pillars of society and stomp on others for their human frailties.
My reading of the assault (and I could be wrong) is that it is a breach of contract issue.
He does provide a convenient sacrificial lamb for Gladys and Pork Barrel, however.
Naff in the workplace, yep, sure was. Suspect he wouldn’t be the first person in history who ever rubbed one out on the company dime, though. (OK, ‘know for a fact, first hand’…so to speak, ahem.)
I do hear you on the ‘moral values/pillar’ hypocrisy thing. I’m not ever fully convinced of this argument, though…except in the extreme examples (anti-gay campaigners caught at the glory hole, pro-lifers with a string of mistress abortions, etc.) Not sure I could make a coherent case against your point in the greyer zones, though…except to vaguely say it just doesn’t quite ring true to me. Bit too glib, perhaps. Maybe that it precludes social conservatives ever being ‘allowed’ to proselytise an ideal that, given human nature, probably can’t ever be lived up to.
Re: the assault, yes,I will be interested to see what if any charge is laid. Sounds like you are in the ballpark, though.
To clarify Jack my gripe is specifically that he is making a mockery of parliament and parliamentary “privilege” by using hours of QT to line up getting laid instead of doing what he is paid to do while being the usual sanctimonious Nat Party stooge! I am not morally objecting to his use of sex workers (who provide a valuable community service!) or commenting on the alleged sexual assault.
Christ knows why these wives are so devastated though, except for wasting the best 30 years of their lives on self serving men!
Sex workers have rights. They need to be protected from men who forcefully get more than they asked/paid for. That is the nature of the complaint. It seems some here feel sex workers have no rights. Who are the little boys sniggering now?
This sex worker lodged a complaint with the police straight after this man grabbed what he had not paid for & what was not consented to.
I am not so far away from being that guy myself. Late middle aged, not terribly attractive, single, bit awkward with modern women, and lonely….
Poor Jack, you’re really going for the sympathy root there! 😉
Yeah sprung.
As Shakespeare said, “a root by any other name would be as sweet”.
Dear Beth, looks like you could do with a hug, so here goes. ♥
…plus, have you heard: “Want true love? Buy a dog!” 😉
Ha ha That was Jack’s description of himself that I copied not mine! I’m a crazy old woman with cats myself! 😉
Sorry, I must put my glasses on! 8)
(Italics or quotation marks help me!)
You can have the hug anyway, and so can your cats! 🙂
Exactly my thought when I read that facile assertion. They’ll still be Liberals, those women. Grace Tame is reported today to have stated in extremely forceful, articulate fashion what she thinks of Amanda Stoker’s new ministerial assistance appointment. She’s way ahead of Guy. Grace, that is.
They’ll still be Liberals, those women.
Yeah – just like people are still Catholic after ALL the kiddy fiddling & worse.
Apart from their gender problem the LNP have a religion problem.
Too many of their members are from the Christian right who see everything through a “culture war” (which mainly exists in their own minds) lens and all the solutions through a fundamentalist biblical ideology (which also exists mainly in their own minds)
Until the LNP purges itself of these branch stacking god-botherers we’re on a road to nowhere to use scomos favourite analogy.
Yeah, not just Christian, but quite malevolent and at the extremes end of it, in Australian context at least.
I don’t believe many of them are christian. Their management level pastors are there for the money and the power.
Modern liberalism came here from the old country, its ways and politics. J S Mill. Gladstone, Asquith, gave some shape to it because they coulsd afford to indulge themselves. Australi’a liberalism hardly ever existed, has declined, is no longer a force in conservative parties here. Policies of ME, greed, self, notice, pose, status, preferment, career, property, superficiality all exist.
Same in the old country
“the sheer number of men being exposed as predators by this process suggests that both the capacity and desire to weed out such types is diminishing…”
Diminishing? Hardly. It’s been reversed, for a long time now. There is positive selection for such characters, protection for them once they are in place, and a hostile environment for anyone who does not like it.
And the sheer volume of such men in the real world.