Scott Morrison’s story on why the vaccine rollout is a disaster keeps changing. And it has nothing to do with 3.1 million vaccines doses held up by Europe (a claim the EU denies, in any event).
Yesterday, when asked why the government was so badly adrift of its initial forecast that 4 million people would be vaccinated by the end of March, Morrison replied:
You talked about the 4 million figure. Well the simple explanation of that is 3 million — 3.1 million vaccines — that never came to Australia. And so that is the reason. Back in early January we had anticipated we would have those 3.1 million vaccines. Those 3.1 million vaccines were not supplied to Australia, and that explains the difference between the numbers you are referring to, and we made that very clear back in February. So to — and we made it very clear that they were indicative figures that we were working to at that time based on the information that we had.
The 4 million target dates were from January, before the Europeans announced vaccine export bans (although that they would do so was predicted and the government was fully aware of the risk). By the time of the government’s formal March 14 rollout schedule, that target had been revised down to around 1.8 million vaccinations. The government had incorporated the European ban into its planning. On page 10 of the document, under the “Indicative Vaccine Dosage Schedule”, there’s a note in small print “Does not include 3.1 million international AZ doses or COVAX doses”.
Except we didn’t even come vaguely close to reaching that revised 1.8 million figure: fewer than 700,000 doses were delivered by the end of March. That had nothing to do with the failure to receive 3.1 million doses.
Or maybe Morrison hadn’t read the March rollout schedule? Oh, but wait, Morrison launched the schedule on March 14 and stood next to Health secretary Brendan Murphy while he went through it. And what did Murphy say?
We only got 300,000 of the 3.8 million in February and then another 400,000 of AstraZeneca from overseas has only just arrived recently. So we’re 3.1 million doses short of AstraZeneca vaccine from what we thought we would have in that initial ramp up … The international AstraZeneca we are not confident, we haven’t factored in getting any more of that. [emphasis added]
Nor was Murphy somehow mistaken. After the Europeans announced the bans, Hunt rather airily claimed Australia was exempt, saying “our advice is that our vaccine supply and guidance remains on track, those dates that we provided earlier on in the week, followed discussions with country heads of Pfizer and AstraZeneca, took into account supply and regulatory conditions within Europe and have been reaffirmed in the last 24 hours.”
But by March 5, once it was clear that Hunt’s optimism was ill-founded, the rollout schedule was adjusted to reflect the missing 3.1 million doses. Hunt said that day “we had planned the AstraZeneca rollout based solely on those 300,000 doses that had arrived in Australia, and we were very, very cautious on that front”. Hunt repeated that on March 18 “we haven’t factored any of the remaining 3.1 million AstraZeneca vaccines into Australia’s rollout, we’ve taken the most cautious approach”. He re-affirmed that a few days later, on March 22, at which point the government was starting to come under pressure on the botched rollout.
So, I think the important [thing] is if we can get part of the 3.1 million, because we’re not counting them in [our] forward projections in Australia — so these are the 3.1 million AstraZeneca doses which to date haven’t been released — they would effectively represent additional supply without having to draw on Australia’s doses. [emphasis added]
By last week, though, when the media were beginning to savage the rollout, Hunt was changing his tune. “We’ve made sure that we have an international supply, but frankly, we’ve seen a massive impost on that — 3.1 million doses which were due haven’t arrived from Europe and we understand the circumstances,” he responded to questions about the slow pace of the rollout.
This week, the Europeans have been elevated to the chief villains of the piece by Morrison, despite their actions having nothing to do with why we missed his revised schedule by more than a million.
The government all along insisted that it had enough AstraZeneca doses to get us to the point where our “sovereign manufacturing capacity” could start producing enough vaccines. Hunt said on March 5 “we have sufficient AstraZeneca to take us through to the arrival of the CSL doses.”
Except, the government is refusing to say how many doses CSL is manufacturing. Directly asked yesterday, Morrison obfuscated: “It varies from week to week. We are still in the early phases so it would be misleading, I think, to give you an average at this point.” Murphy responded to a direct question by Leigh Sales last night with a similar word salad, as part of a train wreck interview in which he insisted the rollout was running perfectly.
Does anyone seriously think if CSL was churning out huge numbers that the government wouldn’t be crowing about it?
The changing stories, the misleading responses, the refusal to provide hard numbers — it increasingly looks like another cover-up of another government stuff-up. One with dramatic implications for Australians’ health and wealth.
As with all else the Federal Government is only spin deep. And, that now includes Brendan Murphy who appears to be bound hand, foot and mouth to Morrison and Hunt. Murphy’s former persona as Chief Medical Officer has worn so thin regurgitating the LNP Covid line for the day that he is an embarrassment waiting for a political misstep to send him further down the path to irrelevance.
Ok, BK. You got Morrison a beaudy. Political points being scored everywhere. Gotcha gotcha gotcha. You did there gottim a gooden. err btw, from your wellspring of medical knowledge can you please inform us readers if by any chance there will be any medical risk side-effects from any of the vaccines? And, will you get your own personal jab at a chemist, doctor’s surgery, mobile health clinic or closer to home an army base like Duntroon? Thanks in advance.
Why would anyone get it? the so called virus has never been found anywhere in the world, the tests don’t diagnose anything and never have, and the vaccines are illegal untested gene therapy.
What rot. The last thing needed now is ill-informed anti vaxers sprouting nonsense.
It’s ironic that a small group of persecuted and vilified remnant of people may turn out to be the real unsung heroes.of this country. I am not antivax. Just pro choice but I admire them.
I have concerns about Astra Zenica as do health authorities overseas, but that does not mean I believe the nonsense Marilyn sprouts. She is no unsung hero. She doesnt believe covid 19 exists. She is one step away from the QANON crew. I do not admire stupidity. It is dangerous. Trump’s supporters showed us just how dangerous.
Qanon is not anything I know much about, but the fact is all the tests were invented without any virus, how can you make a test without any virus, what precisely would you be using the test for? I used to do hundreds of urine tests per day as a nurse, I always needed to have urine.
Ummhh, they had the virus Marilyn, that’s how they made the tests.
Unsung heroes, by not getting vaxxed? Not anti-vax, right up there with “I’m not a racist, but …”
Everyone has a choice, Craig. What exactly are you arguing for when your stated goal is already public policy?
They are not vaccines, why on earth are Australian people so damn dumb they can’t check.
Sad. Your continual mutterings of covid conspiracy leave little room for genuine concerns. There clearly ARE issues with Astra Zenica but your ravings make any queries look like the ravings of the unstable.
Covid 19 is real. Spreading conspiracy rubbish helps no one.
Says she who has read nothing about the dreaded Virus that’s not been vetted by the MSM.
Talk about a Closed Mind -You take the cake & the afters.
There are at least 4 assertions you make Marilyn. The “so-called virus” that despite their being abundant manifold evidence has somehow in your estimation “never been found anywhere in the world”. Truly absurd.
And, also appallingly insensitive/callous to those who have suffered through the illness caused by this novel pathogen. It’s various effects have been catastrophic for people worldwide. However, somehow you’ve managed to gain an alarmingly arse askew, pig ignorant and deluded take on this large and significant moment in history.
Then there’s your finishing touch alluding to the vaccines being both illegal and untested. Again, both easily proven to be utter nonsense. What’s your call Marilyn?
While everyone’s entitled to their point of view etc etc what’s at stake here is of greater import than an individuals opinion and feelings. Please don’t insult my intelligence by suggesting I’m ill informed and a mindless cipher of greater forces etc etc.
Very temperate response.
Nope, I read something beside the Australian media crap brought to you by Gates, big Pharma and Google. All this blather about people being so called sick from a cold virus, and yes the WHO has listed it with cold viruses because that is all it is, while 8 million babies a year die of starvation is grotesque. The average age of so called deaths from this so called ”virus” is 82 globally, the average age of deaths by starvation of babies is under 5. How vile you fools are.
The common cold is also a coronavirus. Well done you. This, however, is not a common cold, this is a NOVEL corona virus. That doesn’t mean they’ve written a book about it, it just means it’s new, with zero community immunity.
Honestly Marilyn, how can you possibly believe that? 3 million have now died from this disease, probably a lot more, how do you explain that? All just some big pharma conspiracy with government, for an untested gene therapy, when the AZ vaccine is not gene related. How do you jump through all those hoops to arrive at such a cynical and desperate analysis?
No need to thank me – I took one for the sake of the nation, and in my self interest of course. I had my jab more than a week or so ago. Sorry to report that there has been no drama, no side-effects.
Should you find that I next contact you from beyond the pale you have my permission to feel content.
At the seance can I tell you I told you so?
Sorry – I believe in science so I will not be on the other end to take your call.
I think you mean across the Styx. Most Aussies are already beyond the pale IMO and yet still breathing.
Chances of clots, around 1 in 200,000 or so, depending on age. Chances of minor side
effects, about the same as the flu Vax. What’s up, a little headache or fever too much for you to gain likely immunity and certainty of not dying from Covid, plus contributing to the community overall.
See below.
Brendan Murphy’s performance in front of the parliamentary panel was appalling.
Skin deep but their melanomas metastasize thoughout the body.
Coverups is scomos one and only talent.
Where the b****y hell are ya?
Give the man a Fair Go pulleez. Just think how much of his day he spends laying out his apparel. Now where am I being toted to today … Need the mask with flag on it in case I run into the Great Unwashed; need my lapel badge to remind me where I live; need my hi-viz gear in case I am up for a visit to a factory; need a dustcoat for the oversight of any occasional Jab that happens – Gee why haven’t I got a Butler like those dill Poms?
As well as what uniform to adopt for the photo ops, I suspect that are fair bit of his time, would be spent on going over all the spin, half truths and blatant contradictions that he’s uttered in the previous days and weeks, and then trying to construct a narrative for the day, in which he can draw attention away from all that prior garbage that he’s spoke.
A bunch of lying scheming crooks; example after example attest to this. Scotty from Marketing has learnt well from his friend Trump, just keep lying. He can depend on a majority of Australia’s (stupid as dog sh*t) to think he’s doing a great job.
Unless you are one of the dwindling number of Australians that actually want these corrupt, intellectually-barren oxygen-thieves to pull off another miracle election victory, then buy a pallet of popcorn, sit back and watch this slow-motion implosion of the worst government in our History. (yes, even worse than Abbott’s).
It’s just a miracle that thanks to the medical the bureaucrats and the state and territory leaders, we arent literally dying for a vaccine that these bozzos cant deliver.
Well Scotty does believe in miracles – in fact I think that is his only “go to” option.
Oh, it’s okay, the Scomopath has already got his two shots. Why is anyone else complaining?
Actually, was Morrison the first person in Australia to get two shots?
Has Jen had her jab?
Never mind Jen, what about his widowed mother? You know – the centre of his universe. She will be in phase 1B – as am I. I have had no word yet from my GP on any date. Has Scotty’s mum had her shots yet?
My GP has missed out on 1b altogether. I have to try to get my shot from another clinic or wait until May some time.
Don’t bother, honestly I swear Australians are dumber than posts. THEY ARE NOT VACCINES for anything. They are illegal untested experimental gene therapy for a non existent virus.
In your case would you be interested using sheep drench instead.
https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-takes-additional-action-fight-against-covid-19-issuing-emergency-use-authorization-second-covid At this time, data are not available to determine how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.” Well there you have it straight from the FDA’s words to your ears. If they are gene therapies that do not prevent transmission why would you bother. The side affects are listed. And by the way one of my uncles drowned in sheep dip, why do you want to wish I would too.
I won’t be taking the vaccine at this time, not because of hysterical conspiracy theories but because I don’t think I need one at present. My wife who wants to return to Russia for awhile will need one before she returns.
The report by the FDA is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a report by the FDA.
Lying by omission. From the same report:
“The vaccine was 94.1% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease among these clinical trial participants with 11 cases of COVID-19 in the vaccine group and 185 in the placebo group.”
Any trials were a joke -rushed & only with $$$$$$ signs in front. Cases means NOTHING ! It doesn’t mean the person is sick ! It just means that some strands of DNA have shown up in a test that is demonstrated not to be accurate.
MarilynS in your reply to TonyP you fail to understand the difference between sheep drenching and sheep dipping.
The former is administered by a drenching gun into the mouth of the sheep, with the latter the sheep were pushed into and swam in a dip laced with toxic chemicals, this method due to science, is now banned.
Thankfully science has enabled a safer way, in this instance, just as it has/ will continue to develop vaccines to combat Covid-19.
Thankfully Salk & Sabin gave us vaccines to combat Polio.
With above in mind please look to the peer reviewed science for all our sake’s.
Sorry to hear of how your Uncle died.
Gee with only 10 farmers in my immediate family of course I know nothing about farming. All 10 of them were sheep farmers, I saw crutching, shearing, dipping and drenching all my child hood, even the slaughter which is why I never eat lamb.
It seems that you spent too long too closely associated with your woolly family – you seem to have ingested a fair whack of Ovis DNA.
That why Leviticus was so uptight about such sharing.
Normal influenza vaccinations give protection for 4 months and looks like getting Covid also gives the person about 4 months protection- that is why there is in the news people overseas getting getting Covid twice – surprise ,surprise!
No they aren’t, there is no such thing as covid, autopsies are finding bacterial pneumonia or common cold viruses.
Many are advocating that, TonyP. That’s the Ivermectin cure AND treatment malarkey.
I see the Tinfoil Hat/Sovereign Citizen/ Anti-Vaxxer/ QAnon Nutbag Brigade are active again.
Have you thought about a larger audience? How many ignorant folk you reaching with your “alternate” perspectives here? Wasted really.
Just out of curiosity MS, do you have relevant scientific credentials?
The roll out is completely stuffed – instead of supplying GPs – they wanted everyone who is underemployed and never given vaccinations to have a go – see my comments about the training questions yesterday – they should have released to doctors -see how it went then expand the program
She tried but Morrispin pushed her over in his rush to be first, she used to that so she’s quietly sitting in Kirribilli nursing her bruised butt