
Arresting Kristo Langker is not just a thoroughly bemusing use (misuse?) of police powers. It also risks making a martyr of one of the internet’s most egregious egos. YouTuber Friendlyjordies (aka Jordan “Persecution Complex” Shanks-Markovina) was already soaking up victimhood status after NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro starting suing him for defamation.
And now Langker, Shanks-Markovina’s producer, has been charged by the NSW Police Fixated Persons Investigations Unit, paving the way for Friendlyjordies to follow the Pauline Hanson script even more closely.
Like Hanson, Jordies has tapped into disaffection in specific pockets of the community and exploited it mercilessly for power and money. Hanson has eked out sympathy by playing the victim ever since her 2003 prison term, and Jordies pitches himself as the brave soul battling dark and powerful forces who feel threatened by him.
On the face of it the arrest seems like a massive overreach, as lawyer Michael Bradley argues here. The high-profile arrest of an (allegedly) satirical video producer could pose a genuine threat to free speech (as opposed to the phantom threat cooked up by the I-should-get-a-platform-to-say-whatever-I-want crowd).
It’s hard not to think that the unit’s time would be better spent hounding the hordes of fascists, angry incels, and enraged men’s rights dudes that appear everywhere online. Court processes should show whether there’s more evidence we’re not aware of for now.
Meanwhile, the move will fuel the perception of victimhood that Jordies and his fanatical followers already had.
Like Hanson, former US president Donald Trump and others of their ilk, Jordies’ brand is of the outsider who “tells it like it is”, who has the cojones to reveal truths that the mainstream media can’t, or won’t. Where Trump weaponised the phrase “fake news”, Jordies accuses all media of being propagandists, of being indoctrinated. He picks on the ABC and others for being tools of politicians despite all evidence to the contrary.
Such high-falutin’ hypocrisy. This is a guy who explicitly exploits internet algorithms to get more clicks. “We’re slaves to the algorithms like everybody else,” he told Rolling Stone. That article also details how he wants to be the next Rupert Murdoch, and how he fanboys far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. The other Jones (Alan) also meets with his approval. As do Ray Hadley, John Laws and Andrew Bolt.
His strategy works. He has more views than many news channels, and Cam Wilson details here how that translates into a healthy income stream.
While he dishes out supercilious scorn, he has a glass-jawed intolerance to any criticism of his rants. He’s being sued for racism. The Daily Telegraph has pointed out his sexism. And those who mention his many failings are personally vilified. Last year The Sydney Morning Herald published this considered piece about him. It includes an allegation of harassment after he tweeted a photo of himself outside a journalist’s house, and Jordies’ version of “he said, she said” after allegations that former NSW opposition leader Luke Foley had sexually assaulted a female journalist.
Jordies’ butthurt response comprised mainly name calling: “Sucked in”; “You’re dumb.” One reporter had a funny-shaped head, he said. Riveting stuff. But it works. His followers credit him with breaking stories that the “mainstream media” ignores, even when he flashes headlines from the original stories in the mainstream media.
Like Hanson, like Trump, like many of these types who pretend they’re outsiders while they cynically manipulate a disenfranchised public, it works. And that’s at least partly because of this post-truth environment where people pick sides, and stick, and suck up alternative “facts”.
As these court cases play out it is possible to hold two thoughts in one’s mind simultaneously: one is that there may have been a serious misuse of the police unit’s powers; the other is that Friendlyjordies doesn’t deserve being martyred for anything.
And keep your eyes peeled for his next YouTube hit: “If you are seeing me now, I have been murdered…”
In a move which will shock no one, a journo who is employed by News Corp owned The Advertiser, doesn’t like Friendljordies. Whether you like his style or not, the truth is, this is someone who is using a platform to expose government corruption. The fact that the deputy Premier of NSW is now misusing his powers to silence this critic, says something doesn’t it?
Just when I thought Crikey might actually be succeeding in expanding its readership to a wider audience. Out comes a hit piece that compares him to Pauline Hanson?! (Citing articles from The Daily Telegraph and Nine / Fairfax’s SMH no less).
Investigative journalism this is not. It’s absolute trash.
Complete agreement from me. Today, especially, we see the permanent level of media protection afforded to the worst of the worst in politics: Stone-age Barnaby is back, ‘elected to Deputy PM position again’ (FFS), and it’s just ho-hum from The Age and the ABC. What does it take to get these incompetent, dangerous and corrupt ratbags given the excoriating blast out of political existence they so well deserve? I don’t care if Jordies is imperfect, maybe greatly so, at least he’s doing a job which the so-called ‘journalists’ in the MSM should be doing but aren’t. This whole business, and this article, reminds me of how woefully missing-the-point (surely the corruption of NSW politics, Glad and Barilaro in particular) the reportage and commentary was about Gillard’s ‘misogyny’ speech.
Is this satire? The SMH piece was not “considered”, nor was that of your Crikey colleague, Cam Wilson (which was naught but pure conjecture). As for the Daily Telegraph, they thrive on sexism: there is your hypocrisy.
You should be writing about John Barilaro, his corruption, and the truly frightening overreach of government and police powers in this matter.
I don’t agree with everything that Shanks-Markovina says, but he and his team have been doing critically important work to shine a light on government corruption and raise political awareness among Generations Y and Z.
Yeah that Cam Wilson piece…what was that? He just spent heaps of time guessing how much Jordies makes.
The real story is that the Deputy Premier of NSW has used massive overreach to silence a critic, exposing his corruption.
It’s just a different angle to the story – and that’s fine. Barilaro has copped it on here plenty of times as well.
I’ve no issue with the Cam Wilson approach: it is important for us to know the economic context in which all forms of journalism operates. I don’t see that as a problem in and of itself; it helps round out the picture of what might be motivating a particular media viewpoint. Crikey’s coverage of the Channel 9/SMH/The Age, and of course NewsCorpse, business has been invaluable and gives readers a sense of what else might be motivating a particular viewpoint. But, as per my comment above, I reckon this particular article is trollope.
Too much is not enough.
And there you have it – balance!
Firstly, the Cam Wilson piece was dreadful. Shanks makes good money apparently, but also employs a handful of other people. So between them all they possibly earn good incomes. That is not newsworthy and is a distraction from the real story.
This article starts by describing the arrest of Kristo as bemusing (i.e. bewildering). Really? The home invasion of a journalist and the aggravated assault of his family is bemusing? Wrong, wrong, wrong, it is downright sinister and shocking. Another distraction from the real story.
Do either of these journalists feel any empathy for the victims?
A lot of YouTubers earn money in the same way that Jordan Shanks does – ie. monetising YouTube, selling merchandise, having a Patreon account (btw, the cost is usually per month, not the per video view stated in the Wilson article).
So I don’t get the point of that article at all.
Similarly Australian media were not shocked at the threatened AFP ‘black shirt’ operation in Melbourne CBD several years ago i.e. conducting a sweep to check the legality of foreign citizens, compelling all including Oz citizens (especially if ‘non white’) to carry ID although not required?
Nothing more than a whisper from media….. same issue, MSM journalists and media running a protection racket for the LNP, Ministers, AFP etc..
Knowing nothing about any of the ‘issues’ in this article I am struck by how uninformative it is.
I only clicked on this piece because one of my children showed me a YouTube clip with this young bloke a while ago. I can’t remember very well, but I think it was funny, obviously not enough for me to subscribe or follow…
I need to go and read all these other articles to really know what is going on. I don’t know if I can be bothered.
These articles, where you get some writer to do a short piece on some conservative commentator (or commentator who has been applauded by conservatives) but really do nothing but make vague correlations between the person and other controversial characters is really lame. It sure isn’t journalism.
I’ve learned that some YouTuber has previously confessed a like of Andrew Bolt et al. Also, that he uses a catchphrase – and did you know Trump used a catchphrase too? (!) And that he uses controversial names for clickbait and how much of a hypocrite he is.
And? Is that it? It seems to me that this is an article about nothing. You have managed to include Trump, Hanson, Alan Jones, Alex Jones, Rupert Murdoch and said the word “racist” and “sexist”. Excellent journalism. Great story. NOT.
He’s not conservative. I kid you not. He is very progressive, as are most of his supporters. That’s how far off the mark this smear piece is.
Unfortunately, it’s what passes for journalism in this country more often than not these days. Tory will probably get a Walkley for this. I’m joking, it’s not that bad… yet. Anyone who challenges the established media in this country gets their name smeared through an act of random word association like Tory’s engaged in here. Collect a whole heap of hobgoblins that currently strike fear in the minds of most clear thinking people (Alan Jones, Pauline Hanson, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Lord Voldemort, the Bogeyman etc), make spurious links between them, if you have time throw in some buzzwords with negative connotations (sexist, misogynist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, paedophile, sexual deviant etc) and stir. It’s not particularly sophisticated, or clever, but sometimes it works. I’ve had people tell me that Bill Shorten was arrested for possessing child pornography because of a terribly written blog. People will believe anything if they want to believe it badly enough. Not bad for an article that probably took all of ten minutes (at most) to “research” and write.
Mmm you have forgotten to mention that FJ has called out many media outlets – including Crikey for being passive followers of Murdoch.
Probably worth the disclaimer that you are his target, though probably not necessary considering the amount of pixels you have written disparaging him, rather than performing the “great investigative journalism” for which you claim be known for.
Why are you focusing on the credentials of the victim of police overreach, and not investigating the politician who called out the anti-terrorism squad?
Honest to god, talk about power imbalance and poor opinions wrapped up as journalism from a butthurt 3rd grade media player.
The very fact that FJ would claim Crikey of all outlets are ‘passive followers of Murdoch’ says a lot about how his channel has turned into an echo-chamber.
I was, until a year ago, a regular fan and viewer of FJ since the early days of his channel taking the piss out of bogans, EDM festival-goers, and the journeys of Yilmaz. And much of his political content consists of very informative, and valuable, exposes of corruption and self-interest in Australian politics. But I gradually stopped watching as it became clearer and clearer that his critiques rarely, if ever, extended to the very real corruption and self-interest in the ALP. To be fair, I don’t think this is something he tries to hide. If I remember correctly, he has even stated openly on his channel that he sees part of his purpose as being to aid the election of the ALP to government as he believes this is what will be best for Australia. Fair enough. But an even critique of Australian politics you will not get from such an approach. So, that, combined with the increasing clickbaity dunking on his political enemies in monologue form, like a preacher condemning others from the pulpit, eventually turned me off.
And even more unfortunately this political-warrior attitude extends to defending himself, so that he can dish it out all day, but any critique sent back his way is met with juvenile name-calling and silly claims like yours above, that everyone (even Crikey) are just shills for Murdoch and the LNP.
Take a closer look and you will see, in today’s Crikey, a good piece by Rudd arguing in support of FJ and encouraging others to donate to his legal fund. And last week there was both a piece investigating how FJs makes his money (a fair thing to investigate of any media outlet and/or political activist), and a piece by Michael Bradley excoriating Barilaro and the NSW police for their abuse of power against FJ. It’s called offering a diversity of view-points for people to consider and think about (something you won’t find on FJ’s channel as it becomes more and more an echo-chamber). Hardly what I would call being ‘passive followers of Murdoch’.
P.S: None of this excuses in any way the shocking and chilling actions of Barilaro and the NSW police in their transparent attempt to silence FJ. My point is we don’t at the same time have to buy into FJ’s false narrative of ‘you’re either with me or you’re a corrupt servant of Rupert Murdoch’.
At least Jordan’s upfront about his personal perspective, which is more than you get from any other outlet in the country. The SMH masthead literally states “fair and balanced”, it is anything but. I get what you mean about Jordan supporting the ALP, but he’s open about it. He makes it crystal clear, there’s absolutely no way you can miss it. I’d be very concerned about anyone forming all of their political opinions based solely on watching FriendlyJordies videos. Just as I’d be very concerned about any forming the entirety of their opinions after watching nothing but Sky News after dark for a year, or reading nothing but the opinion pages of The Australian.
I’m not sure that there’s ever been a false narrative like the one that you describe. It’s a little bit more nuanced than that.
Yet another reason, were it needed, to not give this site another zac.
Not sure where to start on this one, but the writer is clearly angry, ill-informed and has a personal antipathy towards FJs, which clearly isn’t justified in the article.
And what a time to publicize that antipathy, when literal state goons have arrested his producer, at the direction of a corrupt MP. As if now is a good time to try to discredit FJs and implicitly justify, or at least, extenuate the seriousness of the arrest.
Anyone who watches enough FJs knows full well that he is authentic, intelligent and passionate, and acerbic (even vitriolic) and not politically correct withal, which is what makes him so popular. Trying to caricature and pigeon-hole supporters and viewers as ‘right wing’ is such a Murdoch-y move (just replace ‘right wing’ with ‘lefty’, of course, but it’s equally fatuous), and plainly false.
On that, I would point out that the author cites the Daily Telegraph, in all seriousness, as a reliable source of information… that speaks volumes. I know the article, and I know the author. Suffice to say, it’s a cheap hatchet job. And the SMH article was cleverly and carefully pilloried by FJs in an extensive video, which showed it for the deliberate hatchet job that it was, too.
Finally, for those unfamiliar with FJs, here are some of his key causes:
Oh, and he occasionally raises money for charity, too, like when he helped raise thousands for the Animal Rescue Collective during the bushfires. Wow. What a bad bloke.
Please don’t become a vacuous, irrational, shouty ‘woke’ version of the Daily Telegraph, Crikey. You could be so much more.
When the author cited the Daily Telegraph, pay-walled mind you can’t read the things they left out, I almost laughed.
That DT article was commented on by another Youtuber. In it, the DT claims friendlyjordies is a supporter of Luke Foley who was accused of touching a journalist. What they omit deliberately is the reason he supports Foley because charges were never laid nor was Foley ever found guilty because there was never a trial. They took the opportunity to smear Foley and as such friendlyjordies as he says Foley is a decent bloke and those allegations against him were never proven.
The author should watch “how to solve a problem like friendlyjordies”. Jordies had the media pegged well and truly.
Yes, “Crikey. You could be so much more” but it has chosen not to be.
Just another thin gruel, echo chamber hanger on.
It used to be more, Frank. I guess they’ve decided there’s not enough money in that.
And there will be less in the very near future – Raz seems to have gone and you & I seem unlikely to re-up.
It is the utter disdain held for subscribers – evidenced by similar drivel, especially over the last couple of months – which most dissuades my continued support.
just pulled the plug on my sub too. it isn’t even just this stuff, this site has been going downhill ever since the latest editor got his arse in the chair. i simply refuse to pay any more for this trash.