Since the pandemic struck in early 2020, a small class of experts have become modern-day rock stars. The medical-industrial complex has quickly become the perfect foil to the under-resourced mainstream media, adding easy credibility to the constant stream of COVID-19 clickbait. The only problem with these ready-to-cook experts is that, as with all professions, not all experts are created equal. (The same, of course, can be said for pretty much any field, be it accountants, investors, editors, house painters or footballers.)
That is not to say we should think less of the experts. If anything, years of study should (and often does) add credibility. The difference with COVID reporting is that the experts have largely become the story, many actively courting the media. This creates a perverse incentive — the small cadre of experts are motivated to be more controversial and hyperbolic, which gets even more media exposure, exacerbating the cycle of doom.
Let’s look a bit more closely at some members of this small pool of go-to experts who continue to shape how millions of Australians view COVID.
The granddaddy of COVID experts hasn’t actually practised as a health professional for almost four decades. Norman Swan, the ABC’s health guru, has been a radio producer (and briefly a Biggest Loser star) for most of his career. Swan, who has accumulated 118,000 Twitter followers and 2.6 million podcast listeners, is usually entertaining but not always accurate. Most famously, in March 2020 he warned Australia would soon record 80,000 daily infections, “14-20 days behind Italy” (Australia’s record was during Melbourne’s second wave when we hit 721). Swan was also accused of undermining the vaccination program in Australia when he suggested “we’d learn a lot by waiting” to roll out the Pfizer vaccine.
Bill Bowtell AO (26,000 followers), has emerged as another high-profile (and risk-averse) expert, largely due to his savvy media handling. During regular appearances on The Project, Today, and in the Nine papers, Bowtell has been a staunch advocate of strict measures such as lockdowns. His profile has increased even more during NSW’s recent wave, becoming the “go-to” medical expert and an outspoken critic of Berejiklian’s “lockdown lite”.
Bowtell’s Twitter profile describes him as an “Adjunct Professor UNSW Strategic Health Policy Consultant especially related to global health and development”. But if you were thinking that meant Bowtell has accredited medical qualifications, you’d be wrong. While the media regularly refers to him as an infectious disease expert, Billy from marketing is nothing of the sort. In fact, his only academic qualification appears to be a political science and government degree obtained in 1975 — his professorship being an honorary one (adjunct professors are usually not employed).
Bowtell’s occupation is a consultant (while also being a Labor Party figure), whose crowning glory was helping design the controversial Grim Reaper HIV campaign in 1987 in his role as senior adviser to the then health minister. That infamous campaign was both praised and criticised for “unintentionally [demonising] the gay community”. He’s also been the director of the HIV/AIDS Project at the Lowy Institute for International Policy and the national president of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations.
Like all of us, Bowtell is entitled to his opinion on COVID-related matters, but his infectious disease expertise lies in marketing and policy, not epidemiology, unlike real epidemiologists such as Greg Dore, Catherine Bennett or Peter Collignon, all of whom are reported far less regularly by mainstream outlets.
UNSW Professor Raina MacIntyre is another media favourite who heads the biosecurity program at the Kirby Institute. But MacIntyre’s views and modelling on COVID-19 have been consistently incorrect. In February 2020 she claimed that 400,000 Australians could die from COVID (this would have required a fatality rate 20 times greater than the world’s worst-hit regions) and that the northern beaches outbreak could lead to 3000 infections (it led to about 220). Last week it was suggested on the Global BioSecurity Twitter account (to which MacIntyre is affiliated) that Australians should “hold their breath indoors, even if not passing anyone, as they may have left their virus remains in the air”.
Professor Adrian Esterman of the University of South Australia and Professor Mike Toole of the Burnet Institute are two of the most commonly quoted COVID-zero advocates. Esterman’s understanding of effective reproduction rates have been criticised, and he encouraged a more cautious vaccine rollout earlier this year, in advice that does not appear to have aged well. Toole has long been an aggressive advocate for strict lockdowns, demanding NSW not allow spectators at the Sydney Test, claiming it was “just too high a risk”. The Test occurred in front of spectators and the outbreak was quickly crushed.
Meanwhile New Zealander Tony Blakely has been overtaken by other more hyperbolic commentators. Not to be left out, Blakely last week suggested the only way to enforce Sydney’s lockdown was to send in troops, just in case locking down housing commission residents wasn’t Handmaid’s Tale enough.
While Swan, Bowtell, MacIntyre and Toole are all absolutely entitled to their views, the mainstream media’s lazy reliance on a small number of experts (some of whom have little or no medical background) in their “general news” sections has been a critical factor in Australia continuing to maintain one of world’s strictest COVID-zero policies.
This may or may not be the correct policy decision. Maintaining near-zero COVID deaths significantly affects many Australians, in particular the poor. To fully understand all the implications, including youth depression and suicide, the significant impact on children’s education (especially underprivileged children) and blocking tens of thousands of genuine refugees from safely arriving in Australia, we need to hear from a plurality of voices, rather than a tiny cohort of experts.
What do you think? Are we hearing enough and from the right experts? Share your thoughts at letters@crikey.com.au, and include your full name if you’d like to be considered for publication.
The irony of yet another Adam Schwab hit piece on “experts” he doesn’t agree with.. #Facepalm
Chant says some people should consider getting their second dose of AstraZeneca as soon as four weeks after the first in exceptional circumstances.
She’s a rogue element that one
I think Dr Chant is being controlled by her political masters.
If I was in NSW I would be afraid, very afraid.
I read an article in TSP that indicated this would be unlikely. So I think Berjikillthem has just gone rogue and ignored what Chant advised. Chant indicated this in one carefully constructed sentence.
He’s not the only one – switched on people who raed widely agree with him. A problem ?
read widely
Read it in the Telegraph or Herald Sun you mean?
Yeah I think Schwab has it more right than wrong, nobody can get this completely right, I’d say his opinion is about a year ahead of the thinking of most. Most are still thinking about the certainty of death and long covid and virus mutations and masks and toilet paper. It’s refreshing to read something outside of this doom box.
Berjiklian, Morrison’s darling has tallied up another 110 cases, and that’s only the ones who were tested and for whom they have the results back.
Of these locally acquired cases, 54 are linked to a known case or cluster – 40 are household contacts and 14 are close contacts – and the source of infection for 56 cases is under investigation.
Thirty-seven cases were in isolation throughout their infectious period and 17 cases were in isolation for part of their infectious period. Forty-three cases were infectious in the community, and the isolation status of 13 cases remains under investigation.
There are currently 106 COVID-19 cases admitted to hospital, with 23 people in intensive care, 11 of whom require ventilation.
Luxury escapes in floating diseased boats called for by Warrent Entsch and Schwab
That’s what happens when you run a travel company that would benefit from the removal of travel restrictions. A critique from an epidemiologist would certainly be far more credible.
Recidivist anti lockdown offender Swab’s crocodile tears being squeezed out after sniffing an onion and commiserating with the poor and how they’re that are affected by lockdowns. Profound appalling hypocrisy. It is his fellow business associates who are lining their pockets with wage theft, a casualized cheap compliant poor scared non English speaking work force. While business pockets millions and Harvey Norman is an essential business along with Gucci et al. all allowed to stay open Adam Swab.
The main problem Schwab seems to have identified with his collection of despised experts is that he does not agree with them. His criticisms are largely specious. If an expert is required to right all the time then there are no experts. (I quite like the definition that says an expert is whoever knows about the subject of interest than anyone else in the room at present.) As for such matters as Schwab saying MacIntyre has been consistently incorrect and citing her claim from February 2020 that 400,000 Australians could die from COVID, how is that incorrect? The fact that there are to date far fewer COVID deaths is irrelevant. With a population of 25 million Australians the number that could die of COVID is anywhere up to 25 million. MacIntyre did not say they would die of COVID.
actually, with a global death toll of around 2%-3% of those infected, it is fair to say that 500,000-600,000 could have potentially died if we’d gone with a “let her rip” approach to the virus. Thankfully, because we flattened the curve early on, we managed to keep infection rates-and associated death tolls, reasonably low. Yet Schwab seems more concerned with how much money his business may be losing than about potential losses of human life.
And that curve was flattened solely due to Labor Premiers and a couple of tagalong SA and Tas doing the right thing by their residents.
Why have we not heard an apology and a kiss arse from Frydenburg ( of purple poster fame) to thank Andrews for all his efforts to save Australia’s reputation of flattening the virus. The fact Victoria got a lot of cases is because we gotta a lot of people with covid coming back from places with it on em. Andrews did not pack it in punters place of origin backpacks; what a bunch of self congratulating idjots
Because despite scuttlebutt to the opposite, he’s a dual citizen and has Abbott’s disease.
And it’s strategic, Morrison issuing the same language of suggestion or dog whistling ‘experts’ to deflect, from TND:
‘Scott Morrison has blamed a national panel of medical experts for Australia’s slow coronavirus vaccine rollout‘
Same as promoted by the Brexit campaign on behalf of libertarians for their ‘freedom and liberty’…..
What crap – absolute poppy cock comments. So why would anyone in their right mind take it ? If you have the stomach for it watch at least first 10 min of this video -still on YouTube at https://tinyurl.com/vhb7bjk . Free Streaming of Dr. Gary Null’s award winning film DEADLY DECEPTION.
‘stratospheric’ rise in Delta casesOf France’s 18,000 new coronavirus cases reported Tuesday, 96 per cent involved people who were unvaccinated
Your mob and Schwab’s would have been in amongst this lot of tossers and losers
More than 100,000 people protested the measures around France over the weekend, and on Wednesday hundreds took to the streets of Paris, with some waving banners that read “Freedom to choose” and “Hands off my natural immunity!”
Indicative of the paucity of information James 1 has to offer when he refers readers to Null
Null is a controversial American talk radio host and author who advocates for pseudoscientific alternative medicine and produces a line of questionable dietary supplements. Null is hostile to evidence-based medicine and has accused the medical community of being in a cabal with the pharmaceutical industry to suppress novel treatments for economic gains…Wiki
jeez Crikey, publishing this drivel because he’s a director seriously undermines your credibility
The Business of Covid: Gladys Berejiklian hides “the health advice” as pandemic threatens Sydneyhttps://www.michaelwest.com.au/the-business-of-covid-gladys-berejiklian-hides-the-health-advice-as-pandemic-threatens-sydney/
Swab has no interest in facts, just money
Driven dribble from a Psyco poster – what’s the score now just for this well written piece?
Exactly. The thought of my hard earned money to pay for my subscription to allow this drivel to be published makes me cringe.
The author bio is all you need to read to know the merit of this piece…
The facts are all you need to know.
Facts divorced from context/origin are worthless