indonesia coronavirus testing COVID-19
A coronavirus testing facility in Depok, Indonesia (Image: EPA/Adi Weda)

The Delta variant has wreaked havoc across the world, with many countries recording their highest numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths since the pandemic began. The World Health Organization has predicted there could be more than 200 million confirmed cases within a matter of weeks.

The pandemic has caused one of the biggest increases in world hunger in decades. Health systems have been overwhelmed, while many countries are facing political instability as residents protest against inadequate responses to the pandemic. 

Australia’s aid response has focused on the Pacific region as part of the Partnerships for Recovery program. While we’ve pledged $130 million to COVAX to distribute vaccines around the world, this is significantly less than most other countries, with other countries pledging billions of dollars and hundreds of millions of vaccines.


Following the February 1 military coup earlier this year, which saw the military junta seize complete power away from its democratically elected leaders, the country’s health system is on the brink of collapse. Medical staff have been forced to go into hiding as the military targets them for treating and supporting anti-coup protestors, with many murdered or arrested. 

Record-high COVID-19 cases and deaths have been recorded this month, with more than 40,000 cases and nearly 2000 deaths recorded in the past week. Local public health experts have warned 50% of Myanmar’s 55 million people will be infected by either the Alpha or Delta variant in the coming weeks. Oxygen concentrators are being shared between families, with remaining tanks hoarded by the military. 

Just 3.2% of residents have been vaccinated. China has provided 10,000 COVID-19 vaccines to an independent army in the country’s north and is strengthening its border controls with Myanmar. 

What’s Australia doing? The Australian government has so far resisted placing sanctions on the coup leaders, saying it would instead support the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) led solution — though its efforts so far have been futile, with the junta ignoring a consensus plan that called for the cessation of violence. Australia will provide $95.5 million in aid funding this financial year to Myanmar. 


Indonesia has the highest daily number of COVID-19 cases in the world by population, with nearly 300,000 cases recorded in the past week and over 9500 deaths. Just 6.5% of the population is fully vaccinated. 

The virus is now killing children, with 150 deaths recorded in the week of July 12 alone. Half of those deaths involved children younger than five. Despite the high case numbers, with a death rate three times higher than the global average amid a shortage of medical supplies, restrictions are set to be eased with malls and restaurants reopening. 

What’s Australia doing? Earlier this month, Australia pledged to donate $12 million for medical equipment, 2.5 million AstraZeneca vaccine doses in 2021 and over 40,000 rapid-antigen test kits. But our health assistance to Indonesia was cut by 85% before the pandemic, with Australia criticised for not doing enough to help our neighbour. 


This morning the Tunisian president sacked the prime minister following a week of unrest as anti-government protesters clashed with security forces in the capital Tunis. While President Kais Saied said it’s in response to years of economic and political paralysis, critics have called his action a coup. Residents are protesting against the government’s lack of support for the unemployed and inability to secure vaccines.

Tunisia’s health minister has also been sacked as the health system collapses, with specialist field hospitals overwhelmed. The country recorded 23,00 cases and 1000 deaths in the past week, with 7% of the country fully vaccinated. 

What’s Australia doing? Tunisia, like many African countries, receives no aid from Australia. Between 2014 and 2020, aid to Africa and the Middle East has been slashed by $188.4 million, or 48.5%.


Mexico has been plagued with misinformation campaigns, leading residents to reject the COVID-19 vaccine. Conspiracy theories spread largely via WhatsApp say the vaccine will kill residents within two years or that it’s a sign of the devil that curses anyone who receives it, and has infiltrated indigenous communities.

Nearly 90,000 new cases and over 2000 deaths were recorded in the past week, with 18% of the population fully vaccinated. 

But the high case numbers haven’t deterred American tourists, who are flocking to popular beachside destinations. US President Joe Biden has extended COVID-19 travel restrictions to the country and is likely to delay phasing out a policy limiting migrants seeking asylum from crossing the southern U.S. border. 

What’s Australia doing? Nothing. Australia phased out its aid program to Latin America in 2014. 


Despite keeping case numbers low across 2020, Fiji is now experiencing a surge of infections. There have been over 6000 new cases recorded in the last week and almost 100 deaths. Less than 10% of the population is fully vaccinated. Food rations are now being distributed by Fiji’s government with the economy decimated from the lack of tourists. 

What’s Australia doing? Australia has sent two medical assistant teams to the country since June along with almost 400,000 AstraZeneca vaccines, 1.3 tones of personal protective equipment, medical supplies and COVID-19 testing equipment. Fiji will receive $83.5 million in Australian aid support this year. 

DFAT didn’t respond to Crikey’s request for comment by deadline.