News corp sky news
(Image: Mitchell Squire/Private Media)

In Malcolm Turnbull’s various critiques of the toxic role on News Corp in the United States and Australian politics, his most damning indictment extended beyond the traditional arguments that the Murdochs and their outlets were bad for democracy. When giving evidence to a Senate inquiry into the media in April, Turnbull went much further in articulating how the company is a threat to national security and safety. His words are worth quoting at some length:

Look at the way the News Corp tabloids, for example, regularly seek to incite animosity towards minorities, particularly Muslims. It was a huge issue while I was prime minister because everything I was doing was obviously designed to reinforce our success as a multicultural society. What is so frustrating is that these voices on the populist right, particularly from Murdoch’s organisation, are essentially doing the work of the terrorists … Ultimately you’ve got to judge people’s policies and programs by their consequences. I’m saying that it is self-evident that the way the Murdoch press has operated both here and in the US has been absolutely adverse to our national interest. In the US their agenda appears to be effectively the same — I’m not saying it’s co-ordinated or motivated — as that of America’s most trenchant adversaries.

That goes far beyond Turnbull’s other main charge — which is more a statement of the obvious, really — that News Corp is now a political party for the Murdochs, not a media outlet. Turnbull also repeatedly mentioned January 6, and News Corp’s role in inciting that insurrection in the United States — the point being that News Corp’s threat isn’t confined to confirming the narrative peddled by Islamist terror groups, but extends to direct incitement of social division and of violence against democratic institutions.

Perversely, Sky News here was even more extreme in its coverage of the supposed “victory” of Donald Trump than Fox News and immediately began peddling conspiracy theories about his defeat. That Trump boosterism wasn’t confined to Sky but extended to columns in The Australian by the likes of Paul Kelly and Greg Sheridan, who cheered what they initially believed was a surprise Trump win.

Similarly, Sky has proved even more extreme on the pandemic than Fox News, which in recent weeks has publicly changed its tone from scepticism and even hostility to urging its white Republican viewership — the demographic least likely to get vaccinated in the US — to get a jab. Meantime Sky has continued to give Alan Jones a platform to claim the whole pandemic is akin to a hoax, and for others to peddle discredited COVID cures and other COVID misinformation.

Finally, YouTube, which has a lucrative deal with Sky News, has acted to pull down many of those videos and suspend Sky for a week from the platform.

Sky News’ role in peddling pandemic misinformation plays the same dual role that Turnbull suggested in his Senate committee evidence in relation to national security. It has an indirect impact, in undermining health authorities, dividing the community, and promoting extremists, but it has a very direct impact in terms of affecting the behaviour of viewers.

How many elderly Sky viewers have concluded, based on the misinformation peddled by the likes of Jones, that they won’t get a vaccine? That, in fact, the whole pandemic is some anti-freedom plot? How many will become ill or even die as a result? Who’s accountable for that?

Turnbull’s analysis of News Corp raises an intriguing regulatory problem — how do you deal with a media company that has morphed into a political party? But its damage to national security, and to public health, raise another problem: how do you deal with a major media company and political party that is a direct and indirect threat to the security of the nation?