If all goes according to plan, Australia is getting a Kennedy. Caroline, last surviving child of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jacqueline Onassis, is odds-on to become Joe Biden’s ambassador to Australia. Sending bona fide American aristocracy over here is already being viewed as a sign America is sitting up and taking notice of little old Australia, and a sign of a Biden administration getting serious about the challenge of China and an unstable Asia-Pacific after the chaos and neglect of the Trump years.
Kennedy’s celebrity will excite us. Her close ties to Biden and diplomatic experience in the Asia-Pacific should reassure us. But in a corner of the world where US imperial decline is most closely felt, is that enough?
American royalty
When Neil Diamond penned his 1969 hit “Sweet Caroline”, a song butchered in football stadiums around the world, he was inspired by a photograph of Kennedy riding her pony around the grounds of the White House.
The point is, Kennedy has been part of public life from the day she was born — just five years old on that dark day in Dallas, and a bit player in a great American tragedy ever since. When former president Donald Trump screeched (hypocritically) about draining the swamp, he was talking about people like Kennedy.
Born into the American version of royalty, with degrees from Harvard and Columbia, she’s spent most of her professional life deeply enmeshed in the Democratic machinery. In January 2008, she was an early-ish Obama backer, leading his search for a running mate (hence the Biden connection). She was also a co-chair for his reelection campaign in 2012.
Whispers of a Senate or even presidential run were never far away — as they are for literally anyone with her last name. Instead, Kennedy became the United States’ first female ambassador to Japan. After some early muttering about her lack of experience, Kennedy grew into the role, and won plaudits for her work on women’s empowerment.
It’s this background that makes her seem like such a strong pick, according to Australian Strategic Policy Institute executive director Peter Jennings.
“Basically what Australia needs from any American ambassadorial appointment is a person capable of picking up a phone to the president,” he said.
“Kennedy is senior in the Democratic Party, and experienced in the Asia-Pacific. She’s clearly able to do that.”
It’s this background that draws a sharp contrast with many past ambassadors. Ever since Marshall Green, an influential Asia specialist sent by Richard Nixon in 1973 to make sure the Whitlam government was playing ball with the alliance, we’ve tended to get the “runt of the ambassadorial litter”, says University of Sydney historian James Curran.
“Most of them we get are these presidential bagmen, campaign donors sent to Canberra as a thank you or a sunset posting,” he said.
That’s a pretty apt description of many of Washington DC’s men in Canberra (and they have all been men) — political appointees with close ties to the incumbent president. Tom Schieffer co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball franchise with buddy George W Bush, who gave him the posting. Jeff Bleich, domestically well-regarded, was a long-term friend of Barack Obama. The last ambassador, Arthur B Culvahouse Jr — White House counsel during the tail end of the Reagan administration — was appointed after Trump left the position vacant for nearly three years. It wasn’t so much a sign of disrespect as a reflection of the administration’s deep dysfunction.
The volatile Trump years instilled a real fear of abandonment among some in Australia’s national security circles. Biden, meanwhile, has made early noises about the importance of the Asia-Pacific. Of all his potential ambassadorial nominees, Kennedy is the biggest name.
The celebrity factor
If and when Kennedy does reach Canberra, the column inches devoted to gushing tributes will be matched by the lines around the block to kiss the ring. Celebrity will make us feel important. But that feeling might be illusory, says Australian National University professor and veteran defence analyst Hugh White.
“We’ll be encouraged to read it as a compliment to Australia,” says White. “It’s really a compliment to Caroline Kennedy.”
Instead, Kennedy’s appointment is about managing expectations and currying favours in the Washington bubble. White warns the appointment could make us lose sight of what we’re living through: a time of terminal American decline in the region, matched by China’s unstoppable rise. He sees Canberra as far too starry-eyed about American power to seriously grapple with this existential challenge. In Kennedy’s appointment, policymakers here might continue to overlook the United States’ abandonment of any deep, clear-eyed vision for the region in favour of empty sloganeering.
“The tendency to romanticise the significance of a glamorous, high-profile celebrity ambassador is part and parcel of a tendency to romanticise and sentimentalise the alliance,” White says.
Curran and Jennings, who are both full of praise for Kennedy as a potential ambassador, both harbour similar fears about America’s future in the region.
“I worry because it means we think the Americans take us seriously, we don’t have to ask the hard questions about where America’s going,” Curran says.
Jennings fears there’s been a gap between Biden’s rhetoric on supporting allies, and what the administration has actually done.
The past 12 months have only accelerated the narrative of American decline and Chinese ascendancy. The naive view of liberal ideologues, that the Chinese Communist Party would simply liberalise or collapse is not coming to pass.
Instead Xi’s China crushed the pandemic with brutal, efficient force. America, in contrast, has never felt more like a broken empire, where illness, death and misinformation spread across the country and was met with a shrug of inevitability. Four years of unravelling under Trump culminated in an attempted coup that made the foundations of democracy shudder.
After all that, the Biden years were meant to feel like a soothing return to normal, both at home and abroad. Kennedy’s appointment is supposed to remind Australia’s foreign policy heads that the America we remember is back.
But that America might be gone for good.
“This could be a very short interregnum of normality before normal programming — Trumpian craziness — resumes in America,” Curran said.
“Four years of unravelling under Trump culminated in an attempted coup that made the foundations of democracy shudder.After all that, the Biden years were meant to feel like a soothing return to normal, both at home and abroad.”
Who exactly meant it to feel like that? How could anyone be that delusional? The Democrats pathetically narrow win in the presidential election is just a dead cat bounce. The forces that put Trump in power are stronger than ever. Their support among the American public remains high and is getting more extreme. They control much of the judiciary and have a six-three majority in the Supreme Court, they have a veto on anything getting through Congress, they are cementing their control in the states through much more redical gerrymandering and voter suppression and at the mid-term elections they will almost certainly regain control of the Senate. Biden refuses to break the ridiculous filibuster convention that gives the Republicans such disproportionate power in the Senate. He is failing to protect voting rights. Despite seeing what happened to President Obama he is incapable of letting go of the fantasy of “reaching across the aisle” to the Republicans, as though he’s still living in the 1950s. His inability to see the danger posed by the radical seditionist nature of the modern Republican party resembles Chamberlain’s failure to understand why being nice to the German Chancellor in 1938 was not going to work. The USA founded in 1776 is weakening and falling, destroyed from within by a combination of hostile forces and its lack of will to defend itself.
Pathetically narrow 7 million vote win by an old man over a deranged loser.
Americans are allergic to progressive policies………thanks Rupert.
Gerrymandering is now the GOP’s best idea.
Don’t forget voter suppression – a state prerogative as there is no federal electoral law, apart from the first Tuesday of November every 4 years.
Viktor Orban is being anointed by Rupert’s star entertainer – Tucker Carlson, as the template for the modern Republican Party.
Nice work Rupert.
You appear to be suggesting that a complete right wing takeover of the US is inevitable. No more point in that observation than that the human race is doomed because of global warming. What there is a point to is understanding the issue and working for a better outcome. In relation to better outcomes, have you suggestions as to how Biden can get rid of the filibuster, given Manchin’s position?
Half sane candidates in the 2022 primaries?
While I agree with much of what you say Sinking Ship Rat, the Senate sets its rules, including the filibuster. (An incredibly stupid rule, as currently framed.) Biden has little say on these rules.
It’s entirely true Biden does not have control of the rules in the senate, but he can say anything he likes. And what he says suggests he cannot be bothered. He is not making every effort to get a filibuster carve-out so his voting rights bill could get through the Senate on a simple majority. Incredibly, he thinks the Republicans will come over to him: “I want to make sure we bring along not just all the Democrats; we bring along Republicans, who I know know better… They know better than this.” then he gets all nostalgic about the days of Eisenhower. So he says he believes in voting rights, but his actions help the Republicans kill those rights. Soon it will not matter even if his voting rights bill passes, because by then the gerrymanders and other fixes will be in place and there is no chance the Supreme Court would allow the voting rights bill to be retroactive. So the mid-terms will put Congress back in Repulican control, and that in turn gives the Republicans all they need to fix the 2024 election.
An early Botticelli, misnamed and thought to depict the Nativity, has recently been confirmed as showing the birth of Joe Biden.
Trump is still a force to be reckoned with.
There is little doubt an insurrection was intended on Jan 6th. and it is only thanks to a very small few who did the right thing that the US is not an Autocracy right now! It could still happen. Just look how many believe the repeatedly refuted claims of electoral fraud.
Unfortunately, Biden is doing just that, bidding his time and not moving on the extraordinary catalogue of crimes Trump is very closely aligned with. It is a serious mistake that could very well come back to haunt him and the US for years to come.
The Handmaid’s Tale was written as a warning after the advent of Reagan.
The author rejected requests to update it for the Trump reign, citing Tom Lehrer’s reason for giving up comedy 40+ years ago – the current reality was too ridiculous to satirise.
Excellent article, America is done for.
Trump may be fading away, but Trumpism is now in the American bloodstream
And the escapees Bobby and Brian Houston have now relocated to America to assist in the GOP/Trump resurrection.
“The volatile Trump years instilled a real fear of abandonment among some in Australia’s national security circles.”
Well I hope the fear remains. 49% of American voters went with Trump. He or a TrumpLite could be back in 4 years leaving Australia on its own again.
I would much rather our ‘national security’ apparatus took that into account. More focus on real mainland defence and national independence and less on joining the USA in wars of adventure designed to maintain American hegemony.
What was the result of picking a fight with China over Huawei and Covid on behalf of the USA?
Our ‘allies’, the USA and the EU, have filled the gap happily taking over our exports of coal, wine and barley.
What you say is true however exactly why is the best we can do “coal and barley”? We’ve stood still while our Asian neighbours rose from rural nowheres to global players. Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore even Vietnam – where were they 40 years ago?
We paid off the Coral Sea bill decades ago.
America is a failing nation state with little moral authority which even they understand and accept……thanks Rupert.
It’s over.
I wonder if John Curtin realises what we got ourselves in to?
Korea should have been sufficient along with the U.N. Balkans engagement.
Murdoch media has run Australian foreign policy and no party leader disputes that……..until they retire from politics.
I too wonder if Harold Holt realised what he was doing with his ridiculous “all the way with LBJ”
All PM’s since Whitlam know who’s boss and to whom they have to prostitute themselves; Hawke was even informing upon his own nation’s citizens and organizations, so anxious was he not to be removed as per Whitlam.
@ Terry of Tuggeranong Go and read your history of the war in the Pacific. John Curtin had no option but to seek American support. Most of our armed forces were fighting the war in Europe and Churchill would not release them to support their homeland, Australia. Churchill was prepared to abandon Australia along with the rest of the British Asian Empire.The aim of huge Japanese war fleet was to invade Aust. The great naval battle of the Coral Sea saved us from a certain invasion. Sure the American saved us, but their aim was to push back the Japanese advance and reclaim their large naval base in the Philipines. It took the destruction of cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima to end the war.
Ex-liberal prime minister, Malcolm Fraser in 1982 warned his party of the dangers of cosying up the American. It was the sleezy Howard courting GWBush who involved us in the illegal invasion of Iraq which was all about American/Arabian control of Iraq oil. We should never have been a partry to that, nor the consequent war in Afghanistan. .
No debt to pay off. We allowed them to use us as a base for their war against Japan, because we both happened to have a common enemy. They didn’t do it for us (and won’t in the future either, unless it is in their interest).
Otherwise I agree with you.
An intelligent educated woman USA ambassador may find the backwoods attitude to women politicians in Australia somewhat surprising.
Especially if a Parliament House rape trial is being spun away by political troglydites as nothing to see here.
Morrison bluster and his lineup of creeps may have to bring themselves up to speed on modern age feminism.
This may be more entertaining than other unfortunate Asian war games.
it until she is groped by a Morrison Minister.
Or even one of the Coalition’s backbenchers!
A good Federal Government would use the US ambassadorial appointment as an opportunity for renewal of US security ties, while at the same time progressing with improved bilateral ties with like-minded middle powers in the region (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Phillipines), whilst placing great efforts in holding up trade ties with China as much as possible. But with the abilities and intents of our current Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, I expect nothing so positive and assertive. Metaphorically kissing backsides is so much less effort.
The Philippines is not a ” middle power “, it couldn’t even fight off a handfull of radical islamists in Marawi on the island of Mindanou without the help of the US, China, and Australia. The only thing the Philippines does well is corruption, I know, I’ve lived there.