Though you never see it in the movies, London in 1940 was in political uproar. The repeated failures of leadership, imminence of invasion, housing shortages from the blitz, wildcat occupations of private air raid shelters and much more all made some leftists wonder if there was not real revolutionary potential.
The problem, noted George Orwell — one of the plotters — was “a week of disruption and the Germans will be here”. So the inherited image of the era is quite the opposite: everyone pulling together, making tea, keeping calm and carrying on.
We appear to be in the same position. The need to make do with the situation we have, improvise, cope, be public-spirited, is concealing the fact that our situation is a product of the federal government’s abject failure. We need to step back and make this clear to ourselves as a first step.
The failure is utter, epochal, without mitigation. Through sacrifice and the effective leadership of state Labor premiers we had this thing beaten down, before vaccines became available. Indeed our defeat of the virus dovetailed nicely with the availability of the vaccines.
Had we secured a supply, or developed our own through a revival of our national scientific capacity, we would have passed from safety to safety in time to be prepared for the Delta dawn.
Yet we can’t name this abject failure, because we have to be focused on dealing with the consequences of it. So the dealing-with becomes the means by which the failure is normalised. Mustn’t grumble. Keep calm and carry on. Really, the federal government should have fallen by now.
The independents should have pulled their support, and one or two Libs should have crossed the floor to bring on a no-confidence vote. It would have been the only response commensurate with this disaster.
The failure is a direct result of the Coalition’s indifference to the life and health of its own citizens, and that is a product of its changed nature, from being a party with a social base and mediating institutions to an isolated grouping filled with ghost branches, an ageing membership list, and a client-dependence on corporate donations.
Elites eventually come to disdain the people they rule over as a way of defining themselves against them, and one wonders if that has not occurred within the Coalition as it lurches between said clientelism, hidden ideological agendas and decadence and decline — as represented by the return of Barnaby Joyce.
One wonders also what role Christian belief has played in this disaster. For two decades now, Christian evangelicals have been taking over the Liberal Party, and they now have a prime minister from the truly extreme end of it — the “go to the church your dad started in his garage” end, as I understand it.
Religious faith per se doesn’t predispose you to fatalism, but the literalist Christianity of Morrison and Co does, especially given literal notions of an afterlife. Death, in such frameworks, is merely a portal through which you pass to come out substantially as you were on the other side. Indeed, one wonders if that lies at the root of Scotty’s Star Trek obsession: the teleportation thing as a concrete image of life and death.
Because of course it was in response to things like disease that notions of an afterlife arose in the first place. Life’s bounty could not be so routinely foreshortened, so subject to caprice. There had to be something more. Has our prime minister been a bit too comfortable and relaxed about whether Australians live or die?
The mix of evangelism and dispensationalism swirling around Australian born-again Christianity also makes you wonder whether Morrison sees himself as a servant of the Australian people or a servant of God first and foremost. By definition, any Christian would have to see themselves as the latter, but a non-literalist Christian could see that as wholly mediated by, and expressed in, their public role. Literalist Christians don’t have that luxury.
Morrison’s speeches often contain some element of proselytising. “Science begins in belief,” he said, wrongly, at the National Science Awards, his first major speech after becoming PM. That should have been a clue. Not only about what he thinks science is, but about what he thinks of himself as called to. You can see what he was trying to do. It’s like the Moonies love-bombing lonely backpackers. You’re looking for the people in the crowd who feel lost, so you can hook them and reel them in — the whole “fishers of men” thing.
The point is, if you’re a literalist, evangelical Christian, you have to do this sort of thing. It’s your duty. The kingdom of God overrides the kingdom of men, which is why evangelicals stayed out of all politics for decades. Sooner or later that contradiction will be tested. Was that what happened in this case, this disaster that condemns us to months, maybe years, of disruptions that might have been avoidable?
Both the first wave of the virus, and the Delta variant, were precursors, rehearsals, dry runs… Call them what you will. They were a chance to develop a response and a mindset ahead of the possibility of something far more lethal 10, 30, 50 years from now. Or two. Our national government failed its own people totally. We need to know more about why it did — and to keep that failure at the front of our minds, as we deal with the consequences.
i still want to know why Morrison puts on a Aussie face mask, he lost that right to try to show his patriotic front by the lies, deceit, cirruption thst have followed him into Office.
The dirtiest most deceitful Government in Australia hustory and he tries to portray himself as a caring, sharing buffoon!
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Gangsters are the greatest patriots.
Lucky for us he does such a bad job of it!!
You mean you reckon the sight of a lot of medals, ribbons and a uniform isn’t convincing the nation that all is under control in our war where many of us are not able to be armed?
He’s a Trumpite….what else can you expect. He said himself at Platt’s/Trumps rally, that he and Trump think alike.
Unable to survive but for Murdoch.
The Coalition have never done health access for all, they’ve opposed it relentlessly, as corrupt right wing governments do in all parts of the world, including the wealthy nations: US, Australia, UK and those nations battling to overthrow appalling corruption in India, Philippines, Brazil, on and on it goes.
The Coalition immediately began to dismantle Whitlam’s universal access for all to good quality health care and have continued the stripping of this every time Murdoch enables their election.
Morrison thought he’d cash in on the covid 19 pandemic in a big way, for himself personally and for his fellow unscrupulous, depraved mates.
Morrison privatised the vaccination process.
Morrison handed it over to mates already entrenched in our health system and a big beneficiary of the sale of Medibank Private. Aspen Medical.
Morrison, Abbott and Turnbull immediately set abut turning the NDIS into another pork fest for mates. Privatisation and outsourcing arms of it to fellow rapacious unconscionable leeches.
There is an article that details some of this in yesterday’s The Saturday Paper healine…
“Brutal cuts to NDIS see some plans halved without consultation”
All the conservative parties in Australia are offshotts of the one deadly, infectious disease that has plagued the nation for decades. It has replicated itself over those decades; it is the SIR Keith Murdoch descendants and his son Rupert has reproduced further deadly life forms from his various couplings with women. Stop shuddering Jerry I’m sure it’s worth it all in your craven world.
This diseased, unhinged, certifiable, aberrant, obsessive-compulsive, evil, Murdoch mutant life form has enabled other mutant homosapien life forms to burrow deeply into the healthy body of progressive accomplishments that furthered our species more humane-minded development.
Covid and Murdoch and the Coalition all enjoy a symbiotic relationship.
Who is paying for the Coalition’s pork bareling and outsourcing? Those who rely on the NDIS.
..”.estimates for the previous four years confirm there was an underspend of $9.7 billion in the actual budget papers. What happened to this money?
“The difference in the 2017-18 to 2019-20 years between the PC estimates and the actual costs was not funding or money that was ever appropriated to the agency,” an NDIS spokesperson says.
In other words, the government saved itself a fortune.
In this year’s budget, released in May, the future spending for the scheme was mapped out in detail. Just two months later, NDIA scheme actuary Sarah Johnson released another report that appeared to show the costs were $22.5 billion higher than the forward estimates provided in that same budget.
Either the budget was wrong, or the new modelling is. Something changed in those two months. Perhaps it was the fight about independent assessments?”
Take a guess which it is!
“Lying cow” Reynolds is clear that there is more work to be done to save money but she has ignored numerous suggestions from disabled people and advocates, which included a crackdown on some [good mate rorting] service providers.
The Saturday Paper has obtained billing receipts from one cleaning company in Western Australia that show it charged almost $9000 to perform a “deep clean” of a 150-square-metre home. This was not a Covid-19 matter but more akin to an end-of-lease clean, which typically wouldn’t cost more than $750 for a similar-size property. In another case the same company charged $3000 to clean a one-bedroom apartment.
My mother used to always say “A scoundrel wraps himself in the flag because the rest of have no need to”.
Abbott got to 14 Australian flags for one of his speeches and so it is apt that the “Liar from the Shire” would cover his face with one.
This lazy, self-indulgent schemer didn’t think it was worth it to order vaccines other than the cheap as chips AZ he got from Boris, whilst he was down the pub.
Most people noted that, there was Smirko, pushing in to get the Pfizer vaccine that he wasn’t eligible for and that he thought was too expensive for the general unwashed public.
In darker moments I mull what may be happening in Morrison’s head – does he think of The Rapture every day, is this his ultimate aspiration? Because if that’s the case the state of the nation is an irrelevance to him, merely filling in time before the main act.
yes, that seems a very pertinent question. If someone actually believes in the imminent end of the world, in judgement, it can not affect how they govern,,,
Extra, or missing, word?
“…it can
notaffect how they govern…” or “…it cannot BUT affect how they govern..”?He’s used to it Selkie.
Great stuff, GR, thanks. At least I know I am not alone in feeling as demoralised as I do.
I feel total despair at a nation that has Morrison as PM and Joyce as DPM. The abject and unmitigated failure is dispiriting and the blatant dishonesty compounds the feelings of desperation and futility.
I share your pain, but as today’s heading suggests, failure has been normalised; vaccines are only the latest of many.
Tony Abbott was declared a failure and booted on the basis of his poor polling, not his train wreck of a government. We can only hope that a similar fate is about to befall his successor.
ok. But that would mean replacing Morrison with one of his Liberal colleagues. Would that really be a reason for dancing in the streets?
The appalling alternatives are probably all that ensures he remains in the job.
Even Lib. MPs. (and it is they alone, for the moment, who can make/break a PM) aren’t stupid enough to think that Fraudie or the Gestapotato would be acceptable to normal human beings.
Perhaps they could parachute Killer Gladdly into the feds as they did Newman in the LNP Qld
Stephen Duckett, a former secretary of the federal Health Department and health program director at the Grattan Institute says about lockdowns and the Coalition:
“Western Australia is the best example, where tough management of the pandemic was mightily endorsed by the public,”… “So the political reality dawns on the federal government, and they’ve now got a fig leaf from the Treasury modelling, which says lockdowns actually work.”
“Rather, a significant component of the NSW cabinet, including the NSW treasurer, is of the view that lockdowns are bad for the economy.
“Berejiklian’s entire strategy over the past 12 months has been: what is the least, the lightest touch, you can possibly do?”
Get ready for the “Shredderjiklian Mexican Covid Wave” :-
Throw your hands in the air, and say “We’ve done all we can, according to the medical advice; we’ll just have to live with it.”
When what she really meant not to say is “We’ve done all we wanted to – including cherry-picking and topiarying the “medical advise” – so that we could say “We’ve done all we can, according to the medical advice; we’ll just have to live with it.”“
An article in yesterday’s the Saturday paper exposes the lies as to killer following medical advice
They always bring an image of Trump and the 2 lackies involved in the Ukraine effort to mind.
There are no longer consequences for the right. We see this in the case of Trump and Johnson – both deserving a Mussolini style fate for their murderous negligence and criminality.
But Morrison? He may be held in place by the same shamelessness, media and vested interests. The rorts and corruption may stink but his lethality is vastly less – 150x absolute and 50x when scaled.
The few paying close attention may remember but we are not enough. I believe we are seeing the limits of democracy perhaps the limits to progress? Extrapolating tends to make terrible political predictions even if they seem plausible.
On the plus side we’ve been here before or at least the world has seen corrupt and entrenched power collapse under its own contradictions. Indeed that collapse has often been peaceful. And peaceful changes are much the best option.
“Change must come through the barrel of a gun”. Unfortunately Howard removed the only viable option.
Plenty of guns in New England. Be careful what you wish for.
And the gun nut is will continue to vote for Joyce rather than the shooters and shi…oters and farmers
Change is already here courtesy of the fasci…tsMorri$sin’s Coalition wants the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission to be able to take over electronic accounts and tamper with, seize or destroy computers and data, even those belonging to people not suspected of any offence. Officers could also be seconded from the Australian Signals Directorate, [from where the Morrison ADF talking parrot Lieutenant General Frewen has been seconded] which normally only conducts cyber operations offshore.
In a minor defence of Boris, he has 10 x the brains of Trump and Morrison. Just totally blindsided by bigoted right wing politics
That would still be on the far left of the bell curve.
That is still a minuscule amount of brain-power, Drandy, but I don’t believe he has it anyway. People with ‘brain’s’ don’t make so many mistakes and ridiculous predictions, utter so many irredeemably stupid and heartless things. Fact is, Boris – just like Trump and Scovo – is enormously protected by the Conservative media and even the BBC. Our MSM and the ABC are doing the same for our useless ‘leader’, even now.
10 x 0 = 0
Reciting poetry in Ancient Greek or Latin just makes him a twat!!
I have never heard him do that, just the odd mangled word or misunderstood phrase.