Ever since NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian undermined the national reopening plan by letting the Delta variant escape across Sydney, (then New South Wales, then Victoria, the ACT and, as a wee gift to our Kiwi cousins, New Zealand), Scott Morrison has had few good options to try to recover his position. It’s been gold standard political sabotage from the NSW government towards its federal friends.
There are two issues: the immediate threat to the reopening plan from states taking the view that they’ll be damned if they reopen borders to NSW while it’s one giant petri dish of COVID, and the longer-term issue of how Morrison shifts the politics of the pandemic away from territory that helps Labor. It’s been in that zone since the prime minister repeated “it’s not a race” over and over while the vaccination rollout fell apart.
Morrison’s position on sticking to the vaccination-driven reopening schedule even if NSW is racking up hundreds of cases a day — a position that took several days to emerge — is that it makes no difference. One way or another, with exponential growth we will hit a huge number of cases very quickly once we start reopening, whether we start from zero or from 840.
Yesterday the prime minister’s office — which routinely completely ignores requests for information from the media — took the unusual step of sending out a mass background brief to journalists explaining all this, evidently worried that Albanese and Labor premiers were cutting through with the argument that the reopening plan was predicated on very low levels of community transmission.
It also suggested that Morrison’s public communications strategy around the reopening plan, and the Doherty Institute modelling underpinning it, had failed.
And the argument, if you think about it, is basically: “starting with high levels of community transmission just means we’re buggered a little bit earlier than we would otherwise be, but we’re buggered just the same.”
To help that process along, yesterday Morrison released an article called “Time to shift focus from case numbers to hospitalisations” — with gallery journalists having been briefed in advance that he would be aiming to shift the mindset of voters. We now have to ignore the case numbers and concentrate on how quickly Australians are getting vaccinated and how severe the impact is on our health system.
That of course suits the interests of the Berejiklian and Morrison governments, who are jointly responsible for the NSW outbreak through Berejiklian’s lockdown hesitancy, Morrison’s rollout debacle and their joint failure on quarantine. A focus on the case numbers serves up a reminder every day of a staggering failure of government that has left thousands sick and scores dead.
But the call for a “shift of focus” away from the source of embarrassment to new measurements and a new approach lacks credibility when the two governments involved can’t be trusted.
Can anyone trust that Berejiklian will make decisions based on hard evidence, rather than the Liberal Party’s business base pressing for reopening? Does anyone trust that this isn’t just another Morrison announcement designed to get him out of political trouble?
Does anyone trust that either government has actually learnt from the debacle of this year?
Answering that question in the affirmative is difficult when both governments are so hostile to accountability and resistant to transparency. Morrison has had to be dragged kicking and screaming to even a pro forma acknowledgment that he might have badly botched the rollout. Other Morrison failures — quarantine, the COVIDSafe app, supporting Clive Palmer’s effort to prevent Western Australia from isolating itself — are presumably supposed to be forgotten.
The message to voters from Sydney and Canberra is that no one should hold them accountable for this disaster, and we should all move along to “living with COVID” — with the attendant hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of deaths — earlier than expected, without any evidence that either government recognises its failings or has learnt from them.
A genuine leader wouldn’t merely apologise — although that would be an important step — but would provide a proper explanation for the bad calls that led us to 800+ cases a day in Australia’s biggest state and seeding outbreaks elsewhere. That might start to give voters some faith that “shifting focus” isn’t just another moment of political spin.
Scandalous how the two (while singing from the same song sheet the LNP back room boys have provided) are taking the political view that improving ratings and getting re-elected is paramount. Because they are now so patently unbelievable I cannot stomach listening to their endless stream of political talk. Not what we need. Let’s the health pros do the advice giving.
endless stream of political talk.
….especially whilst having his belly tickled by Speers on Insiders.
Unfortunately ABC gone soft as their funding is threatened . . . .
‘soft’ is charitable imo
Exactly !
The Guardian is the only media worth wrapping the fish n chips in these post Graham Perkin days.
Anyone who listened to Scummo’s execrable elisions & evasions on Insighters on both topics, Afghanistan & covid failures, will have recognised that he was just practising the same spiel for his non answers today at Q/T.
On Sunday and again today, he opened with the lie that Afghanistan’s then government… some group called Taliban or similar… refused to hand over bin Liner after the Twin Towers attack.
This is demonstrably untrue – they guaranteed to send him directly to The Hague for the ICC to adjudicate but the Hegemon refused.
No surprises there given that it does not recognise the ICJ nor the International Convention of the Law of the Sea, routinely and unilaterally breaches or abandons other treaties and international compacts and agreements generally considered to be the minimum requirements to be recognised as one to the world’s civilised nations.
No surprise there.
“Let the health pros do the advice giving.”
Problem is they all disagree with each other. It’s been the biggest failing of the whole sordid 18 month and counting emergency.
Astra Zeneca messaging debacle (possibly the reason we are where we are now), Lockdown v No Lockdown slanging matches between Feds and States (in the beginning). Politics got in the way of almost everything that was worth saying.
Berejiklian use the deliberate strategy of rambling on for ages with the same answer over and over and then doing a runner after about half an hour. She does that to avoid any real scrutiny or accountability…The longer that Premier Gladys Berejiklian keeps on getting away with her lies the bigger trouble that NSW and Australia will end up being in.
Do you have any suggestions for what the press corps could do though? I don’t (see below)
The press core is basically Murdoch and Costello with Kerry stokes from WA they are not interested in doing anything.
Crikey, The Saturday paper, The Guardian to an extent, and now and then the ABC are the only places you may find a voice that isn’t repeating the collision line and unfortunately these new sources have a very small
The listed ews outlets have a very small audience, apologies for not editing the speech to text before hitting post comment
SA’s Steven Marshall has sided with Berejiklian and Morrison, saying he was committed to reopening at 70-80%.
SA the next to head for freedom with home quarantine this week starting for Vic and NSW backcomers, any who live in flats, apartments and units will be spreading the virus ASAP as occurred in Vic with your Berjiklian no speaka da English furniture removalists who did not observe public health measures. Great things ahead for SA, freedom to die, freedom to get long covid, freedom freedom freedom, hooray for the Coalition and their live with covid mantra.
Scott Donald Trump Morri$sinner enraptured with his brilliant marketing of death, disease and long covid, of hospitals that cna’t cope, health workers sick and dying and beyond tired, your daze of glory are ahead covidopeophile.
It is always darkest before the dawn, and I think these lockdowns are [a] demonstration of that, but the dawn is not far away and we are working towards that dawn and we are hastening towards the dawn. We should not delay it. We should prepare for it. We should not fear it. We should embrace it. And we should move forward together.
Scott Morrison
They are bound to cabinet solidarity apparently……Chant ain’t talk in’.
Well the court has ruled but MorriScums so-called national cabinet isn’t worth a cracker and any documents pertaining to what goes on in there are not confidential
It’s a conundrum for rational policy isnt it? Morrison is a shallow and deceitful power-monger and an arrogant liar – Crikey’s published dossier provides the documentary proof of that. But even a broken watch is accurate twice a day. We do need to plan for COVID normalisation soon and the risk that Morrison and his government might slide out sideways from proper accountability for the past can’t be a reason for staying in elimination mode forever. The media needs to keep challenging the ‘shift our focus’ misdirection stuff but not get sucked into a default ‘lockdown indefinitely’ mantra at the same time. The main questions to the government should focus on future preparations not just accountability for the past failures. Where are the new quarantine facilities up to? Because maybe just maybe the lauded home quarantine might not work. How’s everybody’s favourite Science Minister Christian Porter going on developing MRNA technology? Has Brendan Murphy done anything, anything at all about establishing a national no-fault vaccination indemnity scheme like most of the OECD, ready for when we have to buy and administer our boosters or variant vaccines next year and the year after?
Keating had a favourite word when he criticised the conservative parties – ‘indolent’ – because he reckoned they had no innate belief in the potential of government except to exclude others from power and let their own lot get on with accruing more money and power unimpeded. He could never have imagined how indolence could be taken to a new plane by this bloke.
There is no ‘lockdown indefinitely mantra’ – this is LNP spin to garner support for busting open no matter impact on everyman if lt profits them and their pals. Their many Dictator Dan narratives are designed to trigger anger so as to manipulate opinion and motivate action that serves their agenda (this process btw has been identified as a Russian propanda tactic that has been called ‘reality bending politics’ – kill Fauci who is trying to save your life is a great example of this). Consider the noncomplaince with Health Orders and protests that resulted from their DD campaign last year – “You don’t deserve to be locked up!! He’s seeking unprecented powers! He’s a dictator!” And that Berejikian has been subtlety sending DD messages for more than a year but most transparently when she said: “We don’t want to be locked up on an island forever while the world leaves us behind” > You’re being locked up!! It could be forever! You’re missing out on goodies the rest of world is enjoying!!
Reality is no one on the planet wants lockdowns to continue indefinitely. Do you? Do you know anyone who does or knows anyone who knows anyone who does?? Take everything Morrison says with a truck full of sand and take everything Berejiklian says with a beach.
As a party whose existence is built upon protecting workers, Labor are very quiet about demanding safe workplaces before returning to work. In construction etc they sided with Liberals to send workers in to unsafe environments and this was seen as a win by the workers and employers! Unbelievable.
The reality is that children are getting sicker and becoming infected more often, more seriously very quickly and that is a catastrophe. There is no Covid ward for paediatric patients outside the children’s hospitals in Westmead and Randwick which are already both full and nurses are unable to cope with separating children from their parents. This has never been done before and also means that kids in hospital dying from other conditions are going to die alone to prevent their parents getting Covid. I hate home schooling and have left my job. But the situation confronting us if we don’t get this right is terrifying.
Agree, Labor has been disappointing of late. Not sure if Albo said it or was quote from someone but was to effect that first responsibility was to get elected so could influence policy and suspect that is what they are up to. I worry that it could backfire tho!!
US info confirms that children are getting sicker. CDC and American American of Pediatrics recommend masks for 2 yos now – why aren’t we hearing this here? Does the LNP control the entirety of the press???? God help everyone in NSW and God damn Berejiklian if he/she hasn’t yet got around to it. The stress of worrying about one’s kids is a huge burden to bear and it’s heartbreaking to think of kids and parents separated. It IS terrifying and we Must get it right from the bottom of my toenails I AGREE. Hugs from the current safety of Tas – I feel stressed even here waiting for the Sword of Gladysles to fall on our heads too and I can’t truly imagine how Much more stressful is for you guys in NSW.
Mr. Morrison cannot be called a leader. The first rule of leadership is responsibility for your people and their welfare followed by making sure they are fed, watered and have shelter.
Any Lance Corporal in the army could tell you this. No leader gets himself vaccinated, first, before vulnerable people in his care.
He has been successful in bringing out the worst in us.
The buck stops a long way from here
I wouldn’t have minded if he got himself vaccinated with Astrazeneca, given that even then there was a degree of hesitancy from those who would wait until Pfizer was available. But no. He used some of our then small, limited and valuable Pfizer supply, which was so desperately needed for vulnerable Australians. For Morrison, being PM isn’t about serving the public, but about the perks that it gives you – whether that be pushing to the front of the Pfizer vax queue, or going on a personalised tour of Cornwall during UK lockdown.
He’s a pyschopath – it’s all about him!
It was truly astounding and I couldn’t believe nobody mentioned it at the time; there he was – in a ridiculous Australian flag mask (a little offensive, no?) – getting a Pfizer shot when it was not available to anyone over 50 at that time. Yet, the Qld premier was criticised for having it, even though she is higher in risk due to being female and having a clotting condition. Why does this guy consistently get a free pass from the media when he is a dangerous, mean and unscrupulous operator?
Why on earth is the Australian PM using the US term ‘Ground Hog Day’ when taking about the future easing of Covid restrictions ? Why not refer to our native Australian animals like wombats that live underground and not are all ‘muddle-headed’ like some of our elected leaders.
Agree Charles, what is more striking is that vaccines were not rolled out immediately to vulnerable First Nation people in west NSW. Whites stole their land for profit, raped their women, gave them disease and after making wad loads of money through rape and pillaging they refuse to prioritise vaccines to First Nation people. These arseholes, Berejiklian and Morrison, deserve to be hung, drawn and quartered.
raped ‘them’ – not ‘their women’, please.
As evinced by Gladys’s handling of the Covid crisis, NSW is run by business for business. ..As one senior Liberal remarked, if you are a business and you want the laws changed in your favour in NSW, you scurry up to Michael Photios’ office and get him on a retainer.
Berejiklian’s ascent to the top office came at the expense of the push for democratic reform in the party by her predecessor Mike Baird.
Business has the state government by the short and curlies….M West
Absolutely right. But the excrement that is Berjiklian and Morrison are sociopaths/psychopaths, no doubt about it.
As evinced by Gladys’s handling of the Covid crisis, NSW is run by business for business. Michael West has another ripsnorter of an article detailing what is going down now in the Liberals in NSW, google:
Gladys’ leadership rumours rise as rival Perrottet embroiled in scandal
As evinced by Gladys’s handling of the Covid crisis, NSW is run by business for business. ..As one senior Liberal remarked, if you are a business and you want the laws changed in your favour in NSW, you scurry up to Michael Photios’ office and get him on a retainer.
Berejiklian’s ascent to the top office came at the expense of the push for democratic reform in the party by her predecessor Mike Baird.
Business has the state government by the short and curlies.
And the rest of the nation has the Indian variant going wild, uncontrolled, with the Morrisin twin Berjiklian advising all of those contracting covid, ill and dying to not pay attention to the numbers each day but to the vaccination rate!
I am so lacking in trust that I wonder if this is an LNP plot to destroy the lockdown system by making it unviable. The list of exemptions was ludiocrous, we have in Sydney a completely different set up for the posh end of town, which is how we got there in the first place. They are a lovely lot. Yesterday we had Health Hazzard castigating the Wilcannia community for holding a funeral when, as the brother of the deceased put it, there were no restrictions and if they can’t bloody git the lockdown in Sydney right how come they are blaming us? As to vaccination in remote areas, the RFDS had to go to Wilcannia. My own town about 425 km from Sydney has its first walk in clinic on Thursday. The local GPs are not doing it and the Chemist’s shop can only do a few each day. The big town up the road has more cases than the ACT.
Funny Old Greybearded One I was thinking exactly the same thing. Are they really that maliciously evil?
Short answer – yes.
Morrison is doing a very dangerous Trump impersonation with the protests in Melbourne and Sydney telling then that we must learn to live with covid, while our nation is woefully unvaccinated solely due to his incompetence and in difference.
Morrison is supporting the freedom protesters and their violence with his learn to live with covid mantra, he is guilty of inciting unrest and violent protests
Well, these are the great unwashed who will vote for him . . .
Who organises these anti lockdown protests with encrypted message apps?
Why is the lnp behaving like a cult, enhanced by “friendly” media?
Why does the opposition get less airtime?
Why is it that a lot of information, normally public in a democracy, is kept secret?
Who organises the neo-nazi groups in Australia?
We are heading towards an authoritarian regime, some people on this forum here have the same fear as me. And then there is Kerry O’Brian who says it too.
We are living in the most disgusting political period ever. Who says elections will be held in time? It can easily be postponed, too many people just stay passive observers. The time is perfect for a one lnp party. All branches are stacked with political hacks, if you are against them you’re sacked. Wake up people!
The press needs to demand answers.
Who organises these anti lockdown protests with encrypted message apps?
Why is the lnp behaving like a cult, enhanced by “friendly” media?
Why does the opposition get less airtime?
Why is it that a lot of information, normally public in a democracy, is kept secret?
Who organises the let’s call them NN groups (otherwise I don’t get through the bot) in Australia?
We are heading towards an authoritarian regime, some people on this forum here have the same fear as me. And then there is Kerry O’Brian who says it too.
We are living in the most disgusting political period ever. Who says elections will be held in time? It can easily be postponed, too many people just stay passive observers. The time is perfect for a one lnp party. All branches are stacked with political hacks, if you are against them you’re sacked. Wake up people!
The press needs to demand answers.
Right there with you.
Beware anyone, especially in the government/media, who provide answers.
What we desperately need is more, real questions – the sort Scummo & his ilk refuse to answer.
Yesterday of Inciters the PM twice told Speers to stop interrupting him when he was answering – Speers should have said “You are NOT providing answers, just running down the clock with waffle and mendacities!”.
Tell me that I’m dreaming.
Unfortunately they are all the same party; Labor is a zombie party going through the motions of being an opposition, and when was the last time you heard anything from the Greens or an independent that wasn’t philosophically a Liberal? House prices keep rising so the LNP will remain our governing party regardless of anything else. Equality increases as a greater proportion of us live precariously in rented properties with freelance work, wages fall in real terms, it gets hotter, fires burn, more and more children are in hospital crying for their parents who can’t comfort them … we have elected those most willing to do whatever it takes to make enough people wealthier, to stoke their greed and feed their self-interest in a most mercenary way. These aren’t people who are capable of caring about the welfare of others. They still don’t even understand why Robodebt was wrong, brag about stopping boats no matter what the cost to others, and now that their cruelty is putting us all in danger, will it finally wake us up? I doubt it.
Same. I’ve gone from wondering if the LNP refused CALLS to provide adequate financial support to increase the numbers who would join their anti-lockdown campaign to wondering if Berejiklian knowingly created the never ending lockdown for this same reason – with the added incentive of ‘proving’ lockdowns don’t work. No playbook for hyper infectious delta is a reason to leave retail open?? As if this isn’t enough cause for worry what happens when we need them in future??? Blakely estimated that opening up at 70% would create need for an average of 3 mths lockdowns per year . . .
The lockdown system is a priori unviable.
So is uncontrolled covid – it’s the rock or the hard place unfortunately
Only to the ethically compromised & politically purblind – a priori means “based on theoretical deduction rather than empirical observation“.
ie, reasoning or knowledge which proceeds from theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience
Have the Australian people been told that opening up with high numbers of cases risks their public hospitals becoming COVID 19 hospitals, with possibly wards filled with COVID 19 patients squeezing out the wards that would ordinarily have patients who need hospitalization for other reasons? I want to hear the case for putting the interests of business ahead of our public health systems and health workers. The brazen refusal to consider the Doherty Institute’s modelling assumptions about the impact of opening up with high case numbers is a new low from this incompetent, corrupt government.
I would wager that most hospitals have not had their aircon systems upgraded to allow safe use of general wards as Covid wards – another aspect of quarantine neglected by the the failed Morrison government.
No wonder so many new cases are starting in hospitals.
Some simple messages like this might quell the discontent. A vaccination promotion campaign should have been running since February. But instead our federal leadership has confused the public with constant mixed messaging, undermining the health advice they sometimes turn to when convenient. They could explain the simple truth- this is a virus, it doesn’t care if you are bored with it, it will still come for you and your family and if the hospitals are full, some of you will be permanently disabled or die. Even children. Like we see on the international news as these are not made up stories. We can give you financial support to get you through these unprecedented times and please get vaccinated. Thank you.
I bet those who want to let the virus rip will make sure they have their third booster shot and get extended family vaccinated. Gladys and Scotty would think twice if their mothers died from Covid-19 thanks to their infinite wisdom.
Yep. Clive Palmer is spending millions casting doubt on the efficacy and safety of all the vaccines, but he refuses to say whether he’s been vaccinated.
Those two weren’t born, they crawled out from a sewer joined at the head
UK actively thinking it’s better to get Covid now.
If Morrison and Co’s priority was the welfare of citizens it would have sounded like this.
If Andrew’s and Co’s priority was the welfare of citizens it would have sounded like this.
Consider https://abc7chicago.com/dallas-county-judge-clay-jenkins-covid19-pediatric-icu-beds-texas-zero-mask-mandate/10951287/ and “many young kids that have gotten COVID and are now dealing with what they’re calling long-haulers disorder. And that’s when they do have heart damage, or they have lung damage. And it appears right from what we know is that will be lifelong.” > https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/fda-grants-full-approval-to-pfizer-biontech-vaccine “Pediatric COVID-19 Cases Tick Up” (8th article or lower if more added.)
Also to be considered is the US needs to build tent hospitals where 50.2% of Total population are vaccinated > https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-field-hospitals-photos.html and
“. . . there could be six seriously ill patients for every existing US hospital bed. . . . No state in the U.S. will have enough room to treat novel coronavirus patients if the surge in severe cases here mirrors that in other countries.”
> https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2020/03/13/us-hospitals-overwhlemed-coronavirus-cases-result-in-too-few-beds/5002942002/
NSW hospitals are buckling under a very tiny fraction of the 385,000 cases Doherty predicts will be here 4ish mths after opening up – and with more to follow. 73,150 of those cases (19% of 385k) – also to grow will be in our children. 50% in one hospital are on ventilators > https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/08/delta-variant-covid-children/619712/
It’s NUTS to think about opening up before we have the medical resources needed to cope with it imo.
Not incompetent – criminally negligent!
It is not only hospital space that needs to be considered – there’s the staff too. Reports are coming out about staff burnout. And when 150 vital medical staff are sent into isolation in just one region (Shepparton) then who is going to look after the rapidly increasing number of very ill patients?
Staff burnout, public burnout.
Many of the staff are burnt out because they are also part of the locked down public.
No vacations, no weekends with family and friends, no going out for a meal, no bbqs with the neighbors, no sunday drives, etc.
Lockdowns don’t work. Everyone will crack eventually, including the people we need the most.
Well you cracked some time ago, under no pressure at all, so I’m not surprised that you think the rest of us will crack. I’ve got about a year left in me, how are you doing? I worry for you.
My hero.
When some of his Sydney-based followers gathered illegally in the hotspot suburb of Blacktown on Sunday, fed-up neighbours called the police. There were 60 devotees in attendance, half of them children, when police arrived.
Footage of a sermon delivered by Christ Embassy Sydney pastor Marvin Osaghae and posted online shows him asking followers to pray for the NSW government.
“We pray for NSW government, we declare that the wisdom of God is granted,” he said.
“We declare that lockdowns are over in the cities of NSW, in the name of Jesus.”
Agreed… I’m glad everyone else posting here is doing fine, but many of us are not. We’re isolated, have lost work, have been banned from seeing family and friends… but, no, we should all stay locked up forever even when every person in the country has been given the opportunity to be vaccinated (and the 20% or so who aren’t have decided that for themselves).