Dogs are capable of telling deliberate acts of unkindness from accidental ones, a new study shows. We took some dogs along to a Dan Andrews press conference to try and work out what the hell was going on.
“Rohuhraarfgrrrrwoof,” they said, so that was no bloody use, and we remain clueless as to whether our distinct national and state response is a rational and sustained reaction to a present danger, or some sinister experiment in human control like the protestors say.
To tell you the truth I would not be dismayed to learn that the Victorian experience is some sort of experiment into how much people can take of this sort of life, in preparation for something worse. At least this would make it some meaningful sort of experience. Victoria may well turn out to be the last hold-out in the world of large-scale polities (no, NZ, you don’t count) trying for virus elimination — the communist Albania of COVID.
What is wearing many down — those who did support the TaliDan government through last year’s long lockdown — is the feeling that there is no meaning to these more recent episodes. We’re out of ideas; we’re waiting for the federal government’s total failure on the matter of vaccine and that’s about it. It would actually be good to know there’s a room somewhere in Treasury (very symbolically a bunker at ground level) where the worst possibilities are being gamed out, and a plan being put into sealed, bright coloured envelopes.
There are presumably plans for large-scale nuclear war, and have been for decades. Is there a plan for a pandemic with a higher death rate? Something along the lines of 10% or more? Something highly possible but not civilisation ending? A 10% rate would be less than Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which had a 35% mortality rate, but also had a very low R0 number — about 0.5 — which ensured that it never spread far beyond hospitals and its initial exposure sites (camel stations; it was initially known as “camel flu”).
With 10% or 20% mortality, spread more evenly among the population and a level of virulence equal to COVID-19, we would presumably have to suspend private commercial food distribution and resort to mass food parcels, distributed contactlessly and headed by the military using the major commercial warehouses as depots. The same, in a more targeted way, with medication. There would have to be forced population movements as we essentially “re-village” our large cities — moving hundreds of thousands out of bands of the city and thus creating separated villages within the sprawl.
Civilian travel between such zones would have to be prevented. Essential farms and factories would have to become work/life zones that workers don’t leave for the duration. We could actually survive all this, and I presume such a plan would cover biological warfare as well (which is one reason why it may well exist in a file somewhere).
The need for it would be cultural as much as practical. With a higher death rate, reaching towards young adults, teenagers and children, our post-religious, materialist culture would come under extraordinary stress and the question for many with losses would be whether it was worth going on.
You see why I started with the joke about the doggies now?
These mordant meditations are occasioned by the sudden appearance of the COVID-19 Mu variant. It’s a measure of our era that if Delta variant sounded like a bad Canadian sci-fi movie, Mu variant sounds like the knock-off sequel. Mu is currently spreading through Colombia and into South America, constituting about 1% of cases detected from a standing start and, haha, you’re still not thinking in exponential terms, are you? (Seven steps from 1% to dominance: 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16%, 32%, 64% — also the maximum number of times you can fold any sheet of paper, no matter how large.)
The Mu variant’s distinctiveness is an accumulated series of mutations in the “spike” protein of COVID-19 — the little suckers reaching out from the spherical body in all those creepy illustrations. These appear to have supercharged the virus’ ability to spread, both against naturally acquired immunity and against vaccines themselves, and to restore the virus’ baseline lethality rates even against those who have been vaccinated.
That, of course, is still only 0.5% to 1% overall. But not for the aged, the Indigenous as a whole, or the chronically ill. As research notes, Mu’s vaccine-busting capacity threatens to reopen vaccine-assisted herd immunity to mass infection. So around we would go again.
And this, we must remind ourselves, is all a rehearsal, and… OK, a horse goes into a bar and the bartender says why the long face and the horse says because I have intestinal worms due to shortage of ivermectin caused by offbrand usage…
Ya think Berejiklian isn’t doing this? The difference is she doesn’t care how many lives she sacrifices, as long as she can pork-barrel her way to victory and those donations to the LNP keep rolling in.
Typhoid Gladys.
We will need fit for purpose quarantine stations in the future, this is certain. Why are they not being built?
It likely means that the requirement is not clear.
The consensus among Australian leaders over the national Covid plan has fractured further with the Queensland premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, warning children could be at risk if state borders reopened.
Palaszczuk, talking ahead of Friday’s national cabinet meeting, said she expected the Doherty Institute to provide updated modelling on how children would be impacted by the relaxation of border restrictions.
“Unless there is an answer on how these young people are going to be vaccinated you are putting this most vulnerable population at risk,” Palaszczuk said on Thursday. “You open up this state and you let the virus in here and every child under 12 is vulnerable, every single child.”
The premier pledged to “stand strong” on Queensland’s border controls “until I can get every child vaccinated”.
Palaszczuk should pull her non-thinking head in. The last thing the country needs now is a boof-head from Queensland determining national health strategy.
Next she’ll be asking the Doherty Institute to provide updated modelling on any number of random thought bubbles.
You seem to be the deepest thinking boofhead on this site – you know so much, why aren’t you running the show?
Because being a super-genius makes it too hard to deal with people.
How old are you?
Berejiklian has now refused all questions on the Quarantine centre she purportedly said her government had already announced/ begun planning for, a month ago.
She’s full of it
Australia’s chief health officer, Prof Paul Kelly said that three children under the age of 12 had been admitted to intensive care
Dunno about other ports but Used Carr sold off the 30Ha/75acres of prime real estate, to shonky ‘developers’ natch, which was the North Head the Quarantine station that had kept this part of the country safe for 150 years, since 1832.
The rot started with Keating and Hawke
Being Crown property, it was necessary for PJK to first cede it from federal ownership to Used Carr before the latter could flog it off to maaates.
This doesnt make sense to be either. It seems to be a no brainer, we can use these facilities for decades to come, but yet so little progress being made. What am i missing? NIMBY issues? Preference to sacrifice international travel? Preference for in home quarantine?
Victoria has obviously dealt with some really big waves in the past, and the big wave last year they beat down to zero, which was a huge achievement…
Norman Swan: Yes, where would we be without lockdowns? Well, we’d be in deep schtuck is where we would be without lockdowns.
Burnet Institute modelling would have New South Wales…without the lockdown in New South Wales, the restrictions there, at about 10,000 cases a day at the beginning of August.
And what they are saying about Victoria is that so far social restrictions in Victoria have prevented 6,000 Covid cases and 600 people being admitted to hospital.
So because there are much lower numbers, you haven’t got that dramatic daily effect, but you would eventually.
So 10,000 cases in New South Wales at the beginning of August would have been ghastly for the community and for the hospital system.
…hospitalisations and case numbers are still in lockstep in New South Wales, that effective vaccinations hasn’t kicked in yet. Someone wrote in to say that different lot of data analysts, CovidBaseAU, have pointed out that they are decoupling.
Norman Swan: Well, the decoupling, if you don’t compare apples with apples…so I’m going with data analyst Juliette O’Brien who we use quite a lot, and who is very reliable, and what she shows is that ..
New South Wales changed the rules about what it describes as an active case. And so they are using…I think they go back 30 days, creating a 30-day average for their cases, whereas Victoria creates a 14-day average for their cases…describe their hospitalisation rate.
And that’s really important because in fact most of your hospitalisations are going to occur within 14 days rather than 30 days.
If you do 30 days the rate is lower, it’s under 5%, whereas if you go 13-, 14-day average, thereabouts, it’s higher, and it shows much less, if any, decoupling at all. So if you change the rules, you get a different result.
Guy, you might have heard of the small jurisdictions of Tasmania, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia who are – largely successfully – continuing with elimination as a strategy. In other words all of Australia except the two states in the far south-east.
But what happens when they open to the rest of the world, as they eventually must do?
Woopwoop – depends what you mean by “open”. Quarantine and isolation may well still be required for internal (and external) travel. It ain’t gonna be like before.
That isn’t/wasn’t my point.
You had a point?
Who knew?
You seemed to get it right the first time around.
Do you mean the pair with over half the national population?
Yeah, hardly worth bothering.
Guy, you need a holiday. It’s hard for everyone, why spread implausible doom scenarios that make it worse?
Anybody could think of 100 more of these such things without any effort at all.
I wonder if this article actually made someone reach the phone to try and find some mental health assistance.
Good work mate.
Guy – you should talk to Adam Schwab, maybe he could organize something in December for you.
A luxury escape cruise ?…Is there no escape from escapism ?..Naaah, probably not..
B the C – you need a nice stretch of sand to stick your head in.
We were were woefully under-prepared for Covid, and it is only luck that death rates are so low this time.
Guy is correct that we need a decent federal pandemic agency that does some serious planning and preparing.
Love to be able to go to any stretch of sand, but the 5 klm prison exercise yard millions of Australians live in stops us.
You need quicksand to step in !
People need to know the truth instead of being told what they want to hear.
The New York Times provides daily updates on all VOCs, Vaccine efficacy (listing every single vaccine, not just the two our Aussie media/governments talk about) including which countries have approved them for Emergency use only and/or complete approval, global cases of various strains/variants, global vaccination rates with age breakdowns et Al.
Information is also readily available from the WHO of which Australia has representation, which can be freely subscribed to.
We can bury our heads in the sand like the NSW Government and Commonwealth government have done/continue to do, and pretend there’s nothing to worry about, or we can stay informed.
Given that our “elected officials” continually hide from/whitewash the facts, and not only to do with Covid, but everything they do and say, my opinion is that, we all owe it to ourselves and our families to stay informed with facts.
I think some people “want” to hear about mu, or lambda, or pi or whatever.
Whether its “true” of not remains to be seen.
I see Denmark lifted ALL restrictions today.
“The epidemic is under control, we have record vaccination levels,” the health minister, Magnus Heunicke, said in
a statement on Friday. “That is why we can drop the special rules we had to introduce in the fight against Covid-19.”
Maybe they should read this article so that they can become informed about “mu”.
I don’t think the Danish Minister of Health needs to be informed via Crikey articles.
Anyone who needs Crikey to be informed probably should not be allowed in public unsupervised.
False equivalence, ‘lifted ALL restrictions’ does not equal ‘drop the special rules’ (on top other restrictions); .
Most EU nations ex. Bulgaria and Romania, and a Baltic nation, have far more significant or higher levels of populations fully vaccinated versus Australia, nowadays 60%+.
Further, many EU nations are warning of a fourth wave in coming weeks according to Chief Medical experts, who are also warning of potential restrictions while recommending (as many people have started to do anyway) masking up in supermarkets, public transport etc., avoid crowds/events, vaccinate kids/boosters for oldies, do not travel unless essential while cafes, bars, restaurants and hotels, like Denmark, require local or EU vaccination/immunity card check in.
Australian government, and states, have a long way to go, not helped by a pathological and ideological aversion to planning, resourcing, funding and implementing response strategies (well) over time vs. PR and spin.
No hope for that
On Thursday, the Australian Medical Association called on the NSW government to release modelling of its hospital capacity, with the AMA president, Dr Omar Khorshid, warning a double-dose vaccination rate of above 80% would be needed for the healthcare system to cope. The AMA’s concern follows Guardian reports of overworked Sydney ICU nurses increasing sedative use to cope with their workload.
I agree with you. Hopefully we’ll be able to get to those lofty heights, instead of what we have, which is an utter failure of the nation.
I wonder if any other country in the world is defeating itself, from within, in the way that we are?
(maybe the US?)
We are kicking an own-goal.
Which code do your Fifth Columnists play?
Ha the fifth column generals in Australia are Mark McGowan, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Dan Andrews.
They are mobilizing stealthily to sabotage the future of all Australians.
Of course they are sweetie, now take your meds. and have a nap.
As the season changes to autumn in Europe, the building ventilation becomes neutral and as we are finally discovering in Australia the virus load in a room increases as air changes decrease.
And the title Professor does not grant a person immunity from scrutiny or the expectation that they do not have a bias. Ask the bee keepers of the Mornington Peninsula and join the dots
Guy does seem a little obsessed with these super-virus apocalypses, might be time to move on to something more directly relevant…
Yeah I don’t get it, it’s like he think’s he’s got a direct line that connects to Anthony Fauci, and they frequently discuss possible threat vectors that others don’t know about yet.
Of the seven deaths announced today three were unvaccinated, and two people were fully vaccinated
Remember when you get a vaccination your not getting an immortality shot. People will die and when they do they might have covid. BTW the average number of co-mortalities for people who die of covid in the USA has risen to 4.
co-morbidities – not ‘mortalities’ doh
It happens to all aging radicals, they grow weary of seeing their adolescent beliefs revealed as mumbles & dust.
A rare bout of self-reflection, well done, Boomer.
The ABBA reunion ought to cockle the warms of his heart or at least release his inner whimsy.
He can play Money Money Money over and over again, or S.O.S.
More likely Fernando or Waterloo, lamenting temps perdu.