It’s very obvious by now that Scott Morrison is in full-blown election mode. Since last week, the Coalition has doubled-down on presenting a binary choice to voters: freedom under the government v a Labor opposition committed to endless lockdowns and border closures.
The government knows it needs a sharp, cogent message. Ever since half the country went into a lockdown that could’ve been avoided with a functional vaccine rollout, its polling numbers have been shocking. The latest Newspoll has Labor on track for a landslide. And Roy Morgan now puts the opposition up 54.5%-45.5% on a two-party preferred basis.
As we learned in 2019, there’s no such thing as a uniform national swing, and individual seat polling is far less accurate. And Morrison’s freedom message is clearly calculated to play better in locked-down states. Unfortunately for the government, Roy Morgan’s individual state swings also deliver bad news.
Let’s start with NSW, where Premier Gladys Berejiklian has wholeheartedly abandoned COVID Zero and now seems in lockstep with Morrison’s message about reaching vaccine-driven freedom as soon as possible. Before the current outbreaks, the government saw NSW as key to its reelection hopes, with 10 Labor-held marginals on its radar.
But Roy Morgan’s poll shows a 4.8% swing to Labor since the last election, enough to pick up two seats (Reid and Robertson), and put two more (Lindsay and Banks) under threat. It also pours cold water on the Coalition’s hopes of a clear election-winning gain in the premier state. The government wants to pick up “coal seats” like Hunter, Shortland and Paterson by wedging Labor on mining. But how much will that narrative resonate in an election likely fought primarily over management of the pandemic? Will aspirational voters in the Sydney mortgage belt really flock to the Coalition after an avoidable recession?
The promise of freedom should play better in Victoria, locked down more than any other state. Instead, Victoria is where the polling numbers are most catastrophic for the government. Roy Morgan has Labor leading 59.5% to 40.5%, a 6.4% swing since the last election, where it was already Labor’s best state. On that swing, Chisholm, Higgins, Casey, Deakin, La Trobe, Flinders and Kooyong are gone. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Health Minister Greg Hunt would be out of Parliament. The Coalition could lose the next election in Melbourne alone.
If not in the locked-down states, where will Morrison’s message work? The strongest ammunition for their “wedge Labor on freedom” strategy is recalcitrant Labor premiers in Queensland and Western Australia, who refuse to commit to reopening their borders when the federal government wants. But Annastacia Palaszczuk and Mark McGowan are immensely popular figures, leading states where people are living normal, COVID-free lives.
In Queensland, which delivered Morrison the 2019 election, the government is at its electoral peak. While Roy Morgan has them ahead of Labor there, they’ve still copped a 4.9% swing from the last election. That could give Labor four seats — Longman, Leichhardt, Brisbane, and Peter Dutton’s seat of Dickson. Of course, Dutton was expected to lose last time and hung on. Queensland is confoundingly unpredictable. With George Christensen and Andrew Laming quitting, Labor could be more confident about Dawson and Bowman.
The loudest recent bickering has been with WA. Attorney-General Michaelia Cash warned the courts could force open the hard border. Emperor Premier Mark McGowan responded by accusing the government of being on a mission to bring COVID to his disease-free paradise.
Picking a fight with WA seems weird given a) the McGowan government is immensely popular and locals are pretty happy with the way things are right now; b) an internal report from the WA Liberals called their own party a “political wasteland“, and c) the government needs to keep all its seats there.
Again, Roy Morgan has Labor ahead in Western Australia, with a 6.6% swing to the opposition since the last election. That would deliver Labor Swan, Pearce (where MP Christian Porter is already beyond embattled) and Hasluck. And every attack on McGowan’s border puts those seats further in doubt.
Notably, the government’s sniping about closed borders isn’t directed at Liberal states like South Australia and Tasmania. But even in those states, current swings would deliver Labor three seats all up (Boothby in SA, along with Braddon and Bass in Tasmania).
This is, of course, an absolute best-case scenario for Labor. Individual seats often buck state- and nation-wide swings. Well-known ministers like Dutton, Frydenberg and Hunt could easily hang on thanks to name recognition. Labor could blow it like last time. And Morrison has the immense strategic advantage of being able to call the election at the most politically convenient time between now and May. No wonder he’s already talking about better days ahead.
“… a binary choice to voters: freedom under the government v a Labor opposition committed to endless lockdowns and border closures. The government knows it needs a sharp, cogent message…”
That’s clear enough – EITHER a surge in covid fatalities amid a collapsing health service if the Morrison gang prevails, OR ELSE switch to a government determined to suppress the pandemic and preserve normal life in the states where covid is not running amok. Now all Morrison needs is a snappy three-word slogan to sum up this binary choice – and here it is:
Death or Glory!
The election’s in the bag.
Or vote for the LNP ‘We’re dead right’.
Yesterdays article in TSP won’t make the light of day here in Australia for many this short segment tells us why!
Israel was once the success story that proved we could vaccinate our way through the pandemic
Mass vaccination began last December. By April, the country had all but declared victory over Covid-19.
More than half the population was double-dosed and it recorded its first day without a death in nearly a year. Restrictions were eased, international travel roared back and compliance fell away.
Even the Green Pass, a vaccine passport scheme, was abandoned.
“During April to July there was a false perception that Covid was over,” says Nadav Davidovitch, a member of Israel’s national Covid advisory committee and director of the public health school at Ben-Gurion University. After several months in which the approach to vaccination was very active, “a sense of urgency was lost”.
By July, the Delta variant was loose in the community.
By August, thousands of cases were being recorded every day.
Relatively high vaccination rates had concealed the reality that pockets remained undervaccinated, including people aged between 12 and 20, the ultra-Orthodox community, the Bedouin and other Arabs.
Even in Israel’s vaccinated population, immunity began to wane.
We have a similar cohort here, where a staggering returning travellers aka permanent residents – 33% – refused a test in quarantine before it was mandatory later on. That was the figure for Melbourne. Sydney was a miniscule 2% or such like from memory.
Even more concerning are Israel’s findings re: waning vaccine efficacy and change to requiring a booster to be considered fully vaccinated.
I’m also concerned/disturbed/paranoid that I haven’t heard (may have missed it tho) Doherty Institute speak out about the misrepresentation of their model. Scomo & Co ignore vax target is 1/3 only and now Berejiklian wants to outright invalidate it by substituting a pingdemic for effective contract tracing and is promising no more lockdowns ever when model relies on restrictions inc lockdowns as well. I also had expected they would address the rife media misrepresentation of our 80% eligible ‘proving’ that its safe to open as country x and y who did it with actual 80% as it’s their rep on the line when more of us are ‘free’ to attend funerals – should also be a Huge incentive to draw attention the fact that its not their model that Scomo is using.
Proactive vaccination and targeting of minority groups is back. The Green Pass will return. Mass serological testing of children, plus at-home testing kits, will allow kids to attend in person when school returns this month.
More controversially, third shots of Pfizer are being offered to over-30s to boost their diminishing immunity and protect them from serious illness.
If Morrisin is re elected the nation will be further debauched into a Morrisin version of QAnon with Pentecostal overtones.
So far:
New concerns surround the government’s increased use of legislative powers to bypass the parliament and create laws that cannot be amended or overturned. By Karen Middleton.
Morrison ruling by ‘Henry VIII’ clauses
The federal government has embedded special powers in new Covid-19 laws to make unilateral changes to non-pandemic-related legislation, using what are known as “Henry VIII clauses” – named for the unchecked power they involve.
Affected legislation includes the Social Security Act and the Corporations Act, relating to the power to change welfare benefits and arrangements for business. Although the clauses are temporary, the government has given itself the authority to extend them six months beyond their designated sunset date.
Generally, parliament retains a power to strike out delegated laws that a majority deems bad.
But legislation is now also being exempted from disallowance, putting it beyond reach. Essentially, parliament cannot amend or overturn it.
Two multi-party parliamentary committees are sounding an alarm…The bills committee raised the use of Henry VIII clauses, which the High Court has suggested may undermine parliament’s constitutional role.
When the Covid-19 pandemic was declared in March, the government initially suspended parliament until August but, amid opposition protests about accountability, it held single-day sittings in March and April to pass new umbrella pandemic legislation. That enabled the creation of delegated instruments for further measures.
…”the executive government is successfully using exemptions for ulterior and politically beneficial purposes, namely when it wishes to avoid parliamentary accountability for its decisions and policy choices.”…University of Adelaide associate law professor Dr Lorne Neudorf
What is actually in the bag since covid is Morrisin’s rule by decree where laws are made without even the provision for disallowance:
the Attorney-General’s and Home Affairs departments defended the use of delegated legislation and exemptions, especially during the pandemic.
Home Affairs confirmed it had created seven pandemic-related instruments – five in immigration and two in customs. All but one of these are exempt from parliamentary disallowance.
Hansard – Senate 22/06/2021 Parliament of Australia
22 June 2021 — The government’s own scrutiny of delegated legislation committee has … I’m pleased that on this issue we have the Labor Party’s support.
So, nothing new there.
And is that for EVERY bit of delegated Morrision decrees, come now be more open and transparent, your Labor bagging is such an ancient bit of mania.
Ah yes, the Greens Larissa Waters dual Canadian/Australian citizen no longer little grandstand.
I note that in the 8th para she actually welcomes Labor standing firm….I do hope you read all of her long screed, I know from your derogatory appellation calling me at one time the Lord of Logorrhoea for posts of mine which didn’t pass your stringent 5 line comment, that Larissa has got a lengthy grandstand there in Hansard.
Let’s hope the electoral wipeout predicted comes to pass. It would be well deserved. But elections these days are media driven popularity contests rather than anything based on substance (remember the last one?), and Labor will have to lift its game to fight off the Murdoch and other malign forces.
The last election was bought and paid for by Clive Palmer whose candidates did not fill out their nomination forms correctly especially the dual citizenship section.
The system was gained and Morrison was the winner but Australia has been the loser
Yes if you don’t edit when using speech to text you get a mixed bag but I assume most people understood the word that I had spoken which was not written properly in text by the IA
If you can’t be bothered to write your slabs why imagine that any sensible person would read them?
I see you are having a rest from bashing Labor.
They do it to themselves – assistance neither sought nor needed.
Possibly the only thing they do well, apart from rolling into as small a ball as possible to escape notice.
You pathological hatred for Labor is very dreary, and your small ball statement is so untrue.
Labor hopefully have learned from announcing policies and will be as small a ball as possible in the next election, giving Murdoch and your Coalition a small target. Of course you will be voting informal as there is no party worthy of your vote; at least none that you mention here amongst your blather.
Coz the ‘small target’ has worked so well for them (and the country) in the past.
Further proof – were it needed – that, unlike the higher primates, neither Labor, nor its acolyte apparatchiks such as you, learn from experience.
You’re getting very confused, Labor has never been a small target when it came to policies announced before elections.
It is no good mouthing the words – as Shorten did without a clue, or proverbial, what they meant.
There has to be vision, integrity and ability, none of which are career advancing qualities in the major parties.
Come off it mate you’re really starting to sound like an obsessed anti Labor but pro anything else, who provides no party name alternative, you’re very shy about that I notice.
As for vision and integrity look no further than Labor
Achievements of the Rudd-Gillard Government
· NBN (the real one) – total cost $37.4b (Government contribution: $30.4b)
· BER 7,920 schools: 10,475 projects. (completed at less than 3% dissatisfaction rate)
· Gonski – Education funding reform
· NDIS/DisabilityCare
· MRRT & aligned PRRT
· Won seat at the UN
· Signed Kyoto
· Signatory to Bali Process & Regional Framework
· Eradicated WorkChoices
· Established Fair Work Australia
· Established Carbon Pricing/ETS (7% reduction in emissions since July last year)
· Established National Network of Reserves and Parks
· Created world’s largest Marine Park Network
· Introduced Reef Rescue Program
· National Apology
· Sorry to the Stolen Generation
· Increased Superannuation from 9 to 12%
· Changed 85 laws to remove discrimination against same sex couples
· Introduced National Plan to reduce violence against women and children
· Improvements to Sex Discrimination Act
· Introduced Plain packaging
· Legislated Equal pay (social & community workers up to 45% pay increases)
· Legislated Australia’s first Paid parental leave scheme
· Established $10b Renewable energy fund
· Legislated Murray/Darling Basin plan (the first in a hundred years of trying.)
· Increased Education funding by 50%
· Established direct electoral enrollment
· Created 190,000 more University places
· Achieved 1:1 ratio, computers for year 9-12 students
· Established My School
· Established National Curriculum
· Established NAPLAN
· Increased Health funding by 50%
· Legislated Aged care package
· Legislated Mental health package
· Legislated Dental Care package
· Created 90 Headspace sites
· Created Medicare Locals Program
Created Aussie Jobs package
· Created Kick-Start Initiative (apprentices)
· Funded New Car plan (industry support)
· Created Infrastructure Australia
· Established Nation Building Program (350 major projects)
· Doubled Federal Roads budget ($36b) (7,000kms of roads)
· Rebuilding 1/3 of interstate rail freight network
· Committed more to urban passenger rail than any government since Federation
· Developed National Ports Strategy
· Developed National Land Freight Strategy
· Created the nations first ever Aviation White Paper
· Revitalized Australian Shipping
· Reduced transport regulators from 23 to 3 (saving $30b over 20years)
· Introduced NICS – infrastructure schedule
· Australia has moved from 20th in 2007 to 2nd on OECD infrastructure ranking
· Awarded International Infrastructure Minister of the Year (2012 Albanese)
· Awarded International Treasurer of the Year (2011 Swan)
· Introduced Anti-dumping and countervailing system reforms
· Legislated Household Assistance Package
· Introduced School Kids Bonus
· Increased Childcare rebate (to 50%)
· Allocated $6b to Social Housing (20,000 homes)
· Provided $5b to Support for Homelessness
· Established National Rental Affordability Scheme ($4.5b)
· Introduced Closing the Gap
· Supports Act of Recognition for constitutional change
· Provided the highest pension increase in 100 years
· Created 900,000 new jobs
· Established National Jobs Board
· Allocated $9b for skills and training over 5 years
· Established Enterprise Connect (small business)
· Appointed Australia’s first Small Business Commissioner
· Introduced immediate write-off of assets costing less than $6,500 for Sm/Bus
· Introduced $5,000 immediate write-off for Small Business vehicles over $6,500
Introduced Small business $1m loss carryback for tax rebate from previous year
· Legislated Australian Consumer law
· Introduced a national levy to assist Queensland with reconstruction
· Standardized national definition of flood for Insurance purposes.
· Created Tourism 2020
· Completed Australia’s first feasibility study on high speed rail
· Established ESCAS (traceability and accountability in live animal exports)
· Established Royal Commission into Institutional Sexual Abuse
· Established National Crime Prevention Fund
· Lowered personal income taxes (Ave family now pays $3,500 less p.a. than 2007)
· Raised the tax-free threshold from $6,000 to $18,200
· Australia now the richest per capita nation on earth
· First time ever Australia has three triple A credit ratings from all three credit agencies
· Low inflation
· Lowest interest rates in 60 years (Ave mortgagee paying $5,000 less p.a. than 2007)
· Low unemployment
· Lowest debt to GDP in OECD
· Australian dollar is now fifth most traded in the world and IMF Reserve Currency
· One of the world’s best performing economies during and since the GFC
· Australia now highest ranked for low Sovereign Risk
· Overseen the largest fiscal tightening in nations history (4.4%)
· 21 years of continuous economic growth (trend running at around 3%pa)
· 11 years of continuous wages growth exceeding CPI
· Increasing Productivity
· Increasing Consumer Confidence
· Record foreign investment
· Historic levels of Chinese/Australian bilateral relations
· First female Prime Minister
· First female Governor General
· First female Attorney General
Improved social equality and has a larger voice on the world stage.
All this (and more) despite a hung parliament, a recalcitrant press and the most negative and asinine Opposition since Federation.
vision, integrity and ability, none of which are career advancing qualities in the major parties.
You are having a lend surely, the only party that has lifted this nation out of forelock tugging is Labor .
“One of Lionel’s great legacies was the passage of The LaborTrade Practices Act described by Coalition as the most evil law ever invented.” Richard Ackland
Some of the nation building achievements of Gough Whitlam
1 Ended Conscription,
2. withdrew Australian troops from Vietnam,
3. Implemented Equal Pay for Women,
4. Launched an Inquiry into Education and the Funding of Government and Non-government Schools on a Needs Basis,
5. Established a separate ministry responsible for Aboriginal Affairs,
6. Established the single Department of Defence,
7. Withdrew support for apartheid–South Africa,
8. Granted independence to Papua New Guinea,
9. Abolished Tertiary Education Fees,
10. Established the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme (TEAS),
11. Increased pensions,
12. Established Medibank,
13. Established controls on Foreign Ownership of Australian resources,
14. Passed the Family Law Act establishing No-Fault Divorce,
15. Passed a series of laws banning Racial and Sexual Discrimination,
16. Extended Maternity Leave and Benefits for Single Mothers,
17. Introduced One-Vote-One-Value to democratize the electoral system,
18. Implemented wide-ranging reforms of the ALP’s organization,
19. Initiated Australia’s first Federal Legislation on Human Rights, the Environment and Heritage,
20. Established the Legal Aid Office,
21. Established the National Film and Television School,
22. Launched construction of National Gallery of Australia,
23. Established the Australian Development Assistance Agency,
24. Reopened the Australian Embassy in Peking after 24 years,
25. Established the Prices Justification Tribunal,
26. Revalued the Australian Dollar,
27. Cut tariffs across the board,
28. Established the Trade Practices Commission,
29. Established the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service,
30. Established the Law Reform Commission,
31. Established the Australian Film Commission,
32. Established the Australia Council,
33. Established the Australian Heritage Commission,
34. Established the Consumer Affairs Commission,
35. Established the Technical and Further Education Commission,
36. Implemented a national employment and training program,
37. Created Telecom and Australia Post to replace the Postmaster-General’s Department,
38. Devised the Order of Australia Honors System to replace the British Honors system,
39. Abolished appeals to the Privy Council,
40. Changed the National Anthem to ‘Advance Australia Fair’,
41. Instituted Aboriginal Land Rights, and
42. Sewered most of Sydney.
Now I know where THE PENTECOSTAL came from the unsewered part of Sydney. He is such a sewer rat.
Here’s what we get when the preferential system delivers a Morrisin government right when the nation needs a Labor government.
The ICU she works in used to have one section set aside for COVID-19 patients, but now all Sarah does during her 12-hour shift is look after COVID-19 patients needing high care.
Among them are people whose lungs have been so badly affected by the virus, they have been sedated and a tube has been put down their throat so a machine can help them breathe.
“As soon as we take over their ventilation, we have to monitor that so closely, because they become helpless,” she said.
I think somewhere along the line you’ve missed out on a whole chunk of reality when it comes to Labor
Watson Labor Government April 1904 – August 1904
First National Labor Government in the world (lasted 4 months), demonstrating that Labor could govern as a party.
Initiated a Royal Commission into coastal navigation which led to significant reforms to and improvements in the working conditions of Australian seamen.
Fisher Labor Government 1908-1909, 1910-1913, 1914-1915
First Federal Labor Government to win an election in its own right.
Legislated for a Commonwealth Bank and issued Australia’s first national banknotes.
Expanded and increased the old age pension.
Introduced a payment to mothers on the birth of a child.
Began the planning of the national capital.
Created the jurisdiction of the Northern Territory.
Began planning of the transcontinental railway.
Formed the Royal Australian Navy.
Legislated for a national worker’s compensation act.
Passed 113 acts in just three years.
Scullin Labor Government 1929-1931
Appointed the first Australian born Governor General Sir Isaac Isaacs.
Labor’s first native born Prime Minister.
The first Catholic Prime Minister.
Suspended compulsory military training for the first time since World War I.
Increased social service payments for people facing the Great Depression.
Negotiated for the British to reduce Australia’s annual interest payments in the Great Depression by £1.6 million, protected jobs.
Curtin Labor Government 1941-1945
Governed Australia during the Second World War, helping secure victory over the Axis forces in Europe and the Pacific.
Achieved full employment for the first time in Australia in order to fight the war.
Laid the basis for the ANZUS relationship by reaching out to the United States during the Second World War.
Introduced the first national system of widows’ pensions and expanded the child endowment.
Increased pensions for invalids.
Began funding public hospitals for the first time.
Increased soldier’s pay and allowances.
Introduced a centralised and uniform income tax system.
Laid the foundations of Australia’s post-war reconstruction policies.
Chifley Labor Government 1945-1949
Opened Australia to a new wave of immigration, significantly boosting Australia’s population.
Secured a major change in the Commonwealth Constitution to give the Federal Government power over social services.
Introduced legislation to create a public health system, paving the way for the creation of Medibank and subsequently Medicare in the 1970s and 1980s.
Created a government owned airline ‘Trans Australian airlines’.
Began building the Snowy Hydro Electricity Scheme.
Legislated for the construction of the Australian National University.
Created a fully independent Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Assisted many former Asian colonies achieve independence through the United Nations.
Played a major role in writing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through the efforts of then UN President HV Evatt.
Invested in the creation of the Holden motor company, Australia’s first car company.
Significantly invested in affordable housing for returned soldiers and the less fortunate.
Increased investment in education and social security.
Waged a campaign to rid Australia of Tuberculosis
How empty must your life be?
Tsk tsk, nasty little Selkie
That’s the best you can come up with when confronted by Labor’s nation building achievements for decades and decades, not surprised. But by all means provide the equivalent for your party of choice, assuming you actually vote, given your reluctance to stand up for any party every time I invite you to share your preference for the Selkie political gem that eclipses all others. I criticize Labor without hesitation, my posts have not been complimentary to Hawke or Keating, but unless one feigns ignorance and hacks Labor, it’s not good enough for a Selkie Labor Hater. Grow up.
Nice to see that you’ve changed your handle to the one I’ve used several times for you.
Imitation by the inadequate is not much of a compliment.
Perhaps you should also consider –
Vizier of Vacuity,
Mandarin of Meretriciousness
Nattering Nabob of Nutbaggery
Provender of Pontification.
Let me know if you need more.
Much is being made of the declining mental health of the population in a time of Covid.
I see far more cause for depression when I reflect on the behaviour of our current Federal Government and its smug duplicitous leader, than the Covid crisis, for which there is the possibility of a vaccine.
It seems there is to be no vaccine for the lackluster politicians who appear to serve only their own interests or those of their corporate backers.
It seems we expected to “live with” the consequences of a virus and politicians that are perhaps more injurious to our long term mental health.
Include climate change, or the lack of any action to try to mitigate its effects, as a contribution to declining mental health. Put yourselves in our children and grandchildren’s shoes. How can they possibly have any hope!
The choice is rewarding bungling incompetence with yet another opportunity or try Labor, who at least have some semblance of organisation in their structure.
Labor has an excellent record of green energy initiatives , anti-discrimination laws, 30 introduced equity funding for public schools had introduced the NDIS for the disabled , introduced a carbon price, and much much much more but the line you get from the Labor bashing numpties here, you would think you were reading comments in a Murdoch trash publication
Here you go, for those who have short memories; or are Greens in campaign mode here.
Achievements of the Rudd-Gillard Labor government by Ready Reader.
NBN (the real one) – total cost $37.4b (Government contribution: $30.4b)
BER 7,920 schools: 10,475 projects. (completed at less than 3% dissatisfaction rate)
Gonski – Education funding reform
MRRT & aligned PRRT
Won seat at the UN [opposed by Opposition]
Signed Kyoto
Signatory to Bali Process & Regional Framework
Eradicated WorkChoices
Established Fair Work Australia
Established Carbon Pricing/ETS (7% reduction in emissions since July last year)
Established National Network of Reserves and Parks
Created world’s largest Marine Park Network
Introduced Reef Rescue Program
National Apology Sorry to the Stolen Generation
Increased Superannuation from 9 to 12%
Changed 85 laws to remove discrimination against same sex couples
Introduced National Plan to reduce violence against women and children
Improvements to Sex Discrimination Act
Introduced Plain packaging
Legislated Equal pay (social & community workers up to 45% pay increases)
Legislated Australia’s first Paid parental leave scheme
Established $10b Renewable energy fund
Legislated Murray/Darling Basin plan (the first in a hundred years of trying.)
Increased Education funding by 50%
Established direct electoral enrollment
Created 190,000 more University places
Achieved 1:1 ratio, computers for year 9-12 students
Established My School
Established National Curriculum
Established NAPLAN
Increased Health funding by 50%
Legislated Aged care package
Legislated Mental health package
Legislated Dental Care package
Created 90 Headspace sites
Created Medicare Locals Program
Created Aussie Jobs package
Created Kick-Start Initiative (apprentices)
Funded New Car plan (industry support)
Created Infrastructure Australia
Established Nation Building Program (350 major projects)
Doubled Federal Roads budget ($36b) (7,000kms of roads)
Rebuilding 1/3 of interstate rail freight network
Committed more to urban passenger rail than any government since Federation
Developed National Ports Strategy
Developed National Land Freight Strategy
Created the nations first ever Aviation White Paper
Revitalized Australian Shipping
Reduced transport regulators from 23 to 3 (saving $30b over 20years)
Introduced NICS – infrastructure schedule
Australia has moved from 20th in 2007 to 2nd on OECD infrastructure ranking
Awarded International Infrastructure Minister of the Year (2012 Albanese)
Awarded International Treasurer of the Year (2011 Swan)
Introduced Anti-dumping and countervailing system reforms
Legislated Household Assistance Package
Introduced School Kids Bonus
Increased Childcare rebate (to 50%)
Allocated $6b to Social Housing (20,000 homes)
Provided $5b to Support for Homelessness
Established National Rental Affordability Scheme ($4.5b)
Introduced Closing the Gap
Supports Act of Recognition for constitutional change
Provided the highest pension increase in 100 years
Created 900,000 new jobs
Established National Jobs Board
Allocated $9b for skills and training over 5 years
Established Enterprise Connect (small business)
Appointed Australia’s first Small Business Commissioner
Introduced immediate write-off of assets costing less than $6,500 for Sm/Bus
Introduced $5,000 immediate write-off for Small Business vehicles over $6,500
Introduced Small business $1m loss carryback for tax rebate from previous year
Legislated Australian Consumer law
Introduced a national levy to assist Queensland with reconstruction
Standardized national definition of flood for Insurance purposes.
Created Tourism 2020
Completed Australia’s first feasibility study on high speed rail
Established ESCAS (traceability and accountability in live animal exports)
Established Royal Commission into Institutional Sexual Abuse
Established National Crime Prevention Fund
Lowered personal income taxes (Ave family now pays $3,500 less p.a. than 2007)
Raised the tax-free threshold from $6,000 to $18,200
Australia now the richest per capita nation on earth
First time ever Australia has three triple A credit ratings from all three credit agencies
Low inflation
Lowest interest rates in 60 years (Ave mortgagee paying $5,000 less p.a. than 2007)
Low unemployment
Lowest debt to GDP in OECD
Australian dollar is now fifth most traded in the world and IMF Reserve Currency
One of the world’s best performing economies during and since the GFC
Australia now highest ranked for low Sovereign Risk
Overseen the largest fiscal tightening in nations history (4.4%)
21 years of continuous economic growth (trend running at around 3%pa)
11 years of continuous wages growth exceeding CPI
Increasing Productivity
Increasing Consumer Confidence
Record foreign investment
Historic levels of Chinese/Australian bilateral relations
First female Prime Minister
First female Governor General
First female Attorney General
A fiscal strategy to return to budget surpluses over the economic cycle without damaging its economy with austerity measures already proven to fail.
A future linked to the National Broadband Network, renewable energy and greater productivity through higher education and infrastructure investment.
Improved social equality and has a larger voice on the world stage.
All this (and more) despite a hung parliament, a recalcitrant press and the most negative and asinine Opposition since Federation.
I do care about these implementations of policy but at this point I would vote for a turkey so long as it wasn’t one of the Trumpettes.
The NSW government is pushing through new coal exploration areas in the state’s mid-west, which have been labelled unviable and “corrupt” by independent experts even as the G7 call a halt on all new coal mining reports Callum Foote.
It’s better known for its rare Wollemi Pine but in the grotesque tradition of aggressive fossil fuel development, even as the world pulls out of coal mining, it may now be known for its Wollemi Mine.
Rylstone, a small town in the Central Tablelands of NSW, 25 km from Mudgee, is under threat from a suite of proposed coal exploration areas that the NSW government has been trying to auction off since mid-last year.
Will this township vote conservative?
Callum Foote writes for Michael West Media:
“Despite the NSW [Coalition] government’s attempts to cultivate a green brand, John Barilaro’s 2020 Strategic Statement on Coal Exploration and Mining in NSW has opened up productive farmland, adjacent to the world-heritage listed Wollemi national park to brand new coal exploration.
Together, the proposed new coal release areas will encompass over 10 thousand hectares of land in Hawkins and Rumker areas surrounding Rylstone.
This comes after the federal and Northern Territory governments together opened a landmass totalling 110,000km sq to gas exploration in 2021 alone.
The Rylstone community is already in the process of fighting a proposed open-cut lead and silver mine 2kms from the nearby town of Lue.
Despite being classified as an area which the Strategic Release Framework promised would have no further coal developments, the new anchorages have been snuck through as they are all “adjacent” to existing exploration licences and therefore permitted
The NSW [Coalition Berjiklian] Government might have a difficult time finding buyers for their coal exploration licences as coal miners rush to disinvest from the industry. BPH, the worlds largest miner, is currently trying to pay anyone US$275 million to take Mt Authur, the biggest thermal coal mine in Australia, off their hands.
In a report to investors this year, BHP wrote down a further $2.2 billion on their thermal coal assets as they attempt to transition to “future-facing” commodities”.
So what will voters in these electorates vote? Same old, or just another same old in the form of some idiot minor party? Shotters Shooters and Farmers for instance! Or maybe the delightful One Notion
Why – and for years now hasn’t Labor done a skills audit and identified suitable green jobs and liaised with industry and promise of gov assistance to provide jobs that will endure??
You may have not noticed that it is the Coalition which is in power when Labor was in power last green jobs and energy exploded under their green focused policies
Sad but true, but at same time would in my mind at least be strong incentive to vote Labor if they had a solid and funded plan with Industries saying they would implement it as those communities know coal is going eventually so why not vote for enduring jobs?
Joyce seemed to be foreshadowing a January or early February poll, a November one was more likely. If he’s right, we will know by the end of the month – just three weeks before an election countdown would need to be triggered.
Apart from it being too much effort whilst enjoying the comfort of opposition they are beholden to the troglodytes in the CFMMEU et al.
It would also require vision for a future incompatible with the sclerotic centralised power of SussexSt and its boon companion, BigBuck$.
The last thing that unholy alliance wants is resilient independent communities uninterested in their tired old script which would be the result – indeed the prime requisite, of alternative energy and means of production.
The last phrase is something the Left once saw as essential to democratise – it would give the cellar dwelling apparatchiks, such as ‘Allan‘ conniptions because it would obviate central control.
It’s also why Peter Baldwin was bashed half to death.
Oh no! Not the dreaded CFMEU! Heaven forbid. And the Greens! OMG, tragedy warning here. I hope you can read all of this; and it’s not too long or lengthy.
The relationship between the Greens and the giant roughhouse union the CFMEU is curious.
The union has tipped money into the minority party in rather generous dollops. There seemed to be some quid pro quo with Senator Richard Di Natale and his parliamentary colleagues opposing the restoration of the Australian Building and Construction Commission and legislation to reduce the number of union people on the boards of super funds.
Other employee outfits such as the Electrical Trades Union and the National Tertiary Education Union have also funded the Greenies.
But when it comes to coalmining there are some unfortunate tensions. Contrary to official Greens policy, the mining part of the CFMEU is dead keen on getting the Adani mine up and running, in the forlorn belief that it will employ thousands of workers. Yet the union’s construction segment doesn’t seem too bothered about splashing members’ funds on the minority party.
Anyway, it’s an awkward straddle for both the Greens and the union. The mining division might as well be giving money to One Nation, whose leader thinks the Barrier Reef is in glowing health and that bleached coral is just the ticket.
The focus has been on the $1 billion loan to Adani for the rail link between the mine and the Abbot Point coal loader. The Greens can safely say they are “concerned” about the loan, while not making too huge a fuss about the mine itself.